不过这么说来的话,我也很好奇,Flutz到底该没改过来呢。。。 原帖由 Astar11 于 2008-7-2 00:16 发表
同感……希望不会对跳跃产生不利的影响 (乌鸦嘴啊乌鸦嘴、乌鸦乌鸦嘴……) 同感,mao的肌肉力量并不是很突出 , 感觉她07-08赛季的 跳跃比起06-07赛季发沉,没有原来轻盈 肌肉力量偶觉得还是好的,与现在这几位女单姑娘比的话,至于MAO体型的变化,小姑娘长身体的时候到了,不过如果小MAO戒戒她那张谗嘴,这么大训练量应该没问题,就是千万不要受伤呀!
在FSU上看到的,胡乱翻了几句:The ceremony of the construction of the sub rink for Miki & Mao was held. This is an article in “Chunichi Sports” in Japan.
Translation into English.
The ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the sub-rink of the Ice Arena in Chukyo University for supporting Miki & Mao was held.
July 2nd, 2008 (JST)
By Masakazu Saito
In the Toyota campus of Chukyo University where the leading figure skaters of the world such as Miki Ando (20, Chukyo University, Toyota Motor), Mao Asada (17, Chukyo University Chukyo High School) and others, place the training base, it got establishing the sub rink "Rainbow Rink" as annex to the ice arena "Aurora Rink", and the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of it was held there.
It is to be completed in January of next year.
It both supports Ando and Mao for Vancouver Olympics and leads to the improvement of the training environment of the other leading players, too.
It becomes the training base also for supporting "the figure skating kingdom Aichi".
Miki和Mao等其他高手训练所在地的Chukyo University7月2日又开始建一个新冰场,名叫“彩虹”,作为原有冰场“黎明女神”的辅助场馆。为Miki和Mao冲击温哥华冬奥会使用,并作为“爱知县花滑王国”的训练基地。预计将于明年1月完工。
The ice arena in Chukyo University completed with spending about 1,200 million yen in May last year.
Eight players in Chukyo University such as Ando, Takahiko Kozuka, etc and five players in Chukyo University Chukyo High School such as Mao Asada etc, practice there, moreover, it is specified as the training base of the National Training Center (NTC) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan and it is opened also for the leading players of the extramural.
However, for example, Ando and Mao Asada are a rival each other even if they are the skaters belonging to the school of same Chukyo University Group.
Therefore, because the leading players who use there increased, it became narrow and it became difficult to do adjustment of the time among the players, too.
Therefore, to cancel the distress, this time, the University decided the construction of sub rink "the Rainbow Rink" with spending about 400 million yen.
It becomes the figure skating base which spent 1,600 million yen with the total of 400 million yen and 1,200 million yen. 原来的冰场造价12亿日元,作为Chukyo大学、高中队员的训练基地,其中包括Miki和Mao。随着训练人数增加,场馆问题突出,因此决定新建一个“彩虹牌”冰场缓解场馆压力。新冰场造价4亿日元。
"The Rainbow Rink" becomes the rink which is a size smaller than the main rink, as 20 meters of 40 meter. For the sub rink, it makes easy to confirm a form with installing two sheets of mirror on the wall, and it creates an identity between the coach and the player with removing a fence around the rink. It says that it was designed while it adopted aggressively an opinion also of the players side of Ando etc. “彩虹牌”冰场长40,宽20,两旁安装落地镜,并且不会设置围栏,使教练员与运动员沟通更方便。设计过程还参考了Miki等运动员的意见。(我就不翻译aggressively了)
On this day, the 60 person approximately such as Kiyohiro Umemura who is a president and chief director in Umemura academy which manages Chukyo University, and Kiyoshi Hijikata who is an alumni association chairmen, etc attended a ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the sub rink. The president and chief director, Umemura said "I want to give the children the dream and to make the rink which can contribute to Japan and the world as the National Training Center in Japan" and promised to cooperate maximumly to training the figure skating players. The gorgeous facilities support Ando and Mao Asada who aim at the gold medal at Vancouver Olympics in 2010.约60名官僚参加了奠基仪式,官僚头目感慨万分:“我多么希望实现孩子们的一个梦啊!这个冰场注定要为日本强大、世界和平做出巨大贡献!并且将成为日本国国立训练中心!我将以我最大的力量来帮助Miki和Mao实现她们的温哥华金牌梦!多么伟大的冰场!啊!”
The explanation of the photograph:
Kiyohiro Uemura who is a president and chief director in Umemura academy devotes "a Tamagushi" or "a branch of a sacred tree" by the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the sub rink.
At Toyota City in Aichi Prefecture.
The explanation of “Tamagushi” in Wikipedia. 这次的表演让我觉得,她的表演能力好像进步了不少,不过脸上的表情还是让人觉得有点……
她这次表演的裙子实在是………………那个人设计的?是不是出工不出力啊?不过这套裙子穿去跳卡门不知道会不会效果好一些! 我觉得MAO的新EX,开头韵味比较好,然后越滑越像以前的MAO……所以,我比较喜欢开始1分钟左右的内容……
还是觉得MAO的表情没很到位 不要笑得那么灿烂嘛……
原帖由 loooop 于 2008-6-30 23:16 发表
同意~~她们的衣服把我活生生地雷到了…… 嗯。。。其实。。。我的感觉只持续了不到20秒。。。不过我同意,钢琴进来之前那一小段我很喜欢~ 总之是这个状态 ,直到镜头拉近,看到Mao的表情,顿时僵掉。。。
这是最近的采访,Mao&Mai要在这个月底的ice show中表演双人的节目。去年finale的时候就有一小段,两个人觉得挺好玩的,今年要挖出整一个program来。Mai说步法必须跟上Mao的速度,练起来蛮难的~呼呼~。(为什么我觉得Mai瘦了?还是。。。Mao胖了?! )
好想去看!!!挣扎中。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 对 mao的新节目,我倒是挺有感觉的,mao在表演上的进步很大啊,手臂的动作细腻了 很多
笑得灿烂不好么,很符合热情的tango啊1 不过,表情更丰富一些就好了 觉得红黑的那件实在是。。实在是。。让我想到魔幻神鬼电视剧里的人物
还是怀念以前的服装阿 YU-NA的TANGO不也是类似红黑相间的吗?不是颜色的问题,是这个款式的问题,哎呀,就是设计者的问题,这个衣服…… 没有人发这个哦。。。Mao的曲目:
LP:假面舞会 (?)
这里讲到的。LP日文的翻译不确定。。。 汗,早已经发过了
不过我很期待另一个表演节目 话说yuna的tango并不是黑,而是很深的紫色吧 应该是一支胳膊是紫的,一支是黑的,请认真看。我说是差不多!