21 Tanith BELBIN / Benjamin AGOSTO USA
Amelie both in shades of blue
Some chor that express wonderment to start / 1st twizzles great - she fell out of the end of the 2nd one / curve lift him in spread eagle her verital from his shoulders / music is light and flowing and to start O ftwrk and then picks up 1/3 through - every thing timed with the music beautifully / music back to same as start and some lovely lilting chor / S lift with her in vertical split into rot life / S lift is next most pos have her in split / spin her in camel then foot to head / music is accordion now and a little bouncey now flowing as the do the diag steps - nice with music and flowing / quicker now and some light quick dancing into rot lift with her in catch foot / j
PB 111.54 TES 50.61 PCS 46.80 ded 1.00 tot 96.41 gr tot 195.43 2nd in FD 2nd overall
Twizzles lev 3 & combo lift / lev 4 rest