相信大家看到这张熟悉的图片,一定会回忆起1952年出品的歌舞片“Sing in the rain”。由著名影星Gene Kelly,Debbie Reynolds主演。故事讲的是:1927年的好莱坞,大明星唐在一个影片的首映式后,偶遇青年女子凯西,唐对娇小聪慧的凯西萌生了爱意,但凯西却对此不以为然。当时好莱坞正在为即将到来的有声电影进行着各种尝试,电影公司决定把唐和他的影坛情侣林娜主演的影片《决斗骑士》拍成有声片,但林娜糟糕的嗓音和不成熟的有声技术,令影片在试映中一败涂地。就在大家沮丧之际,百老汇歌舞演员出身的凯西却提议将本片拍成歌舞片,这个主意让众人兴奋不已。不会唱不会跳的林娜的说和唱都由凯西配音替代,影片中还加入了许多现代舞蹈,公映后观众反应极为强烈,心胸狭窄的林娜企图让多才多艺的凯西永远充当自己的配音,不惜以自己的明星地位去要挟电影公司老板。但在林娜向观众致谢时,热情的观众觉得她的声音和电影中的不一样,一致要求她唱一首歌。唐要求凯西在幕后替前台的林娜唱,当《雨中曲》优美的旋律回旋在大厅时,唐等人拉开了大幕,观众们顿时明白了谁才是这部影片真正的明星,唐和凯西紧紧拥抱在了一起。
大家熟悉的主题音乐出现在男主人公唐在雨天送女友凯西回家后,由于兴奋在雨中的一段浪漫的内心独白。这恐怕也是大家对影片印象最深刻的一部分。Gene Kelly以其华丽的舞步使这一片段成为传世之作。
I''m singin'' in the rain,
just singin'' in the rain.
What a glorious feeling,
I''m happy again.
I''m laughing at clouds,
so dark up above.
The sun''s in my heart<br>and I''m ready for love.
Let the stormy clouds chase<br>ev''ryone from the place.
Come on with the rain,<br>I''ve a smile on my face.
I''ll walk down the lane with a happy refrain,
and singin'' just singin'' in the rain.
Why am I smilin'' and why do I sing?
Why does December seem sunny as spring?
Why do I get up each morning to start
happy and het up with joy in my heart?
Why is each new task a trifle to do?
Because I am living a life full of you.
I''m singin'' in the rain,
just singin'' in the rain.
What a glorious feeling,
I''m happy again.
I''m laughing at clouds,
so dark up above.
The sun''s in my heart
and I''m ready for love.
Let the stormy clouds chase
ev''ryone from the place.
Come on with the rain,
I''ve a smile on my face.
I''ll walk down the lane with a happy refrain,
and singin'' just singin'' in the rain. |