这是音乐人Gordon Cobb为Sandhu度身定制的自由滑音乐,带有强烈实验性的、House风格的电子舞曲,乐曲中的打击乐颇具东方特色,我们还可以听到中国的钹,与合成器的音色浑然一体,很奇妙的感觉。关于Cobb和Sandhu的合作,Cobb是这么说的: Canadian ice skater Emanuel Sandhu commissioned me to create the music for his long program. He will be skating this program at the 2006 Olympics in Torino, Italy. Look for this program on the CBC on Thursday, February 16th in the 6pm (Western Time) time slot of the Olypmics coverage.
Good luck Emanuel!
大致是说Cobb居住在加拿大温哥华,在西蒙·弗雷泽大学现代艺术系学习音乐,也曾经在伦敦学习音乐和媒体,最近在Emily Molnar的“SubSilence”舞蹈中心工作,Sandhu的这首音乐会在Cobb的专辑《Curve》中收录。
Gordon lives in East Vancouver. He studied music at the School for the Contemporary Arts at Simon Fraser University, exploring the relationship between modern dance choreography and soundscape composition.
He has also studied at the London College of Music and Media in England, graduating with distinction from the Masters of Music program in Composition for New Media. While in England, he explored conceptual soundscape, and it's relationship to virtual space and virtual environments.
Gordon’s work has been performed most recently at The Dance Center in Emily Molnar’s “SubSilence”, and will soon be featured with Ms. Molnar in New York with the NY Ballet. His work has also been featured at The Chutzpah Festival 2005, Dancing on the Edge 2005, 2004, 2003 and 2000, Festival of New Dance 2005 in St John’s, Newfoundland, Encore Danse Festival 2004, Dancers for a Small Stage X, IX and IV, Dancers for Life 2002, XII Minutes Max XXII and XVII, Latenight Kiss 2000, Edam, The Arts Umbrella, SFU, and the Shadbolt Center for the Arts. Gordon also shares his love of music with his piano and theory students, in both his private practice, and at the Arts Umbrella in the Sarah McLachlan Music Outreach Program.
Copies of Gordon’s new CD “Curve” are available for sale from the composer via snail mail. Please contact Gordon for more information.
Cobb的MSN,可以试试找他聊天 [email protected] 
