Evan Lysacek的表演节目“Sway”,曲目演唱者Michael Buble师从鼎鼎大名David Foster(似乎凡是经他手就能捧红一批人,Celine Dion、Josh Gorban……)
Michael Buble这位现年25岁的年轻绅士,来自加拿大温哥华,只要他那天生歌唱家般的嗓子一开,就能创造出一个绝佳的听歌空间,与听者尽情的享受歌声所带来的愉悦感。
自对音乐产生兴趣以来,Buble就情不自禁的迷上Ella Fitzgerald、Sarah Vaughan、Rosemary Clooney这些相当真切的浪漫歌声,当水电工的爷爷为了磨Buble的歌艺,经常以修理水电为交换条件,让Buble能够与镇上的音乐家同台演唱,17岁时,Buble在加拿大的新秀选拔赛中夺冠,除了赢得灌录唱片的机会,并参予‘Red Rock Diner’、‘Swing’等音乐剧的演出,Buble的歌声吸引本身也是老歌迷的加拿大前首相Brian Mulroney的注意,Mulroney将他推荐给华纳音乐集团/143音乐厂牌的高层主管David Foster,在Mulroney女儿婚礼上高歌一曲"Mack The Knife"后,佛斯特正式将Michael Buble签入旗下。

When marimba rhythms start to play Dance with me, make me sway Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me, sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me, sway with me Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have that magic technique When we sway I go weak I can hear the sounds of violins Long before it begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have the magic technique When we sway I go weak I can hear the sounds of violins Long before it begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth, sway me now When marimba rhythms start to play Dance with me, make me sway Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me, sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me, sway with me When marimba start to play Hold me close, makes me sway Like an ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me, sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me, sway with me