liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-16 02:07:57

恩,之前我忘了说了,看第四集BE GOOD的粉丝情景的时候,我就觉得里面一定有咱们论坛里的同学.哈哈.WEIR戴白连衣帽那次不就在07COC么

liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-16 02:30:21



西溪 发表于 2010-2-16 02:35:43

威少上Vanity Fair<名利场>啦:时尚界无人不晓无人不知

Vancouver 2010 Olympics Watch: Figure Skater Johnny Weirby Marnie Hanel
February 11, 2010, 3:36 PM

Meet Johnny Weir: a figure skater so campy controversial that he incited a protest with just a “puff of winter fox” at the Olympic trials last month. (He’ll go with faux fur in Vancouver.) No stranger to fashion-driven fuss, the self-proclaimed Russophile drew criticism in 2006 by warming up at the Torino Olympics in a C.C.C.P. jacket. He also scored fans with his self-designed Björk-sh swan costume. When asked about its red “beak” he said, “His name is Camille—two Ls. I think he’s my evil side. When I skate badly, I blame it on my glove.”
Weir’s cheeky air-head routine belies his eminent talent. Raised in rural Pennsylvania, Weir learned to skate in a frozen cornfield when he was 14. His natural athleticism allowed him to catch up with his peers quickly, famously executing an axel during his first week on skates. Now he’s the sequined star of America’s exceptionally strong figure-skating team. VF Daily’s Marnie Hanel talks to Vancouver’s most quotable Olympian about Lady Gaga, that darn jacket, and flying the freak flag.

VF Daily: What’s your favorite costume this year? Did you name it?
Johnny Weir: I love my new free-program costume. It is very me. It is off-the-shoulder. Beautiful gathering. I look thin. Tons of Swarovskis. I wish I’d named my costumes this season. I suppose the short program is “Dirrty.” With two Rs.

You’re skating to Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face.” Who has better style, you or Lady Gaga?
VF:你将采用Lady Gaga的“Poker Face”,你觉得你有型还是Lady Gaga更有型?
Lady Gaga has better style than me for sure. Style is having no inhibitions and a strong sense of self. Despite my reputation, I have boundaries. There are some days when I step outside thinking that I need bring it down several hundred notches. The cities and countries I visit also inspire me. Fashion is defined differently when you’re in Moscow and when you’re in Quarryville, Pennsylvania. You have to dress the part.
JW:当然是Lady Gaga啦。时尚没有界限,它只是表达自我的一种方式。尽管我名声不是很好,但我也是有底线的。我有时会思考关于时尚这个问题,我去过的城市和国家也让我对此有更深的理解。在莫斯科或是在宾州,你会发现这两个地方对时尚的定义都是不一样的。你必须理解时尚的独到微妙之处。

When you started skating, Oksana Baiul was your inspiration. Who’s your inspiration now?
VF:你最初开始滑冰,你的动力来源是Oksana Baiul.那你现在的动力是什么?
My inspiration isn’t so much a person as an ideal. I want my skating to take people to another planet. I strive to drift away into a dream world.

Do you think the criticism you received for wearing a C.C.C.P. jacket was fair?
VF:关于你在06年冬奥会穿着印有C.C.C.P.( 共产俄罗斯苏联缔造者列宁)的外套,外界对你的抨击,你是怎么看的?
I totally understand the issue that people had with that, but what most people neglected to understand was that I received it as a gift from Tatyana Totmianina, who won the Olympic gold medal in pairs skating. I wore it for luck, not as a Communist statement. I am a firm believer that being a good American and being a good ambassador means being a citizen of the world and appreciating all cultures. I happen to love Russia and I happen to love America. I see no issue in that.
JW:我很清楚人们是怎么看我的。但是很多人忽视了这样一个事实:这件衣服是奥运会双人滑冠军Tatyana Totmianina(Johnny小时候的偶像)送给我的。我穿着只是为了寻求好运,并不是宣扬共产主义。我坚信成为一个好的美国人成为一个好的国际交流使者意味着你也应该是一个世界公民并且欣赏所有的文化。我喜爱俄罗斯,我也很爱美国。我并不觉得有任何问题。
(关于这个问题Johnny在一个视频中也澄清过:他很爱美国,他很为自己是美国人而感到骄傲。但是同时他也很pro-world, pro-fashion, pro-Russia。这种喜欢和爱国是米有冲突的)

Are your Chihuahuas coming to Vancouver?
Vanya and BonBon will not be making the trek. They are bad at traveling. Having me as their father makes them very diva, and they only travel if all the attention goes to them. Vancouver will be my time.
JW: Vanya and BonBon(好可爱的名字)不会来。他们很不适应旅行生活。作为他们的父亲我已经把他们宠坏了,只有把全部注意力都能放在他们上面的时候他们才肯跟我旅行。温哥华将是我的个人世界。

Your killer attitude and costumes have raised some eyebrows in the skating community. Why do you think you’re so controversial?
Figure skating is very old fashioned and staid. The people in power are several decades older than the people they are judging, which makes things tense when somebody like me comes along. I respect my elders, but I don’t feel a need to appease them. I don’t play by anyone’s rules but my own. That’s why it’s controversial when I say and wear things that are deemed inappropriate. I hope in my own way that I’ve helped the next generation of athletes to feel comfortable being themselves and flying their freak flags high.
JW: 花样滑冰其实是一个相对古老的死板的运动。现在的裁判评论届都要比真正在表演的运动员老几十岁,他们对我这样的人的不满不理解也是正常的。我很尊敬这些长者,但我并不觉得需要刻意的投其所好。我只是走我自己的路!这也是为什么某些时候我会引来非议的原因。我希望我的行为能为下一代年轻的运动员铺平道路,这样他们就能更好的做他们自己,豪爽的挥洒自己的人生。
(Johnny好样的!裁判不认你,还有我们一群人认你 )

What do you say to your critics? VF:你对你的批评者有什么看法?
Suck it.
JW:(威少爷懒得理了,直接仍一句):Suck it



liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-16 03:41:39



Johnny did a clean quad day before yesterday at Trout Lake, tried many this morning, and will continue to try at this evening's practice

Kevser 发表于 2010-2-16 06:06:32

土豆上这帮人因为Lady Gaga才发现Weir是天才......而我因为Weir才知道Lady Gaga。
Yvonne 发表于 2010-2-16 00:06
我本来就很喜欢Poker Face,于是看到JWe的gala用了这首歌那是相当惊喜呀

Cathy_Y 发表于 2010-2-16 06:40:10


lunar0423 发表于 2010-2-16 08:14:11

Johnny 确实尝试了quad,不过双足了。看training我们的大少状态还好,3a很稳定。看完训练在门口又买9折的男单自由滑决赛票。很爽!135刀

liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-16 09:40:18

Here's Johnny's quad


liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-16 09:50:50


emilieliu 发表于 2010-2-16 10:32:23

我本来就很喜欢Poker Face,于是看到JWe的gala用了这首歌那是相当惊喜呀
多么希望能在这次冬奥的ex上看到 ...
Kevser 发表于 2010-2-16 06:06

我那天在开心上看到以gaga为噱头传weir的ex programme,我还特惊讶,心想sex bomb完了之后,轮到weir了。想要在中国出名,在ex节目的选曲上下点功夫,一定得找热门单曲。

可惜我实在不喜欢poker face,没有去看,这个节目我也从来没去看过。除了这首,其他的我倒也没那么不喜欢。但能让weir出名,也好啊。

liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-16 11:35:12

回复 115# emilieliu

和大众反应相反的是,WEIR的冰迷里,相对POKER FACE,有好多更喜欢他之前柔美风格EX的.

Yvonne 发表于 2010-2-16 13:57:33

人家emilieliu的意思不过是,要想让FS在中国人内走红,在ex的选曲上最好是要投其所好。这是个因果关系。人家可没说错,因为花样滑冰在中国人内的影响力很一般,说难听点,大部分中国人的艺术素养就那么点。可人家没把该因果关系倒一倒,说Weir是为了出名才滑Lady Gaga的。




liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-16 15:17:52 今天训练照,人们特别注意到“胳膊上戴着绣着金线的USA”

西溪 发表于 2010-2-16 15:25:00

liyung0248 发表于 2010-2-16 15:17

    真乖~Johnny明天要滑出全美短节目的水平呀! New Johnny, Come on, go to Olympics!!

Wilwarin 发表于 2010-2-16 16:05:36

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