原来冰球棍还有这样的用处 Guatemala City, GUATEMALA: Russian athletes Evgeni Plushenko (L) and Svetlana Zhurova present to the International Olympic Committee their country's campaign to elect Sochi as the host city of the 2014 Winter Olympics, during the IOC's meeting in downtown Guatemala City, July 4, 2007. Sochi is running against Austria's Salzburg and Pyeongchang in South Korea.
Guatemala City, GUATEMALA: Russian Torino figure skating Olympic Champion Evgeni Plushenko (R) and Russian jazz saxophonist Igor Butman play ice hockey at the Russian House in Gutamala City, 02 July 2007, where they came to support the candidacy of the Russian city Sochi to host the 2014 Winter Olympics Games at an IOC meeting in Guatemala.
Guatemala City, GUATEMALA: Torino Olympic Champion Yevgeny Plushenko of Russia performs on roller blades in Guatemala-City, late 30 June 2007, supporting Sochi's winter olympics candidature.
http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/8559/74971899nz7.jpg 第2张打冰球的那张。。。
那个脸盘~~~贼大啊 角度问题吧?不过他现在比半年前清减了不少... 我觉得那脸浮肿了不少~ 大家注意看C5的体育新闻,Plushenko出镜了,宣布结果之前与同伴在座位上手拉手做祷告状。
http://photo8.yupoo.com/20070705/192723_1846618960.jpghttp://photo6.yupoo.com/20070705/192723_952596563.jpg 感觉冬奥会影响力比夏奥会小很多,去年CCTV直播冬奥会的时候我们好多同学说怎么放这些。不过花滑、短道我都很喜欢看。 我觉得6楼和7楼同学的参照物时间点用的不一样......
(其实我是想八卦句, FSU上从俄罗斯这次申(冬)奥成功, 引申到中国的申奥成功......再引申到各国言论自由BLABLABLA的, 正在小小地讨论/争论中~~~) 我怎么觉得普不论摆什么姿势都有一种妖异的感觉呀 ...妖异...?! 没那么恐怖吧...?
不过看照片感觉上他开朗了很多~ 恩,今天的新闻我也看到了
PS 有谁看到POPOV不 我没看到主席大人,不甘心不甘心啊!!! 大叔控兼变态控...... 你可以说我是“变态的大叔控”,但不可以说我控的是“变态”——语文不及格的家伙!