不好意思~~因为最近考试,实在没有时间翻译,所以就偷工减料了,就只有让你们自己弄弄了~~ 牛牛,是英文的话我帮你翻译一下~ Figure skating-Plushenko has knee surgery in Germany
MOSCOW - Olympic figure skating champion Yevgeny Plushenko had surgery on his troublesome knees on Thursday, putting a question mark over his planned comeback after a year off from the sport.
"I can confirm that he did have surgery in Germany," Plushenko's coach, Alexei Mishin, told Reuters.
"Of course, I can't say when he would be able to resume training. We'll be able to be more specific in the next few weeks."
The skater's agent, Ari Zakaryan, earlier told Russian media that the 24-year-old had surgery on cartilages in both knees.
Plushenko, widely regarded as the most gifted skater of his generation, has not competed since winning the men's title at the Turin Olympics in February, 2006.
Earlier this year, however, the Russian announced he would make a comeback. He was planning his first competitive start at the Russian grand prix meeting in Moscow in November.
(c) Reuters 2007. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world. 奥运冠军P在德国完成了他的膝盖手术。
Ari Zakaryan早前告诉俄国媒体“这位24岁的冠军双膝的关节都有些问题”
普鲁申科,这位被认为是在他的时代里面最出色的花样滑冰选手, (偶家小熊呢),在都灵奥运后就再也没有踏上赛场。
然而在早前,俄国官方宣称普将回归冰坛,他的首场“再比赛”计划是在11月的大奖赛俄罗斯站。 多谢楼上的帮忙翻译,,下次定亲力亲为,,网络抽风,继续看书去 这消息鱼类发过了~~~ 我没有看到耶~~~是最新的消息呀~~~那就再发几张图吧,郁闷
http://www.icevision.ru/english/files/photos/picture_1098.jpg?PHPSESSID=ab222c9b6229a2f55376ba90185bfe24 那个...报道里没有说Plushenko是最出色的选手,而是说他是最有天才的(个人觉得指的是跳跃方面)... Plushenko的伤势图解:
http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/5697/330444uq8.th.gif 汗.......又要出现了? 1, PLUSHY越长越象个巫婆或巫师了 -- 是说......他的鼻子.
2, 我觉得他不无变秃子的可能.
3, 该同志的消息三日一变, 估计要等活的站在冰场上开始比赛, 才能知道他到底要干吗~ 这只是一个小手术,我想明年他就会出现在赛场上了,大奖赛赶不上,欧锦赛是赶得上的,不过到时能怎么样,就只有闭着眼睛看了,裁判印象分不要毁了才好啊!