qianmianmonv 发表于 2011-4-16 00:19:14





ifoacn 发表于 2011-4-18 01:51:52




Mozart 发表于 2011-4-18 12:31:58


唯爱老姐and老妈 发表于 2011-4-20 22:36:06








西溪 发表于 2011-4-21 13:43:13


唯爱老姐and老妈 发表于 2011-4-21 23:27:54


and 5月6-8日的ATSS表演,猪将会上演新gala
Brian Joubert: A Figure Skater Needs to Be a Little Crazy


Let’s get through the questions about figure skating. Who chose the music for your programs in this season?
I chose the music for the short program myself. I wanted to skate to this music a long time ago, but I felt that I was not ready to do it. Music for my free skating is the choice of David Wilson.

It is a very untypical music for you, isn’t it?
Yes, it is, but I wanted to change something, I wanted to improve. I have to admit, it is very difficult, but I feel good in these programs. Especially I like the short one.

How easy was the decision to take flamenco for the short program?
It was not easy at all. If you skate to flamenco, you have to do it very well, that’s why I was a bit uptight about that idea. I wanted to work more on the program, on the details, but I was also scared of the new free skating. I even did not like the music when I listened to it for the first time.

But you have taken this music nevertheless.
Yes, because I wanted to do something new, something very different to what I have done before. I don’t know, maybe that was not the best decision for post-Olympic season, but it will help me next year to improve and to try something new.

By the way, do we have any chance to see “Bolero” next season?
I don’t know… I would love to skate to this music, but if you are skating to “Bolero”, you have to do a perfect program. You have no choice, so it puts some pressure on you. Let’s see, if I feel myself ready to do it, I will do it. If not, I will take another music.

But you are skating next season, no questions here?
Definitely. I don’t want to stop.

Have you ever counted how many medals you already have?
Sixteen at Europeans and Worlds, at Grand Prix… I don’t know.

Too many, I suppose?
Gold medal of Cup of China still is not there. I really want to win it. It is a very important goal for me.

Is there any medal that is the most precious for you?
I am very proud of my first medal at European Championships in 2002. Of course, I am proud of my gold in Budapest 2004 when I won against Plushenko, but it was easy for me. There was not any pressure, I had nothing to lose. That’s why I appreciate my bronze medals at World in Torino last year more, because it was much more difficult. And, of course, I am very proud of my gold medal at Worlds 2007 in Tokyo.

Would you like your niece to become a figure skater?

Why not, if it is not a secret?
The answer is very simple: she does not like it. And if she does not like it… it is ok.

But have you already taught her to skate?
Of course, she skates at public skate, but not in a club. She does not like sports or competitions at all.

You told you would like to become a coach. What kind of coach will you be?
I think, I will be very strict, because if I do coaching, it will be not just to earn money, but to get some results: to create a school of figure skating on a very high level in France. We have a lot of young skaters, but they do not work. To be honest, I am already a bit worried about that.

Would you prefer to coach little children or top-skaters?
I think, the best way is to start with a child and help him to get better and better results.

You have also told that you liked motorsports. Are there any similarities between figure skating and MotoGP?
You can fall down (laughs). Maybe, the craziness also, but it refers to MotoGP more, because you must be crazy to ride like that. However, I think, a figure skater also needs to be a little crazy to enter the ice, to get speed and to do a quad jump, especially when you think, how often you fall while practicing. And one more similarity: you can be ’100 percent’ ready for a race or an important competition, but lose everything in 20 seconds, when you fall on the first quad or in the first corner.

What kind of sport is more difficult?
I don’t know, I have never tried racing.

But you ride a motorbike!
Yes, but that is not racing, it is ‘public skate’, you know. I think, figure skating is one of the most difficult kinds of sport, because you have to be artistic, strong mentally and physically and you have to do all of the elements.

In MotoGP you can change a bike, a team, a race track, but in figure skating you are forced to do the same thing every day…
That is not true. Even the jumping alone is not the same thing: one day you do all of the jumps, but next day you just can’t land one of them and you have no idea why. Ice is not the same also. During competitions you always feel the difference between ice at the practice rink an at the main one. Boots and blades are like a motorbike.

If you were a MotoGP racer, which team would you like to ride for?
I think, Yamaha.

Then what do you say about Valentino Rossi’s move to Ducati?
It will be interesting to follow that. Of course, it is great for Ducati to have an Italian rider, and especially Valentino Rossi, and he also wanted to change the team. However, it could also be not so easy. Let’s see.

What do you think is more difficult to change: skates or a bike?
I think, it is the same thing. For example, I have the same boots from the beginning of my career, and it will be a disaster, if I change them. It will take me a few months to get the same level of skating again.

You have bought Lorenzo’s bike replica during last MotoGP race in France. Do you have a new favorite rider?
No, there were only four bikes at the auction and it was the last one, so that is the reason. But I like Lorenzo, he is a great racer and I knew that he had been able to get MotoGP champion title last season. So why not to buy a replica of the potential world champion?

Do you ride this bike?
Yes, but not too often, because I don’t want to take risk. One accident could be enough to say goodbye to figure skating.

Did you follow Formula 1 last season?
No. A lot of rules were changed and racing became boring, I think. That’s why I turned all my attention to MotoGP.

I wanted to ask a question about Michael Schumacher’s comeback. Don’t you think it would be interesting to compare Schumacher and Plushenko?
Yes, they both are great champions, they decided to come back…

And gained nothing?
Silver medal of Olympic Games is not nothing (laughs).

But silver medalist is the first loser, isn’t he?
He is not. It is like in France: we say that it is better to be fifth that fourth. Bosh! I prefer to be second that third and fourth than fifth. By the way, I heard that Plushenko comes back one more time.

Do you think in Sochi 2014? Do you also plan to attend it?
I am thinking about that. I feel myself great, I still want to skate and to compete, but I have to change a lot of things and it takes me a lot of time.

Your ISU-Profile says that one of your hobbies is painting…
Yes, it is very new although. I like it: it helps me to relax, to take my mind off things, it is also good for artistic skills. I paint together with my niece.

If you had to paint the world, what color would you pick up?
Green, it is my favorite one.

Last year you told that you learned to cook. How is the progress coming along?
Not in rosy outlook, but I keep trying.

So what is your best recipe at the moment?
I cook desserts: tiramisu or cheesecake. Something very simple, but tasty.

What was the most strange present you have ever got?

Is it strange?
Well, it was women’s underwear, so I couldn’t use it.

How could you describe yourself in five words?
(Takes thoughts) I am impatient, generous… Are five words a must?

Three will be also enough. One more?
I am ambitious.

It is not a secret that you get a lot of girls’ attention. But how easy is it to make acquaintance with a girl at your own?
It is very easy, but I don’t do it at my own.

Do you remember your first kiss?
Oh, it was a long time ago.

How old were you?
I was five.

A very “simple” question: what is love?
That is difficult to say… I don’t know, I pay much more attention to figure skating that to love. I think, first of all it is confidence, just to feel confident with another person. You can speak to this person any time and be sure that you get help. Confidence is the most important.

Continue the phrase: “A perfect woman…”
Can have any hair color: blond or brunette, whatever. She is smart, intelligent, beautiful, necessarily feminine and she holds her man in respect.

A perfect man…
I don’t care about men, you know… (laughs)

A perfect man protects a woman, takes care about her.

If you could turn out to at any place in the world right now, what country would it be?

What time would you visit, if you had a time machine?
I don’t know, maybe the 17th century. Yes, probably the beginning of the 17th century.

Would you change something in the past with this time machine?
Yes. In 2006 I came back to my old free skating – to Matrix. I did it after Olympic Games in Torino, but I should have done it before. Wellaway, that is life. Mistakes happen.

If you could live one day of some famous person’s life, who would it be?
I don’t know… Not the President, for sure. Maybe some rock-star or Justin Timberlake.

And if you shot a film about you, who would play the lead role?
Oh, that is the most difficult question. I have no idea. All of the actors I like are too old, so they would not suit for that. Maybe Guillaume Canet. He does not look like me, but nevertheless… Guillaume Canet.

If you hit a jack-pot in a lottery, what would you spend this money for?
I would buy a house for all my family and friends, build an ice rink and buy a lot of motorbikes. Furthermore I like animals, so I would donate some money to charitable organizations.

What would you wish from the golden fish?
Should it be associated with me?

As you like, it is your wish indeed.
Then I would wish only one thing – no more war.

Mozart 发表于 2011-4-21 23:42:00

回复 21# 唯爱老姐and老妈


花样男子 发表于 2011-4-23 20:14:58

回复 18# Mozart


花样男子 发表于 2011-4-23 20:17:35

回复 17# ifoacn


ifoacn 发表于 2011-4-23 23:37:03

回复 24# 花样男子


嘿嘿123 发表于 2011-4-23 23:44:00

It is not a secret that you get a lot of girls’ attention. But how easy is it to make acquaintance with a girl at your own?
It is very easy, but I don’t do it at my own.

Do you remember your first kiss?
Oh, it was a long time ago.

How old were you?
I was five


花样男子 发表于 2011-4-24 20:20:50



花样男子 发表于 2011-4-24 20:54:45



                                                 法国花样滑冰万人迷茹贝尔 莫斯科世锦赛待爆发

2011-04-22 15:15:00 来源: 网易体育 





本文来源:网易体育 作者:川子

ifoacn 发表于 2011-4-26 08:18:25




嘿嘿123 发表于 2011-4-26 08:27:53

Brian Joubert looked really strong on practice
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