花样男子 发表于 2011-4-26 22:16:03





黄袍猫 发表于 2011-4-26 23:55:18


ifoacn 发表于 2011-4-27 08:34:11



花样男子 发表于 2011-4-27 19:22:46



Joubert: "The objective is the medal"

Initially planned in Tokyo, the World Championships will be held in Russia from April 25th to May 1st because of recent events that have affected Japan. After the silver medal at the European Championships, Brian Joubert hopes to go back on the podium at the World Championships. The Poitievin has also mentioned the fratricidal duel with his team-mate and reigning European champion, Florent Amodio, for the international competition.

Brian Joubert hopes to shine in Russia.
Brian, how do you feel at approaching the world championships in Moscow?

Overall, I feel good. I'm at the end of the preparation.. There is a bit of fatigue but, technically, I'm pretty confident. I feel physically strong enough and I lost weight. The only concern is that my left knee hurts from December. Will have to heal after the world championships.

Which areas are concentrated your preparation?

I had to work on my physical condition and on the quadruple jump because I will put two quadruple jumps in my program. The technical content is more important than the European Championship. We also worked on the short program.

Have you rediscovered some confidence?

I have rediscovered the confidence during workouts and competitions. I have to prove that I have more confidence for make the best face the judges. Despite the bad performance of last year, are able to do good things.

"Florent Amodio has nothing to lose"

Yet a few months ago you didn't have that smile.. What has changed in the meantime?

It's true that early in the season I don't see myself like one of the best. But working with my coach has required time because there was a great project. But this is starting to pay off. I can feel it during training and I have taken confidence and that makes me very happy. So, I worked more and I know I can be able to reach the final. I am lucid.

In your opinion, what are the skaters which you should be careful in this world championship?

For me, Daisuke Takahashi and Patrick Chan. They are the most dangerous skaters. I'd like to see Florent (Amodio), because after what we experienced in the European championships with two places on the podium was fantastic. If we could do in the world level would be better.

Do you think that Florent Amodio, recent European champion, is intended to realize something extraordinary in this world champioship? This can cause you too much pressure?

It makes me feel good, because we are no longer focused solely on me. The pressure goes down and gets rid of my shoulders. From a sporting point of view, it stimulates me. I do not want to leave my place and though I like Florent, I'm there to fight. The difference is that I have more experience than he. He proved this season that he was a costant skater because he has made ??the final of the Grand Prix and became champion of Europe. I think he has earned the trust of the judges, but we have to see how him will handle the pressure of such an event. That is the question but it has nothing to lose. Is in its possibilities this world championship.

"2014: I think to that, but I don't have a fixation"
Which are your objective? (for this World Championship)
The objective is the medal because I want to get good performance without making mistakes. The title is one thing, but I can play me a medal.

After the World Championship, you will look already to Sochi 2014?
What I want is to continue up to Sochi. But I don't want make me ridiculous. I think I have the physical and mental abilities intact and the great desire to go to the Olympics. If I really want to go, I'll have to put in discussion and I will continue to evolve artistically because it does not want to sound like an old skaters who limps. If I see that I am no longer in play, then I'll stop.

And after the 2014?
I'll end my career because I will struggle to compete again. And when I will stop, will also because I really want to teach. Ever since I was little, my dream has always been to start a school of ice to upper level.

harry5113 发表于 2011-4-27 20:50:48


Anemone 发表于 2011-4-27 21:00:42

If you could live one day of some famous person’s life, who would it be?
I don’t know… Not the President, for sure. Maybe some rock-star or Justin Timberlake.

ifoacn 发表于 2011-4-28 15:04:47




唯爱老姐and老妈 发表于 2011-4-28 15:19:13


水榭里的加菲 发表于 2011-4-28 19:49:02


shin 发表于 2011-4-28 21:12:58


DoreenZhou 发表于 2011-4-29 05:09:49

原来有人和我一样注意到这个么(看了这楼的创建者id,我才反应过来,难道我。。。TAT),我当时还在想,包的和芭蕾舞演员一样,好大一坨啊= =

花样男子 发表于 2011-4-29 07:20:44

回复 40# shin

    那些地址都是有效的,只不过是你不会用网盘,建议你学习一下 {:1_280:}

Mozart 发表于 2011-4-29 10:32:52

shin 发表于 2011-4-28 21:12 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif

    打开连接后等待10秒钟,出现Click here to start download from MediaFire..

ifoacn 发表于 2011-4-29 13:06:03


Brian这套FS我基本是微笑着看完的。能看出他和教练组花了很大心血改编磨合这套节目。技术动作果然做了大幅度调整。因为要解决步法之后只留一个跳跃,同时步法又要配上欢乐颂的旋律,所以跳跃种类顺序基本都是推倒重来了。不过虽然步法前面是塞下了这么多动作,步伐之后就没得可做了~竟然出现了Brian只在表演里老做的那个动作! (那个动作叫啥?)最后结束那里好汗,音乐就是不结束...... 除去技术动作,很多舞蹈动作以及细节上也改变了很多。这些改变让我觉得这套《贝多芬第九交响曲》比以前舒服多了,更像是一套《贝九》。(比如,去掉了4T之后的某些小碎步。)步法也比以前更顺眼了。不过最后的蛇形步,他貌似加了几个小跳。我原来还调侃说这套步法我好好练练没准都能滑下来,结果这几个小跳终结了我的期望




lolan113 发表于 2011-4-29 13:40:22

嗯 他最后的笑好鼓舞粉丝的心啊
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