随着大奖赛名单的公布,2011-2012赛季离我们也越来越近了。 这个赛季对于伤愈归来的Z/Z而言非常重要。他们将参加大奖赛美国站和中国站的比赛。在美国站中他们将和老对手S/S直接对话,在中国站也将和队友P/T一起阻击实力强大的K/S组合。请所有关心Z/Z的朋友将自己的建议和祝福集中发布在本专栏。让我们和Z/Z一起走过这个特殊而难忘的2011-2012赛季。相关阅读:
~张丹张昊短节目(10-12) 丹/昊携新节目助阵盛典 新赛季盼不一样的表现
来源:华奥星空/sports.cn 2011年06月30日16:35
华奥星空北京6月30日电(记者 康少寒)“2011冰上雅姿”花滑盛典将于7月16日在北京首都体育馆绚丽上演,届时,都灵冬奥会双人滑亚军张丹/张昊将携全新表演节目闪亮出场。“因为大昊手指受伤,我们错过了去年的表演。今年我们一定要弥补这个遗憾,也希望我们的新节目大家能够喜欢。”女伴张丹在电话里说。
(责任编辑:施如) 综合了所有的信息,对今年的ZZ充满了期待。
不过,新的自由滑曲子是什么啊?有谁知道? 换新自由滑了诶?~~虽然有点而可惜一次斯巴达克斯都没看到,但是……咳咳,更期待新的自由滑。希望ZZ这次找对人~~
P.S. 今年大家对曲目都流行卖关子啊,这心痒痒的~
加油啊!Z/Z~ 我刚刚看到微博上有人说zz在练三接三接二?我我我,我没搞错巴~~~求证实~~~ 是ZH 在联系 332... 不过,如果真的ZZ 练332,那也太恐怖了吧...宇宙级的双人单跳难度! 我刚刚看到微博上有人说zz在练三接三接二?我我我,我没搞错巴~~~求证实~~~
Liesel810 发表于 2011-7-1 14:02 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
不过即便是真的,也没什么特别值得惊讶,以个人能力来说ZZ具备那样的实力。 zh是谁啊是双人选手吗 微博上的消息总是更新的很快,如果ZZ真能用这个新难度那么他们真的是勇于挑战自己。
不过即 ...
天空很希腊 发表于 2011-7-5 19:03 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
ZZ一定要更自信些。在科学训练的基础上在大赛中就应该相信自己能用好。 我想知道的是自由滑的曲子确定了吗?先前的采访是说短节目的曲子没有换~~ 没错,ZZ一向敢于冲击新的难度。我唯一担心的是会在使用中产生不稳定的情况,可能影响到整套节目的发挥 ...
Liesel810 发表于 2011-7-6 09:02 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
我觉得用“天才型选手”形容他们也不为过,所以新赛季如果他们真的如传言那样运用新难度的话,肯定会为他们的运动成绩填上一枚沉重的砝码!! 我想知道的是自由滑的曲子确定了吗?先前的采访是说短节目的曲子没有换~~
Liesel810 发表于 2011-7-6 09:03 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif
练难度就是这样,人家不声不响的连332都出来了! Pj Kwong在其博客发表了关于Z/Z的采访报道。目前只发表了第一部分,其中有很多内容大家都比较熟悉了,也提及了两人对提高艺术表现力的努力和Lori对他们的点评。 可以看到Z/Z对花滑事业的热爱和为此付出的努力。从Lori的点评来看我们应该对他们的复出充满期待。
原文地址:http://apps.pjkwong.com/Blog/?e= ... hat%20was%20Then%29
Catching Up With...Zhang and Zhang (That was Then)
July 6, 2011 09:02:39
Posted By SkatingPj
I am lucky to be able to see lots of skating. I am equally lucky to be able to see lots of skaters on the rise before they hit the general radar and such is the case with China's Dan Zhang and Hao Zhang.
Sitting in the lobby of a Toronto area arena I told them that I had seen them live for the first time in Beijing at a 4Cs and did my own sassy little arm roll depicting their Latin music. For fun, Hao did the same move from long ago for Lori Nichol on the floor and they both giggled. Let's just say their artistry has evolved since then :)
Fast forward to the Olympic arena in Torino in 2006 where in the opening moments of their free program, Dan fell out of a quad sal throw attempt, landing on her knees and crashing into the boards: (http://tinyurl.com/3jy64gw). It was a shock to see it and the ensuing flurry of activity rinkside erupted almost immediately. At one point, Hao guided Dan away from the boards and gently had his hands on her hips, bent towards her and was talking to her with intensity. At the time, from my vantage point, it appeared as if he he was giving her the choice to continue. The tenderness and intensity of the moment is still in my head. I asked him what he said: "Are you ok? Are we continuing? My thinking inside was very complex. I wanted very much to continue but I knew that this was a serious injury even without being a doctor. I didn't want her to be more hurt."Remarkably, they finished the competition and earned the Olympic Silver medal for their efforts. Where are those medals? Dan says that hers is at home while Hao says that his is in a bank safety deposit box: "it is the most precious thing in my life to me. Skating is my life."
The two have been skating together for about 12 years. Both were singles skaters although Hao admits to having another partner for about a month or 2 just for fun prior to being partnered with Dan.Being from Harbin fueled Hao's passion for the sport: "I love everything about figure skating. I was born for figure skating. Why? Because I am from Harbin - The Ice City. I am very proud of that." For Dan, skating is "not only a sport. It has technical part in competition but this is art. It is dancing with music and is very enjoyable."
Partners and friends on the ice, Dan and Hao maintain their separate identities off the ice where she spends her time with her friends, including a non-skating best friend doing the regular round of young women's activities like shopping and outings. For Hao, interpreter and international judge Feng Huang explained that Hao has a lot of friends and is really quite famous in China.Not only does he act as a mentor and older brother figure to the younger skaters in China's program, he also likes to travel and spend time with non-skatingfriends. With Hao's easy smile and friendliness, he never looks far for company.
Theirs is a partnership that has evolved in the shadow of 2 other great Chinese teams, namely 2010 Olympic Champions Xue Shen and Hongbo Zhao and 2010 Olympic Silver medallists Qing Pang and Jian Tong. Something tells me that they are on the threshold of greatness of their own. Choreographer Lori Nichol has this to say about their time together: "They are very giving skaters who are capable of so much. They can do "character", "classical" and everything in between. They have been a pleasure to work with and are always smiling and working. There were even times where translation wasn't needed we understood each other so well."
The beauty of this team has been in their dediciation and pursuit of a common goal - the surprise of this team is how much of their sport they have taken to heart.
未完待续,在访谈的第二部分将谈及张昊受伤后所发生的故事 短曲没换,是名字叫的不一样。你晕了?
沉静 发表于 2011-7-6 11:14 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif