才发现闫涵和偶生日是一天…… 青奥会男单短节目比赛结束,闫涵以59.65分排在短节目首位
打分细则:http://www.isuresults.com/result ... 2_Men_SP_Scores.pdf
YH的FLIP怎么这次标了用刃错误啊? 网网狗 发表于 2012-1-15 08:39 static/image/common/back.gif
这次的技术专家ms非常严,我看了一圈下来3f只有一个小男单没被标e,因为他3lz被标e了。 http://www.chinaice.org/data/attachment/forum/201201/15/083230wn9bscu579imgibn.jpg
终于有一张超级帅气的图了!真不容易! 闫DD自由滑一定要hold住!!! 青奥会男单自由滑比赛结束,闫涵依然没有找到比赛状态。不过这些都不影响他成为中国首位花样滑冰男单青奥会冠军的获得者。 祝贺闫涵,也希望他能够在各方面都能很好的Hold住自己,在接下来的世青赛中取得更好的成绩。
YAN (CHN) powers to Men's Figure Skating Gold despite suffering fever
INNSBRUCK, Jan 16 - He was just recovering from a fever. He did not perform the Triple Axel he is famous for. And he even fell on the ice after a jump.
Nevertheless, Han YAN (CHN) skated so well in the Free Programme he still clinched the Innsbruck 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games Men's Figure Skating Gold medal at the Olympic Ice Stadium on Monday.
YAN scored a total of 192.45 points, beating Japanese Silver medallist, Shoma UNO, who amassed 167.15, by some distance.
Feodosi EFREMENKOV (RUS) claimed the Bronze medal, scoring 163.46, after coming second in the Short Programme.
The Gold medallist did not perform the most difficult jumps he usually displays in competitions.
“After the Short Programme I had fever, so I lowered the level of complexity in my Free Programme,” he said.
YAN blamed his fall on the fever and “energy consumption”, as he arrived at Innsbruck 2012 after demanding competitions such as the China Nationals.
He started in the sport at the age of six after being taken to an ice rink as a birthday present, and now he dreams of grabbing Gold at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games.
“Every athlete dreams to win a medal at the traditional Olympics," he said. "I hope I can make it.”
But before then, he wants to experience as much as possible at Innsbruck 2012, with the Cultural and Education Programme one of his top priorities.
He would also like to get to know more of his fellow athletes.
“My English is not very good," he said. "So it is difficult for me to communicate with athletes from other countries. I did exchange a lot of pins, though.”
闫涵在短节目后开始发烧,自由滑并没有完全上最难动作。闫涵对于有朝一日成为冬奥会的冠军充满期待和信心,同时他也表示自己的英语水平虽然不是太好,但是他接下来要充分利用青奥会平台加强在文化教育方面的交流。 也祝愿闫涵能够愉快度过青奥会的美好时光。同时也希望,中国队的队医能够对闫涵好好体检一下,不要再因为疾病而影响了发挥。 这次真的是,唉,不知道说啥好。先恭喜冠军吧!不管怎么说还是大比分领先对手夺冠了。
这次状态还不如jgpf,结果pcs分打这么高,比jgpf足足高了11分!!3f还全部标e了,只能说裁判对他的打分我越来越看不懂了。 anyway 祝贺夺冠!! 以后3f要注意用刃啊,不要再被标e,不然对dd这种靠goe吃饭的吃亏吃大了!3f一向是他加分加最多的跳跃之一。 恭喜YDD。。。不过小身板要好好调养啊