汤昊 发表于 2011-8-11 20:58:59



smilingshine 发表于 2011-8-11 21:53:26


锦瑟 发表于 2011-8-11 22:19:53


dianaeve 发表于 2011-8-11 23:40:14

柳金在日志上的原话是这样的:I want to point out a couple of my friends. Evan Lysacek, Shawn Johnson, Alicia Sacramone, and Samantha Peszek. Evan... You have been my side since we met at camp... years ago. It's been... 8 years now? I think so. You have seen me grow as a gymnast, as a person, and as a friend. I am so glad that we get to spend forever with each other, because you are my best friend... And I will always love you.根本看不出有结婚的意思。

嘿嘿123 发表于 2011-8-12 00:48:37

To how much everyone means to me. Every fan, every friend, and every family member. Without your support... My reign as 2008 Olympic All Around Gold Medalist wouldn't have been the same. I have loved every second of it. Being a role model because I get to do what I love is... indescribable. I wish all gymnasts and everyone else out there get to achieve their drea***ike I've gotten to! You don't have to be a gymnast or an athlete to achieve greatness. Be a musician... But I hope everyone can follow their heart and do what they love. You all mean the world to me. And I absolutely love having this facebook, because I get to talk to so many fans and little kids who look up to me, and hear everything about them. If I could talk to every single fan in the world, I would LOVE IT! Hearing everyone's stories, and giving advice is really what I love to do. Especially when it's about gymnastics. So thank you for giving me this opportunity!

I want to point out a couple of my friends. Evan Lysacek, Shawn Johnson, Alicia Sacramone, and Samantha Peszek. Evan... You have been my side since we met at camp... years ago. It's been... 8 years now? I think so. You have seen me grow as a gymnast, as a person, and as a friend. I am so glad that we get to spend forever with each other, because you are my best friend... And I will always love you.

Shawn, Alicia, and Sam... 3 of the best teammates EVER! Ever ever ever. The 2008 Olympic Team was the best team of all time! You 3 have watched me grow up... Because I knew all of you ever since I was like 7! Come on... That's pretty awesome, especially knowing we are from all over the country. But without your support, I wouldn't be the gymnast I am! You are my best friends of all time and my sisters, forever.

You may be asking where this all came from... I finally got to see my mom today, with Evan, and seeing her... Made everything totally worth it! She has always been my biggest supporter... And she was totally ok that I wasn't there for awhile. And it really just made me realize that everything happens for a reason. She's getting healthy again, and she said it was because I showed up with Evan. She loves us together. But I've been thinking a lot about everything lately, the past 3 years, the Olympics, and just my entire life. I still don't know if I'll try again for the Olympics... But I just really want to thank everyone so much for supporting me, and always having kind words for hard times, and happy words for every other time!

But I really just want to thank everyone for everything. You all are amazing, and I am really thankful for all you. Now that I have written a short story, I am going to sign off of here. Thank you all again and you mean the world to me.


totogay 发表于 2011-8-12 09:27:50


Anemone 发表于 2011-8-12 11:59:47

FB上有三个Evan Lysacek的帐号,一个是公共主页,一个确确实实是Evan,好友数量已经达到上限,不能再加了,头像是20岁左右传着棕色外套的360度无死角嫩照(Evan你也知道自己那个时候最好看啊……),还有一个就是资料上说6月25日跟柳金结婚的页面,个人资料一塌糊涂,宗教信仰居然是Pentacostal(他应该是信东正教,Eastern Orthodox),照片不是跟柳金就是跟柳金,但是几乎都是从媒体上扒的,大部分带着媒体的水印,没有私照的感觉,好友也只有个位数个。

黄袍猫 发表于 2011-8-12 14:13:38


maruko_221 发表于 2011-8-16 13:46:22


olychamp 发表于 2011-8-21 09:57:25

@#$%#%^$ 这都哪跟哪啊, 这么没技术含量的恶搞居然还有人信!!!!!!
做个小广告, 油菜O我终于把老大的建党大业给finish啦, 偶用老大奥运期间的留言剪贴+重整合了一遍, 把首页的小雷子传记完成喽, 哈哈哈, 有要瞻仰的去6楼@o@那个偶顺手把老大的头像也给换了, 正牌Evan的脸书和TT用的都是老大一楼的头像, 信谣传谣的时候请认清注册商标, 谨防假冒!!!

No居然去欧洲FB, 去哪了从实招来, 桃花运的有木有?

真正有含金量的新闻:小雷子的四周功力恢复啦!!! 训练视频在正牌Evan的推, 比受伤前还轻松漂亮, 落冰轻盈舒展, 周数充足, 真是各种V5, 各种美好啊 *\^o^/* 用实际行动让各种雷黑 去8!

还有赞一下Evan最近的推推, 霸气外露, 我喜欢! 这才是给你翻译翻译神马叫惊喜 {:1_265:}{:1_281:}

I enjoy the feeling when you accomplish something which is hard. Knowing that you pushed yourself to the limit. Some people think I'm crazy but maybe what drives me is to see what my limits are and how far I can go.
Life is short. If you don't like your path, find a new one. There is no greater feeling than being proud of your work at the end of the day.


olychamp 发表于 2011-9-22 06:12:40






Baby it's you.You're the one I love. You're the one I need. You're the only one I see. Come on baby it's you.




昨天她在推里提到了一首名为What Means The Most的歌,歌词是这样的,注意黑体字部分,你懂的。 {:1_270:}

The other day when someone asked me
"Are you living your dream?"
I didn't know what to say
I honestly had to think

I try to be so many places at the same time
Everyday a million things cluttering up my mind
Another feather falling off my wings

I climb so high
It gets hard to breathe
Forget to remember
What I really need

What means the most to me
Is waking up next to you
Feel the morning breeze
You're my favorite thing in love

Coming home to your arms
When you kiss me hello
It's these simple things
That mean the most to me

Everytime I have to leave
I feel like I am leaving a part of me
You're the only place I wanna be

Well nothing else matters
I just lose focus
When you're not around
You're still the only one I notice
I can't help the way I feel

It doesn't matter if I win or lose

What means the most to me
Is waking up next to you
When you're holding me
And have a little time to play

In your arms, braced so hard
Laugh til it gets dark
It's these simple things
That mean the most to me
Yeah oh

No more days far away where I miss you
No more nights trying to fall asleep without you
From now on I'm always gonna be there
I won't miss another day that we won't share
I'll be there

Cause, you mean the most to me

Now that I'm here with you
I will stay by your side
I won't leave you this time, oh no

The next time that someone asks me
"Are you living your dream?"
I guess I'll know what to say
I won't even have to think

前些日子她还提到了Taylor Swift的Enchanted。有兴趣的童鞋可以找那个歌词看看,两者连起来是个很完整的故事。{:1_272:}


In life everything happens for a reason. People meet not by chance but by fate.

后半句翻成中文就是: 有缘千里来相会。





Anemone 发表于 2011-9-22 20:23:50

安德烈夫不是我家的,我对他的态度呢,引用FSU上面一句洋妞的话:He's so good to look at so we forgive him.说起来这句话还真是够损的呢!

Dear Evan,
Hope you'll find the woman of your life SOON.

Aphrodite 发表于 2011-9-24 01:15:16



原来咱家公子最想去的是希腊,不枉我喜欢,我可是希腊神话控来着。第一次见Evan就觉得他好像Apollo, Hermes和Ares的合体。



冰魂 发表于 2011-9-24 01:27:52


maruko_221 发表于 2011-9-24 12:30:22



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