@#$%#%^$ 这都哪跟哪啊, 这么没技术含量的恶搞居然还有人信!!!!!!
做个小广告, 油菜O我终于把老大的建党大业给finish啦, 偶用老大奥运期间的留言剪贴+重整合了一遍, 把首页的小雷子传记完成喽, 哈哈哈, 有要瞻仰的去6楼@o@那个偶顺手把老大的头像也给换了, 正牌Evan的脸书和TT用的都是老大一楼的头像, 信谣传谣的时候请认清注册商标, 谨防假冒!!!
No居然去欧洲FB, 去哪了从实招来, 桃花运的有木有?
真正有含金量的新闻:小雷子的四周功力恢复啦!!! 训练视频在正牌Evan的推, 比受伤前还轻松漂亮, 落冰轻盈舒展, 周数充足, 真是各种V5, 各种美好啊 *\^o^/* 用实际行动让各种雷黑 去8!
还有赞一下Evan最近的推推, 霸气外露, 我喜欢! 这才是给你翻译翻译神马叫惊喜
I enjoy the feeling when you accomplish something which is hard. Knowing that you pushed yourself to the limit. Some people think I'm crazy but maybe what drives me is to see what my limits are and how far I can go.
Life is short. If you don't like your path, find a new one. There is no greater feeling than being proud of your work at the end of the day.