西溪 发表于 2010-3-23 23:26:37

真是个内心敏感细腻害羞的大男孩啊。奥运采访所指的personal promblem难道是指他父母分离?


原文 http://www.lematin.ch/sports/divers/brian-joubert-larmes-fond-252526

Since 2003, Brian Joubert had five coaches, all he has chosen. With Jean-Christophe Simond, he was world champion in 2007. In April of last year, he recalled Depouilly Lawrence, with whom he had fallen in 2004, after a year full of medals.

"Brian never wanted to leave Poitiers, Lawrence reminds us. After everything that happened, he must go abroad. "Olympic failures, burst into tears, the reprobation of the whole France. He replied frankly: "For two years, yes, I behave like an asshole."

"Brian is more isolated here, living alone with certain people, says Lawrence Depouilly. He should open up a little more, go to encounter novelty. In my case, I can not conceive spending twelve months of the year in Poitiers. "

"Poitiers is not the center of the world", meted outDidier Gailhaguet, president of the French federation of ice sports and long adviser of Brian Joubert.

"After the World Championships in 2009, he was advised to go to Canada to train with Yu-Na Kim, whose coach is Brian Orcera and choreographer Kurt Browning, two icons there. But Brian refused, when everything was organized. It was the hand-sewn, with visits to split it is not too long separated from his mother, Raymonde. With it, Brian has a link fusion and is present in all drives. "

The leader is disappointed: "Brian has preferred to stay in Poitiers. With his trainer. This choice has not paid off. This is not a criticism of anyone (lol not at all). It is a fact. Starting in Canada, he would have received support sports and media would have given him confidence. "

For the Vancouver Games, the French, 25, has been falling at literally and figuratively, finishing 16th in tears. 'P. .. Olympic Games of m. .. I'll never, ' he says to the world in front of a camera in the Kiss and Cry.

Lawrence Depouilly stood by his side. "This is the normal reaction of a sportsman, a fighter who never thought that things would turn out this way. Myself, I was equally saddened, especially for the man who desires, who wanted a medal, possibly the most beautiful. "

For the Turin Olympics in 2006, three times European champions had also failed (6th). Didier Gailhaguet: "He was always too focused on the Olympics. He wants to remain the boss in everything. I preferBrian when he is more professional and less homely. "

"He is a little jerk" (I'll cut you for that, bitch)

Even finishing third at the Europeans in Tallinn in January, the French had already shown some flaws, mental and physical, that would hasten his downfall a month later.

"He is a little jerk," said Didier Gailhaguet,shortly after the short program in Vancouver, marked by a fall and imperfections rarely seen on his performances. Lawrence Depouilly: "The president is a passionate, but the speedwhich he reacted surprised me. This statement was chagrined. Later, Brian was able to calm the controversy to reporters by admitting he was an asshole, the last two years, he was not the same. He emerged grown. " (poor bb jewbear, I'll hug you now)

Disrupted by separation

Didier Gailhaguet, on the line: "I said this in friendship and despair. It was a private conversation, taken in a public manner. There are very friendly relations between Brian and me. I have no problem with him. In calling him a little jerk, I wanted to express my regret that he did not follow some advice. These words are taken out of context. "(you moron!)

For two years, Brian Joubert admits he was not quite the same. And two years ago, his parents separated. (Awww he is so affectionate with his mother. poor bb)

Cause and effect?

"Absolutely," said his adviser. It was very wrong, more than we can imagine. This separation has left traces. It saddened Brian very much, endearing boy, full of human qualities, sensible and, despite a strong affect, is not demonstrative. It is his shy side but when the valve blows, Brian share in all directions. However, he never hid behind these problems to explain its form breaks. "

"It is used"

Lawrence Depouilly: "Despite his dismay after the short program, was discussed, he and I, his mother was there. He said he had no release, that all that remained of the sport, he must cling to the long program. Brian has not fled. It was important that he go to the end of the competition with dignity to his life as a man. True, he has set aside advice, he did not concentrate on the sport, he has not paid sufficient attention to changes in weight, or regularity of its commitment to training. He fell into a spiral of complacency, but he remains a great competitor. "

Didier Gailhaguet: "He has great qualities , although on the emotional side,he demonstrated failure lately. He skates past twenty years. It may be a victim of the time, a psychological breakdown. Skating is a difficult sport, hyperexigent. Brian should have observed a break. It was our advice, the example of Plushenko - what a return! - Lambiel, Takahashi and Oda, for other reasons. But Brian is Brian, a unique person. To date, he has won fourteen medals in major events. He deserves respect. "

Wednesday and Thursday, Brian Joubertwill find in Turin some competitors who finished ahead of him in Vancouver.

"A podium would be great," enthuses Didier Gailhaguet. The idea is that it finishes the season free from any pressure. Nor should we forget that at the end of November, he underwent surgery on his right foot, cut by a blade. " (rooting for ya bb)

In the viewfinder, there are other world, those of Nice in 2012. Brian Joubert wants to show that skating is still his passion, his life, the life he almost lost at the age of eleven months, suffered a staph rogue, before he removes a kidney.

emilieliu 发表于 2010-3-24 05:29:46


西溪 发表于 2010-3-24 23:50:27


镜子 发表于 2010-3-24 23:53:13


jiangjiang 发表于 2010-3-24 23:58:57


lilybear 发表于 2010-3-25 00:01:23


hanwangsun 发表于 2010-3-25 00:54:08


olychamp 发表于 2010-3-26 07:33:45


丽丽熊 发表于 2010-3-26 09:21:33


mirror0208 发表于 2010-3-26 11:12:06

第六面WORLDS的奖牌 恭喜猪猪!!!

marlin 发表于 2010-3-26 17:14:55


嘟嘟 发表于 2010-3-27 01:26:47


羽宫鹤 发表于 2010-3-27 13:03:50

之前还担心他状态不行呢,奥运会那个真乱七八糟的状态终于调整过来了哈~~ 还是晴天猪好啊,继续笑吧~~

tara 发表于 2010-3-27 13:12:12


sachan 发表于 2010-3-28 13:13:58

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