boodly 发表于 2010-4-24 19:16:26

haha 他很多服装都会莫名其妙出现几块透明或者镂空

gx010010 发表于 2010-4-24 19:31:30


在线翻译过来 上面是这个
Figure skating.
Брайан Жубер сохранит свою техническую команду в следующем сезоне. Brian Joubert retain its technical team next season. Но, в соответствии с пожеланиями своей Федерации, Жубер собирается увеличить количество стажировок за границей, прежде всего в Москве. But, in accordance with the wishes of his Federation, Joubert is going to increase the number of internships abroad, primarily in Moscow. Он выразил желание получить ценный совет у Александра Жулина, тренера французских танцоров Пешала и Бурза, в вопросах, касающихся артистической составляющей (хореографии). He expressed a desire to gain valuable advice from Alexander Zhulin, coach of the French dancers and Bourzat Pescia, in issues relating to the artistic component (choreography).

丽丽熊 发表于 2010-4-24 20:26:27


gx010010 发表于 2010-4-24 20:32:53

而且俄式的风格,他能适应吗? ...
丽丽熊 发表于 2010-4-24 20:26
好像意思就是技术上教练组不变,找zhulin提高下表现力(风格是一挂的么- -)

不过这消息从 法文→俄文论坛翻译→google翻译成英文→人脑理解成中文

丽丽熊 发表于 2010-4-24 20:49:48

好像意思就是技术上教练组不变,找zhulin提高下表现力(风格是一挂的么- -)

不过这消息从 法文→俄文论 ...
gx010010 发表于 2010-4-24 20:32

lilybear 发表于 2010-4-25 13:53:19

IPSN全场版本中剪出的猪的表演,MBC台没播的那个,毛衣猪拿着一束花,超囧 ,640*360小HD版本


bltracy21 发表于 2010-4-25 17:58:36

奥运会之前日本做的一个四周跳教程 叫Miracle Body 以猪做示范讲解的 有两个版本 Asa台播的是26分钟的比较短 NHK台播的40多分钟
前几天老艺术家贴吧的好人们给翻译做了字幕 40多分钟的那个 里面居然有猪01年参加四周跳比赛跳4T+3T的镜头 以前从来没见过。。。片尾还在分析猪跳5T的可能性。。。擦汗。。。

但是她们片源是从霓虹国视频网站上扒下来的 特不清楚 于是我找了高清片源给他们 爬到Mediafire下的。。。650M累死我了。。。那边已经在压了~~
高清片源 其实马上那边就会压出有字幕的了。。。

gx010010 发表于 2010-4-26 00:27:30

May 2010 edition of the World Figure Skating magazine published in Japan.
杂志World Figure Skating(日本发行)2010年5月号

Let me warn you beforehand that he is very frank about his opinions on quads and the quadless Olympic medalist.

Q. Congratulations on your bronze medal. After your disappointment at the Olympics, the result here must have a big meaning for you.
A. It wasn't easy participating in this competition. I didn't know if I was able to fight, because I couldn't deliver a good performance this season except for the NHK Trophy.
At one point, I even thought of quitting skating. But I couldn't give up. And If I were to continue skating, I had to come here and fight through it.

A:参加这次比赛其实不容易。我不清楚自己是不是可以继续战斗,因为我这赛季除了NHK TROPHY之外并没有滑出什么好节目。我曾经一度想过退役。不过我不会放弃的。既然我要继续滑下去,我就必须面对和克服这些。

Q. When did you think of quitting?
A. Right after the Olympics. If not for good, maybe to take a break for one season.
If you compete long enough, there are times you have to struggle. I'm always off form at the Olympics. Things happen in life I guess.


Q. Unexpected things happen at every Olympics, but you seemed to be in good form in practice.
A. To tell you the truth, I told my mother that I didn't want to go just 2 days before the Olympics.
That was because I wasn't ready technically. Having an injury took away my practice time, and I couldn't get my quad back.
Practice in Torino was not bad at first, but things went downhill toward the day of the competition.


Q. Plushenko said that competing in the Olympics never gets easy, and that he gets more nervous every time. Do you agree with him?
A. Yes I do. I didn't get nervous at all during the Torino Olympics in 2006. but I wasn't ready stamina-wise.
At Vancouver my legs were shaking before the competition, it was so bad that I couldn't feel my feet.
In every competition, if you are ready you don't tend to get nervous. But strangely, I was never ready for the Olympics.


Q. Did having an injury from doing a triple lutz in practice last December influence your performance?
A. That injury hit me hard. It was when I was just gearing up, after having a good performance at the NHK trophy.
I had many flops with my lutz, but the lutz used to be the best jump for me.
Because of that injury, I became nervous about it before getting into the jump.

A:那个伤很严重,恰恰是在我刚刚在NHK trophy有不错表现,状态回升的时候。我在LUTZ上有很多麻烦,但是LUTZ曾经是我最好的跳跃。可是因为那个伤,现在在进入(这种)跳跃时,我总是会变得很紧张。

Q. Was it the Federation's idea that you went through the test skate to gain qualification to represent France at Worlds?
A. Yes. And I agreed to do it. I didn't know myself if I was ready to enter the competition, so it was a good practice for me.
But it was a bit hard skating in front of all the journalists on that day.


Q. Do you hate us? *laughs*
A. No I don't mean it that way. *laughs*
But in France, if I fail in front of the journalists, it will be in the headlines on all the papers the next day, so I got nervous.
In that test I skated against Preaubert, and the result was interesting.
The French Federation has always put me on tests before competitions ever since I was young. I guess they didn't have trust in me.
But this time, I felt supported by the Federation for the very first time.


Q. You had Albena and Maxim choreograph your program for your free skate this season. What did they bring?
A. Skating , mainly. I learned to use my edges better, and I gained more speed. I couldmove my body better than before.
I think I was successful in presenting the new Brian Joubert. But it was a mistake to do it in the year before the Olympic season.
Since I had to use a lot of time to learn my choreography, I couldn't practice my jumps enough, and my quads became inconsistant.
I do thank them fully, and plan to ask them to choreograph next season too.
But if I am making changes, I have to do it two years before the Olympics. That was the lesson I learned this time.

Q:这赛季Albena 和 Maxim 为你的自由滑编舞。你觉得他们给你带来了什么么?
A:主要是滑冰技术。我学会了怎样更好的用刃,速度也上去了。我对肢体的控制也比之前好。我觉得我成功的展示了一个全新的Brian Joubert。不过在奥运赛季之前作这些改变其实有点不明智。因为我要花更多的时间去学习我的动作,没有足够的时间来练习跳跃,四周也变得不那么稳定了。不过我还是真心的感谢他们,希望下个赛季可以继续合作。不过如果以后还要做些改变的话,可能会在奥运会前两年,这是我从这件事中学到的。

Q. At the Vancouver Olympics, there was a debate concerning the quad between the gold medalist and the silver medalist.
May I ask your opinion on that?
A. To tell you the truth, I haven't watched anyone's performances.


Q. Not even on video?
A. I don't want to. *laughs bitterly* I haven't watched any of my Olympic performances, neither from 2006 nor 2010.
Lysacek is a great competitor but I do not want to see him become the Olympic champion without the quad.
I still don't understand (why the quad is valued low).

A:我不想看(笑的有点苦涩) 我甚至没看过自己奥运会的表现,06年和10年的都是。Lysacek是个很好的选手,不过我不想看到他没有四周跳却获得了奥运会冠军。我依旧不明白为什么现在四周跳这么的不值钱。

Q. Did you know about Joe Inman's e-mail scandal?
A. Yes. *laughs bitterly* I don't take it too seriously but I guess it's part of the game.

Q:你知道一些关于Joe Inman的Email丑闻么?(具体见篇尾链接)

Q. He was here as a OAC to evaluate the judges.
A. Was he? I don't know his face. But if he has an opinion, I want him to say it in front of Evgeny and me, not in an e-mail.
I will continue to do quads under this scoring system. I can understand people who think transitions and choreography are more important.
That makes the game more interesting, with people having different styles. It will become boring if all of us did the same thing.


Q. Was it important for you to land two quads in your free skate?
A. It was in 2006 when I last did that. I didn't know if I could do it because it was a long time ago.
I sometimes tried it in practice, but not all of the time. So succeeding it made me feel confident.
But I will not rest easy. I will continue to work on it.


Q. Is jumping a quad becoming harder for you than before physically?
A. No, that's not the case.
After the NHK trophy, I lost my practice time because of my injury, and I wasn't able to deliver a good performance at Euros or at the Olympics.
It was because of my lack of energy from not having enough practice.
Usually I can do the quad with the same feeling as my triple, but here I messed up my jumps because I was tired.
I am 25 right now, but because of my experience, my quads are more consistent technically.
But you can easily lose this jump if you don't practice it every day.

A:不,这不是一码事。在NHK trophy后,我因为受伤不能训练,所以在欧锦赛和奥运会上没有那么好的表现。我的体力问题是因为训练不足。一般情况下,我做四周是感觉和三周没太多区别的,但是这次最后的几个糟糕的跳是因为我累了。现在我已经25了,因为我的经验,四周的技术更为娴熟,但是如果不经常练习,你也会马上跳的不怎么好。

Q. It will be better if the ISU grants more points for quads.
A. Yes. If that happens there will be more skaters who will give it a try.
The audience acknowledges and cheers for you when you jump a quad.
But if things keep on going like this, no one will try to jump quads anymore.
In 2002 at the World Championship in Nagano, a Chinese skater called Zhang Min landed three quads in free skate but finished 15th.
In that competition every top skater jumped quads from the short program, and it was much more exciting than now.
I guess there weren't as much transitions though.
For me the biggest complaint about this scoring system is that if you are doing quads in a combination, you have to make it a 4-3,
since a 4-2 will only be about the same as a 3-3, although the risk is so much higher.
I hope the scoring system will develop in a way that will push the skaters to develop too.

A:是的,这样的话更多的选手会去挑战。当你跳四周的时候,观众会明白这些并且欢呼。如果事情再这么发展,慢慢就没人去尝试四周了。在02年Nagano世锦赛中,中国选手张民在自由滑上跳了3个四周最终排名第15。 那届比赛,每个顶尖选手都在短节目上了四周,那时候的比赛比现在激动刺激多了,虽然那时候没有现在这么多的衔接。对于现在的打分系统,我最不满的是如果你上四周的连接,必须是4-3,因为4-2和3-3的分一样,却冒险的多。我希望打分系统是一个可以促进选手进步的机制。

Q. Elvis Stoiko said in Vancouver that if you lower the level of difficulty in jumps, it will be easier to put in transitions.
Do you agree with that?
A. I did try that in practice before.
If you decide to do a 3-3 in the short program, your body and mind will be more relaxed and you can put in more transitions.
You will gain more speed, and it is easier to adjust to the music.
In 2007 Lysacek used to jump quads, but his performance was completely different from now, wasn't it?
When you jump quads you can't put in as much transitions as when you jump only triples.

Q:Elvis Stoiko在温哥华说你如果降低跳跃难度,加入衔接就会简单的多。

Q. After the Olympics you said that you will make some changes in the way you train. How will you do that specifically?
A. I practice in a small town called Poitiers. It is a very good environment, but other than myself there are only children on the rink.
It is not easy to train alone. Sometimes I wonder what kind of things Daisuke is doing.


Q. You are welcome to come to Japan . *laughs*
A. I love Japan. I think that it is necessary to have an environment to practice among other highly skilled skaters.

Q:欢迎来日本(训练) (笑)
(终于出山了- -)

Q. Are you thinking of Canada or the United States?
A. I have trouble with food in North America. I gain weight quite easily so it is crucial.
I will think about it after consulting with the chairman of the French Federation.

(某年某月某一天 in 阿美利卡 当飞猪遇到肥猪........)

Q. NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) filmed a feature on you called "Miracle Body." How was the shoot?
A. It was a lot of fun, and actually it helped me with my practice.
It was right after Trophee Eric Bompard when I was having a slump, but after I did a lot of quads for the shoot I started getting better.

Q:NHK(日本电视台)给你拍了个特辑叫“Miracle Body”,拍摄过程怎样?
A:很有意思,而且对我的训练很有帮助。我在Trophee Eric Bompard后确实有点低迷,不过在拍摄时做了好几个四周以后,我感觉好多了。

Q. Do you set limitations on the number of quads you put in practice every day?
A. I don't set limitations but when I feel tired I tell my coach that I will do it only once and try to land that jump perfectly.
Sometimes I practice it 20 times a day. I won't do more than that.
I don't have any fears about injuring myself, because I have a lot of experience with it.


Q. Do you plan to become a coach or a choreographer after you retire from competition?
A. I think choreographing doesn't suit me *laughs* But I do want to take up coaching.
We don't have a school to teach figure skating in France yet, so I would like to start one and teach the children.
Even now I teach children sometimes, it's a lot of fun.



Q. Then there will be a lot of quad jumpers from France in the future. *laughs*
A. I hope that happens. *laughs* But actually the juniors in France are scared of quads and they don't like doing it. I think it's a bad thing.


Q. I hear that you will at least continue to compete until the Nice World Championship in 2012. But before that you have Tokyo again.
A. Yes. My dream is to become the world champion next year in Tokyo. I am looking forward to being there, since I love the fans in Japan.



Q. The fans are looking forward to seeing you too. Thank you for the interview.


PS 事件详见

非深蓝色汉语为个人言论- -
如有错字 就当眼花

emilieliu 发表于 2010-4-26 03:39:51



可惜他又不跟乌克兰人合作了,每个赛季都这么变也不是个事啊。我不太看好zhulin和他的合作。难道是n 和 f说了太多的zhulin的好话? zhulin的编舞风格俺一直都不喜欢,还是喜欢乌克兰人的。

boodly 发表于 2010-4-26 11:48:33


bltracy21 发表于 2010-4-26 12:15:17

more comments...

But if I am making changes, I have to do it two years before the Olympics.

还有 他叫雷鸟Lysacek 叫高桥Daisuke 叫老艺术家Evgeny 雷鸟果真不招人待见啊。。。

gx010010 发表于 2010-4-26 12:27:42

more comments...

But if I am making changes, I have to do it two years before the Olympics.
莫非 ...
bltracy21 发表于 2010-4-26 12:15




lilybear 发表于 2010-4-26 15:04:35


丽丽熊 发表于 2010-4-26 23:21:15



bltracy21 发表于 2010-4-27 00:08:19

今天在贴吧里讨论costume的问题 然后一个姑娘出来说rise的新衣服很好 猪也很满意 还在采访的时候说新衣服makes me more beautiful
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查看完整版本: 2010世锦赛Joubert获铜牌