凤求凰 发表于 2009-12-5 22:01:20


Jeremazing 发表于 2009-12-5 23:50:32


map 发表于 2009-12-6 01:57:49


lilybear 发表于 2009-12-6 02:13:52


enderstar 发表于 2009-12-6 09:52:01


青鸟jerry 发表于 2009-12-6 13:47:14

(目前只有Ray盘比较快= =有需要分流的话告诉偶一声,再传其他网盘吧...)

Universal Sports版本~

Davis White - 2009 GPF OD (US) (67.58M)

Davis White - 2009 GPF FD (US) (73.40M)

Davis White - FD Post Interview (US)(4.53M)


2009 GPF - Davis White OD (93.48M)

From RaiSport版本~

Davis White - 2009 GPF OD (101.13M)

Davis White - 2009 GPF FD (96.89M)

日本朝日台清晰版 (MP4, 640x480)

2009 GPF - Meryl DAVIS_Charlie WHITE OD (102.98M)

2009 GPF - Meryl DAVIS_Charlie WHITE FD (126.41M)

2009 GPFIce Dance Podium(179.39M)




ice-dance.com的摄影师当然也注意到了standing ovation的一众:p



草珊瑚 发表于 2009-12-6 14:39:04


朔望 发表于 2009-12-6 15:17:14


franzlfan 发表于 2009-12-6 23:19:47

关于老大 ^_^

map 发表于 2009-12-6 01:57 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif

hehe,关于这个问题,我是这么直觉的:如果说Charlie是幕前的(镜头前的)老大,那Meryl 就是幕后老大,即是说运筹帷幄、拿主意的那种“话事人”;不过,她当然也是又温柔又善解人意的解语花来的,嘿嘿~ ^_^我也不知道为什么有这个感觉就是了,总之她就像个精灵。

丽丽熊 发表于 2009-12-6 23:38:03


wushuang122 发表于 2009-12-6 23:40:11


fs2046 发表于 2009-12-7 07:15:39

恭喜Meryl & Charlie新赛季4连冠! D/W的奥运赛季到目前为止可谓势如破竹,所向披靡,在为他们开心的同时真有些替B/A担心了,期待他们在全美的碰撞。



Favourite movie
Meryl about Charlie: "Monty Python"
Charlie: Yes, that’s true.
Charlie about Meryl: "Notebook"
Meryl: No, Charlie, no. I do love the “Notebook”. But my favourite one is “Troy”, I just love it.
Charlie: But it’s like a two-star movie![*]
If not a skater who would you be?
Meryl about Charlie: Wayne Gretzky
Charlie: I wouldn’t be Wayne Gretzky (explains to me: He was the best hockey player!), but I would be a hockey player, so it's close, yes.
Charlie about Meryl: anthropologist
Meryl: Yeah, I was going to be an anthropologist, yeah, sounds good.[*]
Your ideal music for the free dance
Meryl about Charlie: "Phantom of the opera"
Charlie: Yes, "Phantom", you got that.
Meryl: He really loves it.
Charlie about Meryl: "Beauty and the Beast".
Charlie: That's based on the fact that you always bring this music. (to me)For several years she kept playing it.
Meryl: I did bring it in. It’s not the Disney cartoon, by the way, it's an old TV-series from the 1980s.[*]
Favourite type of books
Meryl about Charlie: sci-fi
Charlie about Meryl: fantasy[*]
Hobby, something you love to do apart from skating
Meryl about Charlie: play NHL 09 (hockey video game) with Trevor, Evan and Shibu (Trevor Young, Evan Bates and Alex Shibutani)
Charlie about Meryl: baking, reading, travelling[*]
How many children do you want to have?
Meryl about Charlie: 2.5
Charlie: (chuckles) There was some fact page on Facebook, some information...
Meryl: Two and a half children is the average number of children in the States.
Charlie: But, no, I still hope to have a complete child.
Charlie about Meryl: 7
Meryl: Seven children?!?! Nooo.[*]
Favourite place to compete in
Meryl about Charlie: Japan
Charlie: Yeah, Japan. We have the NHK Trophy this year and, hopefully, Grand Prix Final.
Charlie about Meryl: US
Meryl: US? Yeah, probably.
In Los Angeles during Worlds 2009? How was it?
Both: That was really nice.[*]
Favourite place to visit for sightseeing
Meryl about Charlie: Japan
Charlie: Right, Japan again.
Charlie about Meryl: Italy
Meryl: Italy for sure.
Where in Italy?
Meryl: Positano. It's on the Amalfi Coast. I went there with my family on vacation this summer.
Do you have time to visit those places you love?
Charlie: Right after we're done competing for the year we have time...
Meryl: A few weeks usually. It’s nice to be able to get away with our families.
Both: We do it separately, with our families, yes.


Jun 发表于 2009-12-7 10:12:15

小声说一句: 很奇怪, Meryl 的旅游兴趣跟我一样,去巴塞罗那玩,买回来印度衣服,最喜欢意大利。。。

(答上面:照片里那个银色直头发的中年女应该是 Tessa 的妈。)

鱼类 发表于 2009-12-7 10:16:40


pooool 发表于 2009-12-7 15:08:25

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