Ray 发表于 2004-12-3 11:35:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>草珊瑚</I>在2004-12-1 19:40:52的发言:</B>

<P>如果俩人能在一块练双人。。。Oh, My God。。。好期待啊。。。</P>

Danielle 发表于 2004-12-3 11:36:00


catain 发表于 2004-12-3 12:22:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Ray</I>在2004-12-3 11:35:41的发言:</B>


<P>如果俩人能在一块练双人。。。Oh, My God。。。好期待啊。。。</P>
<P>……他练举重会是啥样子…………- -||||||汗……大脑细胞短路了实在想象不出来……

拉斐尔 发表于 2004-12-3 13:51:00

<P>首先要感谢大家看文,以及对Weir的支持!我也很高兴能为Weir做一点点事情,心里充满了幸福的感觉~~</P><P>To 草珊瑚:回亲~~我也想象过他俩人双人滑的情形,似乎是有点难度~不过,我有一个巨外行的问题:有没有规定一定要男选手托举女选手啊,大汗||||另外,你家亲爱的瓢虫小蓝同学,是Lambiel么?</P><P>To dy:谢谢看文~~抱一下!你的花我收到了~~^_^</P><P>To catain:亲爱的,提12问的fan的署名明显是一个男人,所以我觉得w这么回答不会显得轻浮,算是他的一种幽默吧~(我猜他不会轻易对女生说这种话,所以你死心吧~哈哈)。这孩子总是不知什么时候会冒出一句很喷的话,我最喜欢他的这一句:...我觉得我长得有点像Johnny Weir。不跟你多说了,回头联系吧~~~亲</P><P>To schumyzhai:谢谢大人支持!我在先前看过你的翻译:“我学会了不再怀疑自己。我曾经可能去尝试四周,仅仅因为‘我需要它’去进入前六,或者尝试在其他的跳跃中加大难度,最后我维持所有的原样,并且得到了第五,在我的目标之上。我以我灵魂的每一束纤维来相信,我已经作到了我可能达到的最好,没有听信除自己以外的任何人,而且我没有指望过有一个比这更好的结果。我相信我自己和我的感觉,在任何事或任何人之上,这是今年对我来说一个极大的转折点。”看来这个时候他的性格已经形成了~另外你说的“有他出现是男单之福”,我觉得太有道理了!</P><P>To loooop:谢谢亲爱的loooop,你的提醒很及时而且恳切,我很感动!谢谢你!就像我回给你的短信上说的那样,我会努力学习的。我决定要彻底消停一阵子。谢谢~~亲~~God bless you!</P><P>To yiyi0380:我现在也不怎么指望他的四周了。其实这个对我们来说本来就是无所谓的事情,喜欢上他的时候不也没有四周么。Weir把滑冰当作自娱自乐的手段了,只要他高兴就好啊~~</P><P>To zz2004:谢谢看文!我翻译的不好(不是谦虚),我就是想为Weir做点什么,才这么赶鸭子上架做翻译。英文好的大人们何其多啊,我这里就是在献丑了!现在回头看看我的文,感觉毛病很多。最突出的一点就是明显带有翻译者行文习惯的一些常用词语句式,显得很单薄,用词贫乏。希望各位大人们不吝赐教,多挑毛病,给我一个提高的机会。不愿在这里说可以发信息给我,亲~</P><P>To 随风入雨:欢迎来“花样年华”!你的名字很好听啊~亲。想当初(也就这几天的事|||),我的第一个帖子也是回给Weir的!这里有很多志同道合的人,以后多联系吧~~关于中文,等Weir来了你们谁去教他两句吧^_^</P><P>To emilieliu:握手!他支持Kerry我也很受用!我实在是对Bush喜欢不起来~开始看他教小孩子我也觉得很惊喜~~Weir真是总能制造一些让我们激动不已的事情啊~</P><P>To gtxys:Huggggggggs and kisssssses!喜欢上了吧?哈哈。发现了么,如果套用亲爱的你的话,就是“他看上去很男人。”关于他和Sasha的事,我来澄清一下,有fans问过这样的问题(我觉得有点八卦嫌疑就没翻译|||):你和Sasha今后会不会交往一下?他说:不,不会。我们是非常亲密而单纯的好朋友。</P><P>To adria:哈哈,看看上面我回给gtxys的内容~~不过别太失望,我相信他会有自己更好的选择的~</P><P>To lilysnow:谢谢你!让大家了解到真正的Weir(你喜不喜欢他都没关系),我的翻译就算是有意义的!没有白忙啊~~哈哈。请继续支持他吧~</P><P>To Ray:我和你一起期待啊啊啊啊~~不过话说回来,我觉得Weir要是不滑单人滑了,真的有点可惜~~但还是随他高兴啦~</P><P>To Danielle:谢谢支持!欢迎看文!回亲!!</P><P>http://photo.gznet.com/photos/1285247/1285247-sEodvm2dft.jpg</P><P>虽然二人关系已经澄清,但是大家还是可以尽情想象一下两个人双人滑的情形啊~~确实会很美丽的!</P>

草珊瑚 发表于 2004-12-3 15:39:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>拉斐尔</I>在2004-12-3 13:51:57的发言:</B>

<P>To 草珊瑚:回亲~~我也想象过他俩人双人滑的情形,似乎是有点难度~不过,我有一个巨外行的问题:有没有规定一定要男选手托举女选手啊,大汗||||另外,你家亲爱的瓢虫小蓝同学,是Lambiel么?</P></DIV>

gtxys 发表于 2004-12-3 17:13:00


emilieliu 发表于 2004-12-3 17:37:00

my god

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>gtxys</I>在2004-12-3 17:13:18的发言:</B>


P.t2004 发表于 2004-12-4 22:24:00


Yvonne 发表于 2004-12-4 23:28:00


catain 发表于 2004-12-4 23:55:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Yvonne</I>在2004-12-4 23:28:17的发言:</B>


清清山泉 发表于 2004-12-7 12:39:00


moonlita 发表于 2004-12-7 19:14:00

<FONT face=幼圆 size=3>Khorkina...我也喜欢她....WEIR这么说实在是蛮有勇气的...毕竟那个我也很不喜欢的CHAMPION是米国的呢....</FONT>

catain 发表于 2004-12-12 15:42:00

<FONT size=2>小W是宾西法尼亚州的,宾夕法尼亚州的兰卡斯特地区。</FONT>

支持Johnny 发表于 2004-12-15 20:18:00

<P>原来那么多人也像我一样喜欢Johnny。看他滑冰真是一种享受。可惜他不参加总决赛,不然我一定去看。</P><P>谁有他的照片能发给我吗? 我可是在高三悬梁刺骨睡眠严重不足的情况下看了他大奖赛的所有比赛,各位一定要</P><P>满足我这个愿望啊!!!!</P>

alexes 发表于 2004-12-16 00:47:00

<P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Weir在俄罗斯站后接受俄罗斯媒体的采访</FONT></P><P><a href="http://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&amp;threadid=19691" target="_blank" >http://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&amp;threadid=19691</A></P><P><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Tinami Aromi翻译</FONT></P><P><b><FONT face=Verdana size=1>Johnny Weir Interview at COR</FONT></b> </P><P><FONT face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=2>Interview with Johnny Weir. “Tarasova told me – Plushenko is your only competition”.
By Natalia Kamkina.
<a href="http://www.newizv.ru/news/?id_news=16678&amp;date=2004-12-08" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#000020>http://www.newizv.ru/news/?id_news=...date=2004-12-08</FONT></A>

According to the own words of the 3x World Champion in Figure Skating, Evgeny Plushenko, at the upcoming Worlds, he will face many competitors, but the main one, is the American Johnny Weir. It is a reality, but a 20-year old Johnny, during the last season, has expanded, and has 3 glamorous wins – he won the Nationals and won two GPs in Japan and France. Only at the CoR, he secured the 2nd place, stepping aside for Plushenko. But you can’t call such out come a “defeat”. The rising stars of Figure Skating are giving their replies….here to the correspondent of “Novie Izvestiya” (Recent News).

Q: Johnny, at every competition this year, besides your regular coach, Tarasova is with you everywhere. How is your cooperation proceeding, and when did it start?

A: I went to see Tarasova after the Nationals in Dallas. I was very close with Sasha Cohen at the time. She raved how great it is to train with Tarasova. I ended up working with Tarasova on my short programme for 6 weeks.

You know what? Tarasova always strives for perfection, she can’t physically (emotionally) accept “to fail”. Besides, she treated me fantastically – she offered me to live with her in her house in Sembersi, she created “all positive” environment for all my training. We worked hard. She is an incredible woman. She helps everyone, not just me, but also Andrey Griazev, Annett Dytre, Julia Sebastyan, Shizuka Arakawa…… She presented 5 programmes at the GP events…. That’s fantastic. She is maxing her self out (she pushes her self to the edge of her limits). I think it has to do with “inertia” she kept when Alexei Yagudin finished his competitive career. Now she has more time.

One more thing….. she makes me feel confident. She conveys to me on daily basis that I am the best. She says my only competion is Plushenko. That means a great deal. Working with TAT is a big step forward for me. This summer I went back to TAT for 3 months, from June to August. Now we work on both, short and long. TAT did not change them too much, she just introduced a new “meaning” (new character). I hope our cooperation continues.

Q: Most of skaters who work with TAT, also live in her house. And you?

A: Not me. She has a lot of people in her house. I am 20 years old. I need privacy and space, away from skating. I like to come back home, cook my own means, and watch TV quietly. I am “homebody” (house person). TAT respects it.

Q. You started skating at 12, not too late?

A: No. Before that I was into horse riding (eq) and a skier. When I was 5, I tried gymnastics. But the coach told me I was too petite. I only did gymnastics for 1 month.

Q: It’s obvious in your programmes, that you studied gymnastics.

A: You really think so? That’s great! Thank you!

Q: Who is your most dangerous opponent for Worlds 2005?

A: Only Plushenko. I beat the rest of them in this season. My aim is only at Plushenko. He is the truly best one in the World. But I want to be the best.

Q: You worked with a Russian coach for only 3 months. But Plushenko works with a Russian coach all his life. Could that be his trump card?

A: You know what? Often coaches work for “image”. Some go to TV shows, appear someplace….. But Russian coaches…… they work, and do what they have to do. They force us to skate and to become the best. That’s how the system has
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