alexes 发表于 2005-9-25 12:42:00


<P><A href="" target=_blank></A></P>
<P>说Alexei Yagudin 正在约会 Kabaeva的队友 Lyiasen Utyasheva.</P>
<P><A href="" target=_blank></A> Yagudin states : “When I saw Utyasheva performing on TV, I knew I had to get her phone number. I later went to Moscow to see her perform at European Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship, and we hit it off (found a common language)”. By the end of the event both were seen hugging and holding hands. Recently Yagudin was to meet Utyasheva at a gala-concert, he was in such a hurry that he crushed his Mercedes (not badly). “When you rush – you make a fool of yourself” said Yagudin about the accident “but it was not my fault”.</P>
<P>点击下面的连接,是Lyiasen Utyasheva的照片</P>
<P><A href=";q=1880854779&amp;p=57&amp;rpt2=simage&amp;" target=_blank>照片1</A></P>
<P><A href=";q=1880854779&amp;p=6&amp;rpt2=simage&amp;" target=_blank>照片2</A></P>

Icarus 发表于 2005-9-25 13:02:00

<P>看来Princess姐姐的直觉实在是太强悍了,前几个月她就说这个Lyiasen Utyasheva貌似是小熊的女友了,没想到果然.现在她可能还在郁闷吧.</P><P>她和小熊的和照~~呃~~应该说就长相而言比某个人的LP还是好很多了.</P><P><img src=""></P>

alexes 发表于 2005-9-25 13:15:00


violayan 发表于 2005-9-25 13:19:00


Yvonne 发表于 2005-9-25 13:22:00

<P>my godness!</P><P>yagudin居然和她?!</P><P>utyasheva本来是俄罗斯的三号选手,一次受了重伤,所以就退役了。好象听说现在又出来练了,不过成绩一般。</P><P>其实我感觉utyasheva的长相在俄罗斯艺术体操队里还算是比较一般的,身体柔韧性不错。</P><P>我看那个终极八卦的帖子里,icarus可以在旁边做个副表,画上花样滑冰和艺术体操运动员的纠葛。(barsukova不也和一个花样滑冰运动员有过一段恋情么~)</P>

Icarus 发表于 2005-9-25 13:22:00


alexes 发表于 2005-9-25 13:26:00

Athur Dmitriev的太太就是艺术体操选手啊,看来俄罗斯的花样滑冰男选手与艺术体操的MM还是很有缘分的

princess 发表于 2005-9-28 15:50:00

<P>强烈自责中~~最近8超女没顾得上那只熊,才多长时间没看着他呀,就出状况了。(据说还有个小accident,好在他没受伤)</P><P>是五月份时,我分析了熊的两段采访分析出他和那个LU mm关系...,我还不停地告诉自己,没根据,不可能的,没想到现在就公开了。通常我猜这方面事情都是很没灵感的,到熊这儿咋这么准涅。呜哇..</P>

Icarus 发表于 2005-9-28 18:33:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>princess</I>在2005-9-28 15:50:36的发言:</B>

<P>是五月份时,我分析了熊的两段采访分析出他和那个LU mm关系...,我还不停地告诉自己,没根据,不可能的,没想到现在就公开了。通常我猜这方面事情都是很没灵感的,到熊这儿咋这么准涅。呜哇..</P></DIV>


alexes 发表于 2005-9-28 19:20:00

<P><IMG src=""></P>
<P> 9.20.2005 “I was always “Bad-boy”, Evgeny was always “Good-Boy”.
By Inga Zemzare.

<a href="" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#496690></FONT></A>

(SPB is St. Peter).

Editorial Q: So what is Alexei occupied with in St. Pete and the surroundings?
Editorial A + quote: After winning the Olys at SLC, Yagudin left the amature sport.

“I am extremely happy about what’s taking place in my life. I can sleep to my heart’s content and not think about “SP” and “LP”, or the exhibition programme. But this SPB skater, who has a contract with “SOI”, has to perform much more often than before.

Q: You skate a lot?

A: I skate over 100 exhibition number in 1 year, from end of September to early may, and not one week is free. This year after the end of season came to Russia for two weeks, then popped over to USA and returned home. It’s fun here in summertime.

Q: What about mosquitoes? ( :=)

A: I hate mosquitoes. I hit myself on the ear, but it does not help. I vacuum them off the ceiling, but they don’t go away. I get up on the chair in the evening with the vacume cleaner – one-two and they are gone.

There is not mosquito problem in America, there the mosquito is lazy. But the Russian mosquito is quick – reality demands it.

Q: So what do you do in SPB?

A: I can always go to “Marakesh” restaurant and smoke a kalian “shisha pipe”. I like that restaurant building across the street from the church “Spasa-na-krovi” (Chiesa del Salvatore sul Sungue versato), it was turned from an under-ground public toilette into a restaurant. I don’t know too many night clubs, but the ones I like are not fancy, rather simple. I went to “Papaninne Club” for the “retro-evening” and hear the “White Roses” and “Left at night on the night train”. It’s very pleasnatly nostalgic. I totally love “Komarovo” and the restaurants on the bay front.

Q: It’s hard to imagine there are no such place in America?

A: Well….. Me and my friend Misha Goldin, we drive to the ocean. He is a diver, he catches “lobster”….. with all the underwater gear. I live in Connecticut. It has the best Autumn I’ve ever seen. Very much like our Autumn – all is yellow and colorful. The ocean – is 1 hour’s drive from us. There are lakes. We break a tent, boil a fish-soup, Misha plays a guitar. I like to sit with friends and chat, through some jokes around. We all grew up with this – the tents, the nature expeditions…..

Q: So why did you leave what you grew up with?

A: When I left in 1998, it was some what slow here…., plus I was young, only 18, and “sport” was all for me. But now our city has transformed! For example, Moscow will always be for me the “Capital of the World” – I love it. But I could not live there, because it’s “crazy”, and lots and lots of EVERYTHING. But it is beautiful. In SPB I am more comfortable – its calmer, slower, and my family is here.

I came home this year, and I can’t make myself leave. Here I speak my native language, its my mother land (my place of birth), and people’s nature is so much closer to mine.

Q: So no-one can blame you of being anti-patriotic?

A: I was always blamed for many things. I was always the “Bad Boy”. And Plushenko was the “Good Boy”. I got this image because I lived in the States, because I coached Joubert, who is Plushenko’s opponent.

The truth is, its because nobody Russian came and asked me for help. I did help Andrey Gryazev, he became a Juniore World Champione. Brian asked me for help. Of course, I am not his coach, but I’ll help with what I can, consulting. But as far as my own country, of course I love it. Of course I feel int

Yvonne 发表于 2005-9-30 20:13:00

<P>应该不太可能参加这次世界锦标赛吧。</P><P>好象kabaeva又复出了,tchachina还没退,然后俄罗斯的丑mm,夺标大热门,olga kapranova,以及sessina。似乎已经没有了utyasheva的位置了呀~~</P>

tanith 发表于 2005-10-2 21:50:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Yvonne</I>在2005-9-30 20:13:37的发言:</B>


Yvonne 发表于 2005-10-3 15:48:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>tanith</I>在2005-10-2 21:50:18的发言:</B>

<P>至于你说的anna,是anna bessonova吗?这个mm可是乌克兰的啊,和俄罗斯一点不沾边,风马牛不相及嘛~~</P>

tanith 发表于 2005-10-4 08:23:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Yvonne</I>在2005-10-3 15:48:28的发言:</B>

<P>至于你说的anna,是anna bessonova吗?这个mm可是乌克兰的啊,和俄罗斯一点不沾边,风马牛不相及嘛~~</P></DIV>

Yvonne 发表于 2005-10-4 15:06:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>tanith</I>在2005-10-4 8:23:09的发言:</B>

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