vividlyzh 发表于 2006-2-6 15:12:00


冰清 发表于 2006-2-6 15:51:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>sunshine</I>在2006-2-6 4:53:13的发言:</B><br>
<P>[转贴]<STRONG>花滑国家队今开赴都灵 出征前夜赵宏博完成"噩梦"跳</STRONG></P>
<P 170%?><FONT color=#000000><FONT color=#000000>  在昨天的训练中,一直处于恢复状态的赵宏博完成他此前尚未完成的最后一个高难度动作<FONT face="Times New Roman">———</FONT>单人三周跳接三周跳<FONT face="Times New Roman">(</FONT>三周连跳<FONT face="Times New Roman">)</FONT>。</FONT></FONT><br></P></DIV>
<P>"中国花样滑冰总教练姚滨在机场接受本网采访时透露:在昨天的训练中,赵宏博第一次把<FONT color=#ff0033>后外点冰三周跳接后内点冰两周</FONT>在片断组合中成功完成。"<br>
<P>而根据这篇报道<a href="" target="_blank" ></A>:<br>
<P>"姚滨还透露,根据赵宏博的现实情况,他和申雪在冬奥会上的<FONT color=#ff0033>自由滑动作中减少了一个“三周跳”,这会在总分上减少0.9分</FONT>,虽然通常双人滑比赛前几名的差距都在三、四分左右,但也不能小视这0.9分。申/赵想在冬奥会上创造奇迹,在放弃0.9分之后,他们必须拿出更为完美的动作。"<br>

freelily 发表于 2006-2-6 17:16:00


天空很希腊 发表于 2006-2-6 18:34:00


冰中鱼 发表于 2006-2-6 18:36:00


wushuang122 发表于 2006-2-6 19:07:00


wushuang122 发表于 2006-2-6 19:07:00


yueguang 发表于 2006-2-6 22:46:00

<P>估计是老赵没把握完成3TOE SEQ 3TOE,而换成跟TT/MM一样的3TOE 2TOE 以后,至少可以少跳一个三周~~</P>

小猪飞旋 发表于 2006-2-6 23:16:00


带点醉意的笑 发表于 2006-2-6 23:35:00


hu2891601 发表于 2006-2-7 01:36:00

I'm really starting to get nervous right now..... they should've arrived Turino already!!!

hongligl 发表于 2006-2-7 11:46:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>冰清</I>在2006-2-6 15:51:44的发言:</B><BR><BR></DIV>
<P>"中国花样滑冰总教练姚滨在机场接受本网采访时透露:在昨天的训练中,赵宏博第一次把<FONT color=#ff0033>后外点冰三周跳接后内点冰两周</FONT>在片断组合中成功完成。"<BR>
<P>而根据这篇报道<a href="" target="_blank" ></A>:<BR>
<P>"姚滨还透露,根据赵宏博的现实情况,他和申雪在冬奥会上的<FONT color=#ff0033>自由滑动作中减少了一个“三周跳”,这会在总分上减少0.9分</FONT>,虽然通常双人滑比赛前几名的差距都在三、四分左右,但也不能小视这0.9分。申/赵想在冬奥会上创造奇迹,在放弃0.9分之后,他们必须拿出更为完美的动作。"<BR>
<DIV class=quote>It should be 3T/2T, the same as T/M's.As S/Z's 2A is after 2min, it receives 11% more, which makes it worth 3.63, comparing with T/M's 3S in the first half of the program 4.5 , the difference is 0.9.   S/Z do two outside edge death spirals, T/M would do two inside ones or one outside one so S/Z can make it up or even 1 point higher.S/Z should be better in lift and pair spins, and their step sequences look like level 4, not to mention throw and twist, so in total, S/Z should be about the same or a bit higher in tech comparing with T/M.The aritstry advantage should be enough to cover some mistakes they might make.So I feel confident that S/Z have a better chance for Gold.</DIV>
<DIV class=quote>And in FSU poll, 72% would want S/Z win the Gold!T/M got about 13%</DIV>
<DIV class=quote><BR> </DIV>

yueguang 发表于 2006-2-7 11:47:00



冰清 发表于 2006-2-7 12:00:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>hongligl</I>在2006-2-7 11:46:36的发言:</B><br><br>
<DIV class=quote>It should be 3T/2T, the same as T/M's.As S/Z's 2A is after 2min, it receives 11% more, which makes it worth 3.63, comparing with T/M's 3S in the first half of the program 4.5 , the difference is 0.9.</DIV></DIV>我的理解不是比TM少了0.9,而是比他们以前的3T+3T+SEQ少了0.9,即5.5,正好是3T+2Lo。

带点醉意的笑 发表于 2006-2-7 12:50:00

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0>

<TD class=alt1 width="50%">Inoue/Baldwin </TD>
<TD class=alt2 width="50%"></TD>
<TD class=alt1 title=Votes align=middle><STRONG>10</STRONG></TD>
<TD class=alt2 noWrap align=right>3.04%</TD></TR>
<TD class=alt1 width="50%">Obertas/Slavnov </TD>
<TD class=alt2 width="50%"></TD>
<TD class=alt1 title=Votes align=middle><STRONG>1</STRONG></TD>
<TD class=alt2 noWrap align=right>0.30%</TD></TR>
<TD class=alt1 width="50%">Pang/Tong </TD>
<TD class=alt2 width="50%"></TD>
<TD class=alt1 title=Votes align=middle><STRONG>0</STRONG></TD>
<TD class=alt2 noWrap align=right>0%</TD></TR>
<TD class=alt1 width="50%">Petrova/Tikhinov </TD>
<TD class=alt2 width="50%"></TD>
<TD class=alt1 title=Votes align=middle><STRONG>9</STRONG></TD>
<TD class=alt2 noWrap align=right>2.74%</TD></TR>
<TD class=alt1 width="50%"><EM>Shen/Zhao</EM> </TD>
<TD class=alt2 width="50%"></TD>
<TD class=alt1 title=Votes align=middle><STRONG>239</STRONG></TD>
<TD class=alt2 noWrap align=right>72.64%</TD></TR>
<TD class=alt1 width="50%">Totmianina/Marinin </TD>
<TD class=alt2 width="50%"></TD>
<TD class=alt1 title=Votes align=middle><STRONG>44</STRONG></TD>
<TD class=alt2 noWrap align=right>13.37%</TD></TR>
<TD class=alt1 width="50%">Zhang/Zhang </TD>
<TD class=alt2 width="50%"></TD>
<TD class=alt1 title=Votes align=middle><STRONG>0</STRONG></TD>
<TD class=alt2 noWrap align=right>0%</TD></TR>
<TD class=alt1 width="50%">Savchenko/Solkowy, even thought they wont be there! </TD>
<TD class=alt2 width="50%"></TD>
<TD class=alt1 title=Votes align=middle><STRONG>26</STRONG></TD>
<TD class=alt2 noWrap align=right>7.90%</TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>以上是目前为止,fsu上对“<STRONG>Who do you WANT to see win gold in Pairs?”</STRONG>这个问题的投票,申赵显示出压倒性人气啊,我想都有那么多人给他们祈福,总会带来些幸运吧^_^<STRONG> </STRONG></P>

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查看完整版本: 好消息!!S/Z攻克三周跳!