以下是引用冰清在2006-2-6 15:51:44的发言:
It should be 3T/2T, the same as T/M's. As S/Z's 2A is after 2min, it receives 11% more, which makes it worth 3.63, comparing with T/M's 3S in the first half of the program 4.5 , the difference is 0.9. S/Z do two outside edge death spirals, T/M would do two inside ones or one outside one so S/Z can make it up or even 1 point higher. S/Z should be better in lift and pair spins, and their step sequences look like level 4, not to mention throw and twist, so in total, S/Z should be about the same or a bit higher in tech comparing with T/M. The aritstry advantage should be enough to cover some mistakes they might make. So I feel confident that S/Z have a better chance for Gold.
And in FSU poll, 72% would want S/Z win the Gold! T/M got about 13%