Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-15 23:38:00



此次Weir将作为卫冕冠军出战。他曾于04、05、06连续三年获得该项赛事男单冠军,如今年能卫冕成功,他将追平传奇人物Brian Boitano全美男单“四连冠”的记录。而此次他“四连冠”之路最大的竞争对手便是去年全美亚军,两届世锦赛铜牌得主Evan Lysacek。Lysacek去年全美以微弱劣势惜败于Weir。







Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-22 15:15:00

<P>"My coach, Frank Carroll, has taught me since Day One to have the utmost respect for your sport and what it has given you, for the media, and for the U.S. Championships," he said. "It's a very high-profile event for our sport and it kind of overshadows the world championships as far as spectators and media and prestige in this country."</P>

pinkycat 发表于 2007-1-18 16:32:00


ice_skating 发表于 2007-1-16 03:43:00

<P>时区:-8,与北京时间的转换:+16小时<br>主赛场:Spokane Arena<br>第二赛场:Convention Center<br>练习组:A</P>
<P>日程<br>1月23日8:10-8:45 Spokane Arena 短节目练习<br>1月24日11:15-12:00 Spokane Arena 自由滑练习<br>1月24日19:40-20:15 Convention Center 短节目练习<br>1月25日7:50-8:10, 8:10-8:30, 8:40-9:00某一个时段,Spokane Arena 短节目最后练习<br><STRONG>1月25日14:00-16:45 Spokane Arena 短节目(北京时间1月26日6:00-8:45)<br></STRONG>1月26日12:45-13:30 Convention Center 自由滑练习<br>1月27日16:00-16:20, 16:20-16:40, 16:50-17:10某一个时段,Spokane Arena 自由滑最后练习<br><STRONG>1月27日18:15-20:25 Spokane Arena 自由滑(北京时间1月28日10:00-14:45)</STRONG><br>1月28日10:00-10:35 Spokane Arena 表演练习<br>1月28日14:00-16:30 Spokane Arena 表演</P>
<TABLEcellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=432 border=0 x:str>
<COL style="WIDTH: 54pt" span=6 width=72></STRONG>

<TD class=xl24width=72 height=19 x:num="39105"><FONT face=宋体><STRONG>1月23日</STRONG></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl24width=72 x:num="39106"><FONT face=宋体><STRONG>1月24日</STRONG></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl24width=72 x:num="39107"><FONT face=宋体><STRONG>1月25日</STRONG></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl24width=72 x:num="39108"><FONT face=宋体><STRONG>1月26日</STRONG></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl24width=72 x:num="39109"><FONT face=宋体><STRONG>1月27日</STRONG></FONT></TD>
<TD class=xl24width=72 x:num="39110"><FONT face=宋体><STRONG>1月28日</STRONG></FONT></TD></TR>
<TDheight=19><FONT face=宋体>35分钟SP</FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体>45分钟FS</FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体>20分钟SP</FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体>45分钟FS</FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体>20分钟FS</FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体>35分钟EX</FONT></TD></TR>
<TDheight=19><FONT face=宋体></FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体>35分钟SP</FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体 color=#0066ff><STRONG>SP</STRONG></FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体></FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体 color=#0066ff><STRONG>FS</STRONG></FONT></TD>
<TD ><FONT face=宋体>EX</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></P>

leslie 发表于 2007-1-16 05:24:00

<P><FONT color=#0909f7>sigh,我比他都紧张。</FONT></P>

Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-18 21:32:00

<P>小学时候考试批评学生经常用的词:骄娇二气。这词太适合大少了~ </P>

fs2046 发表于 2007-1-19 09:54:00

<P 0cm 0cm 0pt">不太明白为什么有些威迷总喜欢用消极的眼光看待比赛和竞争,纵观现在世界男单领先的国家:日,美,法,加,都是双雄对峙的局面,而普和蓝在一枝独秀之后都对比赛产生了厌倦。这绝对不是偶然现象。中国可以在双人赛独领风骚,也和三对世界水平选手间的良性竞争分不开。</P>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt"> </P>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt">有压力才有动力。</P>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt"> </P>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt">所以我觉得建立在相互尊重基础上的竞争是好事,雷和威应该感谢彼此的存在,因为他们在竞争中相互学习和提高了。</P>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt"> </P>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt">对全美,我还是那句话,只要我们小雷尽力了,得第几都无所谓。我只希望他好好爱惜自己的身体,快乐地享受运动生涯里的每个时刻。选手会对自己的表现负责,而作fans只要全力支持就好。</P>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt"> </P>
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt">把输赢看淡点,追星才会轻松愉快。</P>

sherryadela 发表于 2007-1-19 11:01:00


Yvonne 发表于 2007-1-17 14:00:00

<P><STRONG><FONT color=#0000ff>golden skate上一篇预测全美的文章</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><a href="http://goldenskate.com/articles/2006/011607.shtml" target="_blank" >http://goldenskate.com/articles/2006/011607.shtml</A></P>
<P>For all of the controversy surrounding Johnny Weir in general, there has been surprisingly little at Nationals. Weir has walked away with the national title for three consecutive years. In Spokane, he competes for a fourth consecutive title, something that has not been done since Brian Boitano. <STRONG>Despite his successes at the national level, Weir has had little success at the world level, dropping in the world standings in every year with odd falls, poorly planned programs, and no quadruple jump.</STRONG> In Spokane, Weir battles not only for his title, but also to prove that time has not passed him by. <STRONG>Two years ago, it was nearly inconceivable that Weir would not be on the podium with perfect programs. Now, with the likes of Daisuke Takashi and Nobunari Oda of Japan, France's Brian Joubert, and countryman Evan Lysacek, it's questionable whether Weir could medal at the world level even with his very best skate.</STRONG></P>
<P>Lysacek, the two-time and reigning world bronze medalist, has defeated Weir internationally at the past two World Championships and the Olympics. After winning Cup of China, Lysacek would have been the favorite to win the National title except for a freak fall in practice at the Grand Prix Final that kept him off the ice entirely for two weeks. <STRONG>Lysacek's readiness is questionable, and like Weir, he has problems delivering the quadruple jump. However, Lysacek's excellent program planning and delivery (even with mistakes) is an inherent advantage that could push him to the top in a contest where both he and Weir make mistakes.</STRONG></P>
<P>As in the ladies event, the third men's world team berth is a crap-shoot due to the retirements of veterans Matt Savoie, Michael Weiss, and Tim Goebel. Unlike the ladies, the heirs apparent have been skating fairly well this season. Scott Smith, fourth at Cup of China, is considered the favorite provided he can land his triple axels and make a creditable attempt at the quadruple salchow. </P>
<P>Smith is not the only man with momentum, however. Training mate Stephen Carriere, reigning U.S. junior champ, won the Junior Grand Prix Final and both of his JGP events this season. Though no U.S. junior champion has finished in the top five in his first appearance in seniors for at least fifteen years, Carriere could buck that trend if he skates well.</P>
<P>Four men from the highly competitive Midwestern sectional - Jeremy Abbott, Parker Pennington, Ryan Bradley, and Braden Overett - all have the talent and technical goods to challenge as well. Veteran Derrick Delmore, who has competed at the senior level since 1996, also has an outside shot at a medal in what could be his final competitive skate.</P>
<P>1. Lysacek<br>2. Weir<br>3. Smith</P>
<P><STRONG>由于Savoie,Weiss,Goebel的退役,Scott Smith很有可能获得今年比赛的第三名。”</STRONG></P>

sherryadela 发表于 2007-1-19 08:52:00


纳尼亚花蜜 发表于 2007-1-20 00:58:00


ice_skating 发表于 2007-1-23 00:59:00

<P>这里又有一句评论Weir的<STRONG>There are many ideas to boost skating</STRONG></P>
<P><a href="http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070121/SPORTS17/701210596/1048" target="_blank" >http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070121/SPORTS17/701210596/1048</A></P>
<P>"Let Johnny Weir be Johnny Weir. The more you shut it out, the more you shut out people who identify with him. He's different. We should embrace that." -- Former U.S. ice dance champion Jerod Swallow, on Weir, three-time U.S. men's champion who has a propensity to say whatever's on his mind.</P>

ice_skating 发表于 2007-1-23 01:04:00

<P>Johnny可能今天才开始往Spokane飞,因为前几天比赛中心没有训练时间。明天是他们(Senior men)的第一场训练,详情请看2楼的日程安排。</P>

ice_skating 发表于 2007-1-19 19:22:00


牛奶河小猫 发表于 2007-1-19 21:28:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>sherryadela</I>在2007-1-19 11:01:04的发言:</B><BR>
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