发表于 2007-2-10 07:31:00
<DIV class=quote twffan="done"><B>以下是引用<I>扭曲的机器</I>在2007-2-10 2:09:21的发言:</B><br><br>
发表于 2007-2-10 07:34:00
1Marie-France DUBREUIL / Patrice LAUZON CAN100.7351.11 49.628.218.138.468.298.380.00#12 2Tanith BELBIN / Benjamin AGOSTO USA98.8150.68 3Tessa VIRTUE / Scott MOIR CAN93.9950.40 43.597.297.087.427.257.420.00#11 4Meryl DAVIS / Charlie WHITE USA91.3549.44 41.917.006.887. 5Kimberly NAVARRO / Brent BOMMENTRE USA80.0145.69 34.325.965.545.795.675.710.00#5 6Cathy REED / Chris REED JPN75.8743.56 32.315.505.295.425.425.330.00#6 7Lauren SENFT / Leif GISLASON CAN73.3542.55 32.805.545.335.465.585.502.00#7 8Xintong HUANG / Xun ZHENG CHN70.7541.71 9Xiaoyang YU / Chen WANG CHN67.2540.18 27.074.634.424.544.504.500.00#4 10Olga AKIMOVA / Alexander SHAKALOV UZB66.3638.87 27.494.794.334.674.714.540.00#2 11Laura MUNANA / Luke MUNANA MEX58.0433.81 12Maria BOROUNOV / Evgeni BOROUNOV AUS46.4230.83 16.593.042.672.792.752.581.00#1
发表于 2007-2-10 07:40:00
发表于 2007-2-10 08:00:00
发表于 2007-2-10 08:27:00
发表于 2007-2-10 08:32:00
<P>等待男单~当然最重要的还是视频啦 想尽快目睹JEFF的精彩表现</P>
发表于 2007-2-10 09:01:00
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发表于 2007-2-10 09:04:00
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<P><STRONG>Pairs, Free Skating<BR></STRONG>The Pairs event concluded with the Free Skating. Xue Shen/Hongbo Zhao (CHN) skated off with the gold medal with their teammates Qing Pang/Jian Tong claiming the silver. Rena Inoue/John Baldwin (USA) took the bronze medal. <BR><BR>Overnight leaders Shen/Zhao had drawn to skate last. Their lyrical performance of « Meditation » from the opera « Thais » featured a side by side triple toe-double toe combination, a double Axel, a high triple twist and a big throw triple loop and Salchow as well as difficult lifts. The rarely seen forward outside death spiral, the spins ans pirals were all awarded a level four by the Technical Panel. The only glitch in their performance wasa loss of unison in the side by side spin and <STRONG>they lost speed towards the end, finishing a little bit too late which led to a overtime deduction</STRONG>. Nevertheless, the two-time World Champions earned 133.76 points(67.85/66.91)<B > </B>and accumulated a total score of 203.05 to win their third Four Continents title after 1999 and 2003. <BR>Skating to « Music of the Night » by Andrew Lloyd Webber Pang/Tong hit a side by side double Axel-double Axel sequence, a triple toeloop, triple twist, throw triple loop and Salchow. Their Axel lasso and toe lasso lift both were graded a level four. The reigning World Champions scored 119.53 points (61.26/58.27) and collected 175.48 points overall. The silver medal was their fifth medal at the Four Continents Championships. Pang/Tong won the event in 2002 and 2004 and were second in 2003 and 2005. <BR>Inoue/Baldwin opened their routine set to a medley of music by Giacomo Puccini with a side by side triple toeloop followed by a double twist and a double Axel-double Axel sequence, but he stumbled out of the seonc jump.Inoue took a hard fall on the throw triple Axel, but recovered to land the throw triple loop later into the program. The couple go level four on all thei elements except the footwork which was graded a level three. The 2006 Four Continents Champions got 113.75 points (60.98/53.77) and remained in third place at 175.48 points. </P>
<P>« I think I can say it (winning) comes as a surprise to us. We had a lot of difficulties to overcome, and the last two competitions were very close. I still haven’t overcome the jetlag yet. Therefore we feel very happy to have scored over 200 points here”, Zhao told the press. ”This performance was about the same as at the Grand Prix Final, but we were a little bit slow, because of the altitude. We lost one point (overtime deduction). Technically we still can do better, there were some little errors. But <STRONG>the triple twist was much better today than yesterday</STRONG>”, his partner added. <BR>“Our jumps have improved and it is important to get better. After winning the World Championships we hoped to get better but there have been a lot of obstacles to that.We are confident that we will skate much better at the (upcoming) World Championships”, Tong commented.<BR><BR><BR>Valerie Marcoux/Craig Buntin (CAN) finished fourth. The three-time Canadian Champions landed a triple toe-triple toe sequence, but Marcoux popped the Axel while he fell on a double, and the couple didn’t finish their side by side spin (162.79 points). U.S. Champions Brooke Castile/Benjamin Okolski came in fifth at 160.04 points and were ranked fourth in the Free Skating. They put out a solid performance that included a triple twist, a double Axel-double toe sequence and a throw triple loop and Salchow. <BR><BR>Jessica Dubé/Bryce Davison withdrew during the Free Skating following an accident. <STRONG>Dubé suffered a laceration to the left side of her face (cheek and nose), when she came too close to her partner Bryce Davison and he hit her with his blade in</STRONG> <STRONG>the face.</STRONG> “She is doing very well, and she will be fine”, ISU Medical advisor Jane Moran
发表于 2007-2-10 09:06:00
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发表于 2007-2-10 09:09:00
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>lisa76</I>在2007-2-10 9:04:56的发言:</B><BR>
<P><STRONG>Pairs, Free Skating<BR></STRONG>Skating to « Music of the Night » by Andrew Lloyd Webber Pang/Tong hit a side by side double Axel-double Axel sequence, a triple toeloop, triple twist, throw triple loop and Salchow. Their Axel lasso and toe lasso lift both were graded a level four. The reigning World Champions scored 119.53 points (61.26/58.27) and collected 175.48 points overall. The silver medal was their fifth medal at the Four Continents Championships. Pang/Tong won the event in 2002 and 2004 and were second in 2003 and 2005. <BR></P></DIV>
发表于 2007-2-10 09:11:00
发表于 2007-2-10 09:21:00
发表于 2007-2-10 09:27:00
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<P>Tanith Belbin / Ben Agosto, Marie-France Dubreuil / Patrice Lauzon, Tessa Virtue / Scott Moir </P><IMG src="" border=1> <IMG src="" border=1>
发表于 2007-2-10 09:38:00
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>tobyid</I>在2007-2-10 7:31:30的发言:</B><br>
<DIV class=quote twffan="done"><B>以下是引用<I>扭曲的机器</I>在2007-2-10 2:09:21的发言:</B><br><br>
<P><FONT size=4>真不知道你所谓的“含蓄和正面”的标准是什么?难道宏博说出真话就是错误?中肯的善意的引导观众就是不够“含蓄和正面”,我明白了,宏博应该这样说“我觉得亚冬会的观众好热情啊,呐喊声多大阿我好喜欢,节目行进时闪光灯此起彼伏好多阿证明我是多么受欢迎的明星”,这样才够你所谓的“正面”,,,NO,NO,NO,在我看来你所谓的这种“正面”恰恰是虚伪,不管是赛场上还是现实生活中的宏博,我所感受到的宏博大哥都是一个真性情和耿直率真的男人,如果说直截了当地指出观众在礼仪方面的不足是错误的话,会因此而“得罪”某些狭隘而虚伪的人而被骂成是“破嘴”的话,那么我宁愿宏博大哥得罪这些人,因为这些人根本就配不上做一个“冰迷”。 </FONT>
<P><FONT size=4>宏博大哥一再说最大的心愿是把“star on ice”类似的表演引入中国,他的设想是像PARTY一样观众围桌而坐,喝着红酒,明星在旁边跳舞,歌星在一边演唱,不过这次的亚冬会观众在礼仪方面的表现使我担心这种设想的可行性。其实不光是花滑,这两年中网和斯诺克china open相继在中国举行,每每听到或看到观众在观赛礼仪方面的欠缺,这难道不是事实吗? </FONT>
<P><FONT size=4>我是谁的粉丝并不重要,你也有表达你的观点的权利,但是我觉得首先应该站在尊重别人的基础上,尊重别人你懂不懂?这个应该是幼儿园老师教给你的,你骂宏博是“破嘴”的时候有没有想过尊重别人呢,这也是我为何要怀疑你的素质高低的原因。如果我这样说你,请你在骂别人是“破嘴”的时候,好好用用你的“破脑子”想一想,不要从你的“破嘴”里说出这种“破烂话”来,你会觉得愉快吗?所谓己所不欲勿施于人,说话的时候应该经过大脑多顾及一下他人的感受,你说对不对?</FONT></P>
发表于 2007-2-10 09:42:00
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>frenchrabbit</I>在2007-2-10 3:25:08的发言:</B><BR><BR>
<P>应该说SZ02年以后的节目都是经典的好节目。从我个人的角度来讲,短节目首推月光,自油滑首推胡桃夹子,在我看来,月光和胡桃夹子,不仅仅是SZ最好的两套节目,也是双人滑历史上最好的两套节目。这两套节目是浑然天成的,达到了艺术和技术的最完美的统一,是完美的艺术品。当然,其他节目也是非常好的,但是相比来说有些方面要逊色一些。06年的两套节目,短节目拉三和帕格尼尼,从编排的套路上讲是非常好的,但是有的时候套路太好了,就不可避免的会少了几分天然雕饰的感觉,这也是Lorry Nicole的不足之处,这套节目和月光相比,我个人认为是鬼斧神工和巧夺天工的区别。蝴蝶夫人呢,也很不错,在编排的设计上肯定是非常恰当合适的迎合了新规则的要求,但是整体的感觉不及胡桃夹子和图兰朵,蝴蝶夫人这个音乐本身是比较杂的,不太好剪,能够做到这个分上也已经非常好了。这三个音乐相比,最浑然天成的是胡桃夹子,因为基本上是一段双人舞的音乐直接搬过来的,其次是图兰朵,这个音乐叙事性很强,并且SZ版的图兰朵是目前所有滑过陈美的这个小提琴幻想曲的选手中剪的最完美的。而蝴蝶夫人音乐本身的一体性要稍微逊色一些,所以会令整套节目的完美性稍微打那么一点点折扣。<BR></P><BR></DIV>
<P><FONT size=4>哇,“双人滑历史上最好的两套节目”,我也认为这两套的确是精品中的精品,胡桃夹子当然是GPF的版本最好,大多数人都这样认为的,月光呢,法国兔子你认为哪个版本最好,是不是法国站那个版本的最好?</FONT></P>