又一名华裔希望之星 – Nina Jiang?? 兼评中国为什么出不了好的女单?
刚才没事到姚滨的网站遛了一圈,发现了这个留言:姚教练,您好!我是花滑运动的忠实粉丝,这些年来,看到您为花样滑冰培养出如此优秀顶尖人才和创造出如此辉煌的成绩,实在是令人兴奋和为之倾倒!我有一个喜爱滑冰10岁女儿,目前参赛级别是Intermediate.去年12月获得2007年全美少年花样滑冰冠军.参赛级别是 Juvenile.今年暑假会安排回国探亲,同时希望能在国内获得一些训练,希望能得到您的指導或建议.谢谢!( eMail: [email protected] )
我上美国冰协的网站查了下今年 Juvenile的名次,果然是个叫 Nina Jiang的九岁华裔女孩。
Nine-year-old Nina Jiang (Texas Gulf Coast FSC) won the juvenile girls title with a spunky program set to music from “Beauty and the Beast,” and with it she won everyone's hearts as well.
She scored 13 points more than she did while finishing second in her qualifying round Thursday. Her coach, Shanyn Vallon, said Jiang wasn't happy about some of her levels after the qualifying skate and was determined to improve and “finish everything.”
Jiang said, “I was careful to get all my rockers.”
Jiang's score of 70.10 was more than seven points higher than that of silver medalist Yasmin Siraj (SC of Boston). Jiang opened with an Ina Bauer into a single Axel, and followed that with a double Axel, double flip-double loop, double Lutz-double toe-double loop combination (although her foot hit the boards on the final jump), a double Salchow-double toe and a final double Lutz. Of course, she carried a smile from the moment she hit the double Axel.
With all that she can do off the ice, it's easy to forget that, off the ice, she's just a little girl, as evidenced by her answer to the question, “What's your favorite part of skating?”
“I like to fly…I like to do the Tinkerbells,” she said, giggling.
Tinkerbells? That's what she calls working on the harness with Vallon. But working on the harness is only a reward. To get to fly, she must first do three double Axels in a row in practice.
真是奇怪,为什么中国自陈露之后,就培养不出象样的女选手。这十几年来,能作 4,5种三周的大概也就方丹,刘艳,许滨殊,其他就更谈不上。如果只是因为选材面太窄的关系,为什么男单至少跳跃上还过得去,全国赛前十来名,基本会 3A。女单,出了前三名,其他的能完成两种三周就算尖子选手了。差距太大了。
大家有没有觉得中国女单的训练有很大问题? 训练这个问题咱不懂,不好说!不过女单确实断档严重啊!小许mm这么好的苗子真的要好好调教了!
另外,楼上贴的小MM长的好可爱啊,我喜欢 老姚哪有空收女单弟子哦~~~ 我靠!!
起码等她进了Junior组再说,她现在也只不过刚刚升入Intermediate组 LS 的一定是隐藏不报。
希望你们中某人这个夏天能在哪个冰场发现 Nina. 没准三年后,又是一个张园园。 我的确是隐藏不报了……
这样就把她爆出来,那也太。。。。。。 因为现在也就只能找到两张图片外加她参加的公开赛的一些成绩,究竟表现如何,连个视频也没有,也没有多少关于她的详细介绍,更不清楚她的训练情况。
能不能帖一下那两张照片? 她长的好象满可爱的,2A 也会了。你们当中谁脸皮厚点,照那个 EMAIL 地址,请求她的父母在 YOUTUBE 上发个 VIDEO? 光荣的任务交给你,怎么样? 靠……
这个坛子里的人都知道谁脸皮最厚,表把这个“光荣”的任务推给我,我前两天格盘,照片都找不到了,你自己google去吧…… 呵呵~~又有一个可爱滴妹妹可以追踪了~ 晕死,又是一个华裔呀!找张照片来看看嘛!多好看呀! 这个小孩MS春草同学已经留意很久了啊,不过她真的还很小啊。 好可爱的小孩 不过也太小了吧,过个几年再说,现在又看不出什么来 猛男是不是真的给nina的父母发email去了?
虽然偶也想看这个可爱的小MM的视频,8过,小草说得对,现在她需要好好保护而不是过早曝光 HI。HOW R U. 曾经看了一下她的,不过这个很难说的,还是等她长大一些再说了,起码到NOVICE组吧.