扶风 发表于 2008-10-7 15:29:48



不过这些主观的东西本身就是见仁见智,so 也许只是我要求太高太苛刻,但是他们已经升到这个位置了,如果是这样的FD(好看但不能保证精彩~~)今年是很难站在中间的,虽然目前其他Top组的节目都还没出来。。。

我发现我忽然前所未有地痛恨起某主流三段式来 可恶的某些古董裁判,还有某些可恶的无聊规则

昀灿 发表于 2008-10-7 17:41:37

其实在刚刚看到照片时,我就开始觉得服装与这段音乐给我的感受不符;然后又在passion-patinge上看到有看过现场的人形容这套FD是smooth,beautiful,but not exciting,我就更加纳闷了……等于在看到视频以前,我已经有了准备,或许这也是我能接受这套节目的原因之一?
另外,怎么说呢,这次的节目,没有象去年Masters时的Piano那样多少让我有种job unfinished的感觉。或许,这也可以算一个改进吧



franzsfan 发表于 2008-10-7 22:10:33

原帖由 扶风 于 2008-10-6 18:54 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif

等大奖赛开始,所有人的节目就都曝光了,这个就无所谓了,最多也只是几站顺序的不同有那么几天的早晚而已。 不过,S/B的男伴竟然在facebook群里曝D/W的料来着,不过也基本上都是些有的没的,连这么亲近的好朋友都不知道选曲,这个也藏的太奇怪了~或者是人家知道却故意不说~

Callisto是油菜花来的,去年French Master的视频还是照片也是她家首发吧,油菜油菜~~

pooool 发表于 2008-10-8 05:19:11


这个节目我感觉他们可能想表达一种仪式感,很70S的感觉,一种对某事某物的纪念,或者也像某种召唤(天哪,说得好雷人)。我对PINK FLOYD完全不了解,所以音乐我觉得挺好。他们这种表达我觉得还是庄严肃穆的,也许多看几遍会更有感觉。有几个地方是蛮DL的,裁判说不定会青睐。服装还不错,特别是男伴的服装。


pooool 发表于 2008-10-8 05:20:14


丽丽熊 发表于 2008-10-8 20:25:48


Nathalie Pechalat & Fabian Bourzat - Master's 2008 - FD


昀灿 发表于 2008-10-8 20:41:31

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA5iuV17PWI      by Callisto777
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDOPhXjGzNE      by Frozenspirit99
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-j5tn10ndo         by Frozenspirit99
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COGqzQsiMY8      by Callisto777
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfvwWUCyD3Q       by Frozenspirit99
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE4k19HDdgo      by Frozenspirit99

http://lauriebabou.skyrock.com/453.html   (453-457页)


pooool 发表于 2008-10-8 22:21:31


franzsfan 发表于 2008-10-8 22:47:28

C/J 的新节目看了,还不错,这还是D/L给编的么?我怎么觉得像他们自己编的,汗……

不过我还是更喜欢4月份的那两个表演节目,总的来说后半段不招待见的open transition比上个赛季的FD少了一些,但我也不觉得P/B的transition有多少traditional dance hold嘛,希望裁判的印象也能回转一点吧,托举确实BH,不过他俩就现在这个状态去比赛?!……擦擦汗先,唉。

pooool 发表于 2008-10-9 00:22:14


franzsfan 发表于 2008-10-9 00:50:28

原帖由 pooool 于 2008-10-9 00:22 发表 http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif


franzsfan 发表于 2008-10-9 19:44:15


Jana KHOKHLOVA announce Virtue-Moir music in FD - she said "French and canadian teams will skate to the same song of the Pink Floyd - will skate the same programs"


扶风 发表于 2008-10-9 19:51:05




C/J今年的FD比去年好了很多,我倒是觉得这种略稍颓废的精神正好能演绎出Muse的韵味,去年的中后段太空了,而今年整体的感觉都很心水,就是高潮部分力度还是不够~~要更果敢些才好,最喜欢他们的ending pose,实在是太有爱了……

pooool 发表于 2008-10-9 23:33:38


昀灿 发表于 2008-10-10 20:46:42

Kerrs报道/ DS(俄)新赛季选曲


今年夏天他们大半部分时间在美国跟随教练Evgeny Platov以及Maia Usova训练一起训练。在参加大奖赛前,会先参加 Finland Trophy。他们的创编舞选择了40年代的音乐。他们表示,随新赛季的准备进展顺利,Usova训练学到了很多,新自由滑能突出他们在表演上的优势。

OD - Valse form Jazz Suite by D.Shostakovich 华尔兹,选自肖斯塔科维奇《爵士组曲》
(Maxim will portrait Hooligan and Oksana - Young Lady)            
FD - adagio from Spartacus by A.Khachuturian 柔板,选自哈恰图良《斯巴达克思》
(怎么觉得OD的构思又象上赛季的《假面舞会》? )   

曲目是在最近一篇Domnina的采访中透露的 http://www.rg.ru/2008/10/10/figur.html贴一下用google在线翻译转成的英文,如果感兴趣的话,凑合着看看吧
The questions "WP" responsible Oksana Domnina. And, as always, interpretation and very frank.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta: Oksana, why did you have with Maxim threw favorite podmoskovnoe Odintsovo and went to train in America? What led to this decision?
Oksana Domnina: We left somewhere on 25 July. And that led? This is an interesting issue, but neither I nor Maxim is not yet ready to reveal all the cards. Let's say this: there was a need for us.

WP: Need sports?
Domnina: Yes.

WP: Why did you choose to use it as a coach Natalia Linichuk and Gennady Karponosova already quite a long time living & trains his students in the U.S.? As well know their mentors and Olympic champions?
Domnina: In ice dancing, we are not a lot of classroom training. Well, of course, aware, and in principle a long time. Now gradually find a common language with Natalia and Gennady Mikhailovich. Prior to that, eight years, trained with Alexei Gorshkov, he became my own man. There is a normal acquaintance with new people and new for us trenerskimi methods.

WP: There is a mentor at home?
Domnina: We have, let's say, good working relations.

WP: A Gorshkov to communicate?
Domnina: Well, well ... Relatively.

WP: Where live? As treniruetes?
Domnina: Live in Pennsylvania, in the locality Glenmills, a ride in a small gorodochke - just 20 minutes by car, and you have to skating rink. Rent an apartment. There Maxima has its own studio, I have - its own. Conditions quite good.

WP: How do without maminyh pies? And where do you eat? Samy ready? Or is it not possible at such tensions, how are you?
Domnina: No Maminov yum-yum, I already the eighth year. When preparing herself when somewhere zaezzhayu: here on every street corner there, where a snack. Sometimes dinner in the cafe at the skating rink. Keep weight, try.

WP: How to cope with such worldly concerns partner?
Domnina: Maxim coping as well as I do. Stisnuli teeth - and forward.

WP: So, do have the need cramped teeth?
Domnina: radically and dramatically change all of life seriously. But had. There are completely different - people, rules of communication.

WP: How many times a day you treniruetes? And when?
Domnina: Now in Moscow, how many?

WP: 23 hours 30 minutes.
Domnina: And we just ended the first workout. We Practicing twice a day. Two hours on the ice, the break between training - two hours. And again two hours on the ice. A little bit in a different way than we had before. Because there individual lessons, where the coach has only one pair. And these individual sessions lasted either 40 minutes or 1 hour 20 minutes. It depends on how the coach sets the timetable.

WP: Who is with you - or Karponosov Linichuk?
Domnina: They alternate. In the morning we have with Practicing Natalia, and in the evening - with Gennady Mikhailovich.

WP: If I am not mistaken, they are also preparing your probably the main rivals - Americans Tanit Belbin and Benjamin Agosto?
Domnina: You are not wrong. And if we - with Karponosovym, they respectively with Linichuk, and vice versa.

WP: And you are with the Americans as it intersects?
Domnina: Where?

WP: On the ice, in life ...
Domnina: Well, of course, we are at the same time Practicing.

WP: And you are not unsettle?
Domnina: How to tell ... Sometimes it is. But when we Natalia, they - with Gennady Mikhailovich. The Americans occupied our case, we - his.

WP: And outside the ice there any relationship?
Domnina: Well, well. Maxim with Ben pogovoryat sometimes in English. But in principle, no.

WP: By the way, how are you English?
Domnina: In process. I'm trying to say. Here's Maxim explained, but stesnyaetsya. And I say little, but too shy. Occasionally go to the movies - should help. I want to talk to a little podtyanut. We must all learn to do well at the course. But where to get at this time?

WP: I know you people are very friendly. Who is communicating?
Domnina: In this town or with whom. Yes, there dullish. In Moscow, was the life and non-ice and on ice. And in the States, I have a firmly agreed, just long training gathering, where there was only ice, flat, and that's it. Mother House - Odintsovo. I have it all - relatives and friends of people. And here we are with Maxim, as I have said to you, stisnuv teeth, trying to extract maximum benefit for themselves. Entertainment let the wait.

WP: Is that so, let's say, some self-denial is worth? Yield results and increase class?
Domnina: The hard answer. When at least this season, it will be possible to say: face to the victims or not. Now, we threw everything: family, friends, favorite coach - and came here. Yes, this is a very heavy price. But there is some sporting purpose, to which we are going. And we are going to the gold medal, a high, high places. If they are, then some of the victims were not in vain and the cost. If not, then - no.

WP: Oksana, your beloved people remained in Moscow. Almost everyone knows: the Olympic champion in ice dancing at the Roman Kostomarov. Perezvanivaetes?
Domnina: Of course, without me is not easy. And how can it be different if I lived with a man three years together in one apartment and we like to break. Roma is coming, was two-fold.

WP: Well, let's purely about sports. What's new you prepared? In Moscow your program - a surprise.
Domnina: Because we have this did not apply. Only in September, it became clear that going to do and that the ride. Because when we came here, a month devoted exclusively to technology, sliding, dancing compulsory and music search, which lasted long. And we have an arbitrary dance music "Spartacus" adagio love.

WP: Khachaturian always sounded powerful.
Domnina: It is powerful. Adagio took to pair skating and dance and can not remember when it sounded.

WP: How would the original dance?
Domnina: The original - Shostakovich waltz, called "Jazz Suite", I think, 1934. Because we now beats 20-40-x. Consequently, the music must be written and performed in those years. We are looking for a long time and concluded: I will be ladies, Maxim - hooligans, but the idea for us to think of Natalia.

WP: When will we see you in Russia? Only at the Cup of Russia in November or maybe early?
Domnina: No, only the Cup of Russia. Be sure to meet.
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