Photo essay: Behind the scenes with Patrick Chan

2014-1-22 22:17| 发布者: 年华| 查看: 6419| 评论: 0

简介:Photographer Blair Gable had the opportunity to shadow Olympic figure skaterPatrick Chanover the course of the National Skating Championships in Ottawa. The photo series that stemmed from the competit ...

Photographer Blair Gable had the opportunity to shadow Olympic figure skater Patrick Chan over the course of the National Skating Championships in Ottawa.  The photo series that stemmed from the competition revealed the busy, multifaceted world of life at the top:

Patrick Chan waits in the stairwell with other figure skaters prior to a press conference announcing the Olympic figure skating team during the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 12, 2014. Photo by Blair Gable

Patrick Chan greets fans crowd at the medal ceremony during the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 11, 2014. Photo by Blair Gable

Patrick Chan warms up prior his exhibition gala routine following the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 12, 2014. Photo by Blair Gable

Elladj Balde (L) and Patrick Chan embrace during an exhibition gala practice following the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 12, 2014. Photo by Blair Gable

Patrick Chan speaks to media following a press conference announcing the Olympic figure skating team during the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 12, 2014. Photo by Blair Gable

Patrick Chan waves to the crowd at the medal ceremony during the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 11, 2014. Photo by Blair Gable

Patrick Chan leaves the ice with a stuffed Kermit the Frog that was given to him from a fan following the mens free program during the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 11, 2014. Photo by Blair Gable

Patrick Chan practices his routine for the exhibition gala following the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 12, 2014. Photo by Blair Gable

Patrick Chan takes part in a photo op at a press conference announcing the Olympic figure skating team during the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 12, 2014. Photo by Blair Gable

Emilie Dagenais gets a backstage tour from Patrick Chan following the National Skating Championships in Ottawa January 12, 2014. Dagenais, a young figure skater, is battling cancer for the fourth time. Photo by Blair Gable

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