哇塞,现在才看见这篇。他这个重复主题旋律的剪法真让人浑然不觉。让我立刻回想起 Faiella/Scali 的“移民”自由舞里面强音而大段直接重复音乐主题,一比简直是幼儿园。。。 Lori Nichol 也喜欢把不同器乐版本的同一音乐段落剪在一起显得不重复单调 (见 Patrick Chan 的 POTO),但是她做的节目功利性太强,一眼就看穿用某段音乐去凑合某个技术动作或步法,感情效果太差。
我觉得这个节目的好处在于 choreography 的设计介乎抽象与具体之间,有电影的背景,但不具体图解,故而将悲怆的情绪漫开和广泛化。别人的节目都特地跟电影拉上关系,它这个特地拉开一定距离,有现代舞的感觉。 (Paul Wylie 的版本也是很好的。)
Favorite Program of the Season: Cassar's Schindler's List
I dug it out of the videos from Eastern Great Lake Regionals and just cannot believe how shattering this program is.
The music is almost impossible to skate to, in fact, so slow and subtle, with very little dramatic peaks and valleys to work with. This is probably why almost all of previous programs that used SL's soundtrack needed to insert passages from other sources. But Jonathan Cassar's program entirely relies on the original soundtrack's intense mournfulness and captivates every fiber of my attention right from the start --- an unusual, but very effective, decision to place the circular step sequence on top of the program. Without a doubt, this is the definitive and best ever skating program adapted from this soundtrack.
With truckloads of transitions and expressively loose limbs, Cassar interprets the music with unbelievable emotional depth. It may be about the Holocaust or any other unspeakable tragedy, and then it demonstrates why such sadness can be expressed with beauty. It also makes a large and distant tragedy feel personal and intimate. This program is so devastating that I felt as if being stabbed in the heart and, rather than weeping, I am bleeding. By the end of it, I feel so drained and so flooded at the same time that I have to go back and watch it again.
The free skate, choreographed by David Wilson I think, cannot be half as good without the sophisticated, sensitive, and transcendent delivery by Cassar. Strangely, I am almost glad that he failed on several triple jumps, because the jumps would probably have distracted with the beauty of the rest of the program. (Well, good luck to him to land these jumps in the Sectionals and Nationals, but to me the jumps have no meaning in such a masterpiece.)
(David Wilson 这几年不怕甚至常用一些被用滥了或者被认为是过于滥情的音乐素材,真是艺高胆大。) |