据悉,美国的日裔冰舞兄妹Shibutanis在2011-2012赛季将使用一部由20世纪福克斯公司在1941年出品的电影Sun Valley Serenade(太阳峡谷小夜曲)的原声作为他们自由舞的音乐素材。这部电影讲述了一群俊男靓女们在太阳峡谷滑雪度假时的浪漫故事,虽然情节比较大众化但是影片由众多的文体明星倾情加盟,尤其是冰上女皇Sonja Henie和著名的Glenn Miller乐队的加盟为影片增色不少,而Glenn Miller更是在影片中演绎了众多的名曲。比如:Chattanooga Choo Choo,Moonlight Serenade, It Happened in Sun Valley, I Know Why, In the Mood等等。这些乐曲直到今天依然是许多音乐会上的经典保留曲目。
据悉Shibutanis的节目将用使用到Chattanooga Choo Choo这支乐曲,这也是个人非常喜欢的一首歌曲。这首歌曲由Mack Gordon作词,Harry Warren作曲。歌曲旋律轻松诙谐,讲述了主人公乘坐开往家乡的火车的激动和盼望见到爱人的急切心情。记得我刚来到英国时,参加合唱团的演出曲目里就有这首歌,当时我搞不懂Choo Choo是什么意思?在大家的介绍下才明白是火车,现在回想起学唱这首歌的情景依然很有感触。这首歌曲非常欢快,每当唱起时总是让我情不自禁手舞足蹈。 这里分享一下影片中这首歌曲的演绎。这一段8分钟的视频中不仅有Glenn Miller乐队的演出,而且著名的舞蹈演员The Nicholas Brothers和Dorothy Dandridg还将歌曲用舞蹈的形式表现了出来。 相信届时Shibutanis的这个自由舞节目一定会给我们带来惊喜。
Pardon me, boy
Is that the Chattanooga choo choo?
Track twenty-nine
Boy, you can gimme a shine
I can afford
To board a Chattanooga choo choo
I've got my fare
And just a trifle to spare
You leave the Pennsylvania Station 'bout a quarter to four
Read a magazine and then you're in Baltimore
Dinner in the diner
Nothing could be finer
Than to have your ham an' eggs in Carolina
When you hear the whistle blowin' eight to the bar
Then you know that Tennessee is not very far
Shovel all the coal in
Gotta keep it rollin'
Woo, woo, Chattanooga there you are
There's gonna be
A certain party at the station
Satin and lace
I used to call "funny face"
She's gonna cry
Until I tell her that I'll never roam
So Chattanooga choo choo
Won't you choo-choo me home?
Chattanooga choo choo
Won't you choo-choo me home?