1.) Plushenko
4toe/3toe, 3axel/2toe, 3axel, 3lutz (Step out), 2flip, 3flip, 3loop, 3salchow. A 4/3, 2 3axels and supporting triples, along with superior (to Joubert) in terms of just about everything. A real line on his camel for example.
2.) Joubert
4toe/3toe, 4toe, 3axel/3toe, 3lutz (step out), 3flip, 3loop, 3salchow. On the basis of the 3axel/3toe, definitely his best skate of the year
3.) Weir
3axel/3toe, 3axel (Fall), 3lutz/3toe, 3flip (small strugle), 3loop, 3salchow.
4.) Weiss
4toe (badly 2footed, but good try), 3axel/2toe, 3axel, 3lutz, 3flip, 3loop, 3salchow.
5.) Lysacek
3axel/3toe, 3axel, 3lutz/3toe, 3flip, 2loop, 3salchow.
6.) Tim Goebel
3axel (fall), 3Flutz/3toe, 3flutz(fall), 3flip (hand down), 3loop, 3salchow.
1.) Cohen
3flutz/2toe, 3flutz, 3flip, 3loop, 3salchow/2toe, 3salchow, 3toe, 2axel.
2.) Arakawa
3lutz/2toe, 3lutz, 3lip, 3loop, 3salchow/3toe, 3toe, 2axel.
3.) Kwan
3flutz/2toe, 2flutz (little height), 3flip(bit checked), 3loop, 3salchow/2toe, 3toe, 1axel.
4.) Ando 4salchow
3lutz/3loop, 3lip, 3loop (NASTY fall), 3salchow, 3toe/3toe (looked a bit cheated, but much better then worlds), popped axel. The two errors both happened at the very end which is a shame.
5.) Slutskaya
3flutz, 3flip, 3turns-3loop, 3salchow/2loop/.5loop/2salchow (Excellent!), 3toe/2toe, 3toe, 2axel.
6.) Kirk
3flutz, 3flip/2toe, 3flip, 1loop, 3salchow, 3toe/2toe, 2axel (Fall
7.) Suguri
3flutz/1toe, 3flip, 1salchow, 3loop (Fall), 3flutz (Step out), 2toe, 2axel, 3flip (fall). |