[其他] [Blues Deluxe]~Peter Liebers 短节目(10-12)

sunshine 发表于 2012-6-1 09:14:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
德国男单选手Peter Liebers,在2010赛季和编舞Lori Nichol合作,演绎了一个布鲁斯风格的短节目。这个节目的音乐来自美国著名蓝调吉他歌手Joe Bonamassa的作品“Blues Deluxe”。


I don't know too much about love baby now,
But I sure think I got it bad yeah.
I don't know too much about love baby now,
But I sure think I got it bad yeah.
Some people say love is just a gamble,
Ooo whatever it is about to drive me mad yeah.
Yeah, lookout...

I sit here in my lonely room now,
Tears flowin' down my eyes.
As I sit here in my lonely room now,
Tears flowin' down my eyes.
I wonder how you can treat me so low down and dirty.
You know what?
Your heart must be made out of ice yeah.

Sometimes I get so worried baby now,
You know I wanna sit down and cry myself to sleep.
Sometimes I get so worried baby now,
You know I wanna sit down and cry myself to sleep.
‘Cuz I don't know too much about love babe,
But I sure think I...sure think I...got it bad yeah.

关于Joe Bonamassa

Joe Bonamassa于1977年5月8日在美国纽约的Utica(尤蒂卡)出生。他是一位当代优秀的蓝调吉他手及歌手,他以独特的沙哑的嗓音和炉火纯青的吉他弹奏技巧而闻名。2007年4月份的Guitar One 杂志曾赞赏他或许是这个年代里头表现最棒的吉他手。

最后一起来欣赏一下Peter Liebers对此曲的演绎。

road 发表于 2013-6-4 21:52:34 | 显示全部楼层
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