2.8 Forward 3-turns BASIC RULE: You don't turn a 3. You get everything into the right position, and the 3 TURNS ITSELF. YOU are not the agent. Physics is. 主要就是说,你不用转,
你把姿势摆对了,他自己就转成3了。 你不用控制,物理在控制。
Posture is a key element in 3-turns. Your body must be upright and centered over your skating foot. Looking down during the turn spells trouble. Your head is
heavy, and if you look down or lean forward, you are putting weight into the circle, which will pull you off balance and into the circle. 姿势要正确。身体要
竖直,中心就在你滑冰的那只脚上。往下看冰就要糟糕了, 因为你脑袋很重,如果你往下看或者往前倾,你就把重心放到圆里了,这样就不能保持平衡,你会被朝圆心拉过去。
If the 3-turn scrapes, it usually means you are forcing the turn with your hip. 如果你转3,感觉在刮冰,那就是说你在用髋来强制来转,是不对的。
How-to for forward 3-turns (turn from forward to backward):
1) A 3-turn is always done on the arc of a circle. At the beginning of the turn, rotate the upper body so that your shoulders and chest are parallel to the
arc of the circle and facing toward the center of the circle, and your arms are extended along the arc of the circle itself. Your head faces the direction of
motion. Your free foot is close to the skating foot and over the tracing. Keep your legs in this position relative to each other throughout the turn (if they
are touching as you start the turn, they should be touching in exactly the same way at the end).
3-turn 应该总是在圆周上作的。开始的姿势是上半身转面向圆。胳膊应该在圆周上,肩膀和胸和圆弧平行, 面朝圈里。 开始的时候你朝滑的方向看。浮足贴着滑冰的那只脚。(
上面英文是说浮足不要离太远,但是我朋友给我demo的时候说浮足的脚背靠在滑冰的脚的一起成180 度, 就和Mohawk 姿势差不多。 (前刃变后刃半周Mohawk))转的时候自始至
2) Remember the pre-check. And remember that the check consists of BOTH having the forward arm forward AND having the back arm BACK. The back arm should be
rotated to the point where you can feel the pinch between your spine and your shoulder-blade. The check isn't strong enough if it doesn't hurt a little.
3) Remember down-up-down. It is absolutely critical. Before the 3-turn your weight should be back on your blade (not on the tail, but at the back of your
instep. When you lift UP on the knee, your weight rocks toward the toe. When you finish your 3, the weight rocks back again. Step into the turn on a deeply
bent knee, lift UP at the point you want to turn, and sink down again after the turn. The UP does 2 things: It reduces the weight on your blade, making the
turn possible, and it rocks your weight from under/behind your instep to closer to the toe, reducing the amount of the blade that is on the ice
4) Don't think about turning at all. Get your upper body into position (rotated) and hold the lower body, complete with feet) unrotated. Your body is like a
spring, in which the upper end is twisted, but you haven't let the lower end follow. Then release the spring by releasing the lower body/feet/legs (while
rising UP) to allow the lower body to rotate to match the upper body. The lower body will do this ON ITS OWN without your turning anything. If you think
about turning, you will force the turn and it will scrape. Try this: Step into a FO edge for a 3 turn. Skating knee bent. Rotate your upper body to a strong
position. Rise UP on the skating knee. Don't think about turning at all. MAGIC! You turned anyway! AND, because you weren't thinking about turning, the 3 was