IMO, presentation wise, 2005's Mao and Kim were better than Kwan 1995. 2006's Mao and Kim far behind Kwan 1996.
It was said Kim already half way through her puberty. While Mao's puberty yet to come. It is hard to say after puberty Mao will still keep all of her jump ability, but if anyone can, she is mostly the like one (seen her family members are mostly thinny).
Back to Kwan. While Kwan's 1996-1998'(or may be until 2002) s programs had more contents, but she still skated like a girl, no power in her strokings, those programs had the 'choreographic' taste in them, and she skated like 'choregraphed'to some extend....but after 2003, her skating changed, more power, and 'free'. (except Bolero.)