原帖由 crazyraul7 于 2008-10-25 18:56 发表 ![](http://www.chinaice.org/images/common/back.gif)
“Skating was good, counting was bad. I didn’t count to four in my beginning pose so I got that music deduction”, he explained, referring to the timing violation he received one point deduction for. ”
雷鸟被扣的那1分,原来是开场姿势没到4秒, 无语了~~~
The skate was perfect, and the judges didn't disagree, awarding him an 81.30. The only fluky bit was a one-point deduction for only waiting three seconds at the beginning of his program instead of four to begin his choreography, causing his program to run over the 2:50-second limit.
不是因为开场姿势没到4秒,原因是超时了。重点在这“causing his program to run over the 2:50-second limit.”
因为对节目的计时规定是从动作开始到动作结束,而很多节目的编排为了保证音乐的完整性,开头和结尾有可能是静止的动作。就是说Lysacek的音乐是2分54秒,音乐前4秒他是不能动的,要从第5秒开始动,这样节目就从第5秒开始计时,到最后结束正好2分50秒,而他提前动了1秒,意味着计时员从第4秒就开始计时了,所以最后的时间必然是2分51秒,导致他超时。这才是真正的原因! |