[流行] [Lullabye For A Stormy Night] ~ 张圆圆表演滑(08-09)

snowingyang 发表于 2008-11-19 23:55:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
圆圆今年的表演滑曲目来自美国旧金山华裔女创作人Vienna Teng(中文名字叫史逸欣)的专辑《清醒时分》(Waking Hours)里的一首"Lullabye For A Stormy Night",风格非常清新温婉,这套表演滑也很适合圆圆。我也是通过这套节目才认识这位华裔歌手的。

Little child, be not afraid
The rain pounds harsh against the glass
Like an unwanted stranger
There is no danger
I am here tonight

Little child
Be not afraid
Though thunder explodes
And lightning flash
Illuminates your tearstained face
I am here tonight

And someday you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning

Little child
Be not afraid
The storm clouds mask your beloved moon
And its candlelight beams
Still keep pleasant dreams
I am here tonight

Little child
Be not afraid
The wind makes creatures of our trees
And the branches to hands
They're not real, understand
And I am here tonight

And someday you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forest and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning

For you know, once even I
Was a little child
And I was afraid
But a gentle someone always came
To dry all my tears
Trade sweet sleep the fears
And to give a kiss goodnight

Well, now I am grown
And these days have shown
Rain's a part of how life goes
But it's dark and it's late
So I'll hold you and wait
'til your frightened eyes do close

And I hope that you'll know
That nature is so
This same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
And forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you see
In the morning

Everything's fine in the morning
The rain will be gone in the morning
But I'll still be here in the morning


Vienna Teng的中文名字叫史逸欣,是一个来自美国旧金山的华裔女创作人,以她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴创作,获得美国媒体乐评如AMG网站、娱乐周刊、华盛顿邮报等的大力赞赏。极理性聪颖与感性温柔于一身的史逸欣,放弃美国西岸高科技产业,投身音乐创作与表演,希望能以歌声温暖每一个短暂相逢的陌路人。她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴教美国乐评爱不释手。 史逸欣很早就展露她的音乐才华。五岁开始浸淫在巴哈与萧邦的古典钢琴世界里,六岁写下自己的第一首歌,十六岁高中时完成个人首张创作演奏专辑。大学时期的录音作品早在旧金山一带校园周边流传开来,口耳相传中她成为东岸地下音乐圈的学生才女。大学毕业前已完成个人首张专辑的录音制作。

这是史逸欣对《Waking Hour》 的最好脚注。她在写自己的故事,也写着别人的故事,就好像一股暖流,流到周遭的人群中,交融在一起。电脑工程教育背景与音乐创作天赋看似冲突,在她的音乐中却早已听出灵性中兼具缜密编曲与浪漫创作的两极。Vienna Teng的这张Chamber Pop风格的专辑《Waking Hour》在美国一发行,便稳坐全美三大告示排行榜、并进占亚马逊网站销售榜排名第二,AMG 网站四颗星评价。

史逸欣以精湛的钢琴和古典的声线出名,《Waking Hour》在知名制作人 David Henry (REM) 的助阵下,加入类似室内管弦乐的伴奏与民谣吉他,让整张专辑层次丰厚,而史逸欣就像说故事的人,唱着情爱与生死的人生百态。


参与人数 5体力 +20 人气 +4 收起 理由
扶风 + 5 + 1 辛苦辛苦~~
sherryadela + 5 很好听,谢谢
joycehsu + 1 好听!
青鸟jerry + 5 + 1 太有才了
凤求凰 + 5 + 1 精品文章


凤求凰 发表于 2008-11-20 10:08:04 | 显示全部楼层

啦啦 发表于 2008-11-22 20:36:52 | 显示全部楼层
扶风 发表于 2008-11-24 23:28:56 | 显示全部楼层
以前在天涯上听说过Vienna Teng,当时她的名字混淆于张悬、陈绮贞还有杨乃文等等之中……
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