首先,我没说全世界只有gay看花滑,另外我都说了如果是你私下说"you are so gay"算是一种赞扬,我觉得我已经强调私下两个字拉,LS中文理解能力不行吧.另外美国人讨论不讨论的问题我不管,你要说David Bowie,他就是典型的Bi,70年代跟Iggy pop其实是跟lou reed的基情都拍成经典名著电影了,glam rock本身就是很gay的东西至少在西方社会,可能日本有所不同不确定.人家公开没公开,你仔细看看他的interview还不明白么
"People talk. Figure skating is thought of as a female sport, something that only girly men compete in. I don't feel the need to express my sexual being because it's not part of my sport and it's private. I can sleep with whomever I choose and it doesn't affect what I'm doing on the ice, so speculation is speculation."
Weir continued, "I like nice things, and beautiful things, so if that is the only way people are determining that I swing one way or the other, then to me, that's sad. You can't judge a book by it's cover, ever. I never get angry about things because it's human nature to be jealous and rip people to shreds if you don't like them, regardless of the subject. I am who I am, and I don't need to justify anything to anyone."
太明显了阿,说白了就是基于舆论压力和你说的那么多XXX问题才不公开性向的.但是我说的是常识问题,任何一个有GAYDAR的人看一眼就明白的常识问题,不用本人自己承认,世界上不知道自己是GAY其实自己是GAY的人多了去了,好像will and grace里的will一开始还以为自己是直的呢,明明就是个不折不扣的弯男.那演jack的演员都没公开出柜过,但是对于这种大众都默认了是gay的演员的性向争来争去实在没必要,他就是个gay有什么好争的呢.........
如果社会舆论对于当GAY没压力的话,他一早就出柜了.他自己是没说自己是,但是鉴定完了我还是可以给他盖棺定论的戴帽子,因为如果他自己说自己是直的,那他自己也错了,就跟will一样,内心深处绝对知道自己是弯的.跟花滑没有一点关系,gay不gay绝对不影响我对他冰上表现的喜爱,要是他公然出柜了我比现在更加欣赏他.就这样. |