[讨论] 冬奥会花样滑冰男子单人滑冠军亚古金酒后驾车被捕

立羽 发表于 2003-9-6 12:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
alexes 发表于 2003-9-11 22:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
因为这个月,小熊要作为Anderi Griazev的教练,陪他参加在保加利亚的Sofia和在斯洛伐克Bratislava的两站青少年系列大奖赛,时间是9月11-13日和9月18-21日。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-11 22:52:59编辑过]

立羽 发表于 2003-9-13 21:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
谁来介绍一下Anderi,他潜力如何? yagudin作教练一定不错。zhenya就没这种打算,……他忙着谈恋爱也没空管别人,哼!
gtxys 发表于 2003-9-13 21:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用立羽在2003-9-13 21:14:59的发言:

alexes 发表于 2003-9-13 21:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
Andrei GRIAZEV,1985年7月26日出生在俄罗斯的Perm,后来到圣彼得堡,在Mishin门下学习。去年转到Tarasova门下,今年8月Yagudin主要负责他的一些训练工作。
Andrei 是去年的俄罗斯全国比赛第5青少年大奖赛总决赛第4,01和02年分别拿了两个青少年系列大奖赛分站冠军。




02年青少年系列大奖赛加拿大J Montreal站冠军

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-13 23:29:14编辑过]

gtxys 发表于 2003-9-13 22:19:00 | 显示全部楼层

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-13 22:20:19编辑过]

alexes 发表于 2003-9-13 22:21:00 | 显示全部楼层


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-13 22:24:50编辑过]

suzanne 发表于 2003-9-13 22:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
alexes 发表于 2003-9-24 01:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

Yagudin, 教练?

自 sport-express.ru.2003 9月23日记者 Elena Vaitsekhovskaya.
本周日俄罗斯选手Andrei Griazev,在斯洛伐克 获得了他连续第二个青少年系列大奖赛分站冠军。而冠军的教练是.......Alexei Yagudin。
SE记者Elena Vatsekhovskaya电话采访了盐湖城冬奥会冠军Yagudin。背景中可以听到音乐和笑声。
-事实上,整个事情没有什么好宣扬的。当然,发生的一切不是什么好事,但真的是很遗憾。当时我刚刚参加完一个碰巧的婚礼聚会,正在回家的路上。那天我接受了一位美国新闻记者的采访。当我们的谈话结束后,她请我开车送她到餐馆,她的朋友正在那里举行婚礼。自然,他们不会让我走,我在那儿只喝了两杯香槟。开始开车的时候还想着我必须小心一些,因为周末警察经常会在公路上值勤。我被警察拦下来的时候,正准备超过一辆前面的慢车,那车开的实在太慢了。滑稽的是我看了一下速度表,41 MPH而限速是 40。另外,我超车的时候压了双实线。
我在警察局里呆了不到一个小时,主要是等我的朋友来接我开车送我回家。我看了新闻报道,他们想象我进了监狱,推测我的保释金。事情真的是那样吗?每个人都有可能遇到那样的事。我会出庭的,时间改在9月30日,因为我要陪伴 Andrei Griazev参加比赛。我知道会发生什么,他们会吊销我的驾驶执照,给我一个临时的。当然,可能我还的去听一些讲座什么的。
*在 Moscow的 Russian Test Skate比赛时候,Maya Usova 告诉我你开始非常严格的训练,而你臀部的伤又因为训练开始疼痛。是真的吗?
-当然,不是全部。我曾经计划参加10月在纽约的职业-业余比赛,参赛的还有Zhenya Plushenko, Takeshi Honda, Michael Weiss, Timothy Goebel,我已经向组织者提出退出比赛了。
-11月Stars on Ice表演将开始排练 ,我的计划是指示完成整个巡回表演。去年我勉强完成了,希望我的健康状况允许我还能完成。当然,有机会我会尽力去参加其他的........我不能预见什么,我也不想这样,你知道.........
-当我回到美国的时候,不能滑冰产生的空虚几乎让我发疯。我依然会去冰场,这时候Tarasova问我能不能帮她训练Griazev 和 Sasha Cohen。这可能拯救了我,我能全身心的去投入,干得很顺利。在赛季开始之前,我谨慎的问Tarasova,能否和Andrei一起去欧洲参加青少年系列大奖赛?她非常高兴我去。所以我来了,非常愉快。以前我曾经考虑可能的话会把教练工作作为职业,现在我十分热爱这项工作。直到现在,我才能完全领会到Tarasova这么多年来工作的艰辛,站在挡板后面是多么严酷的考验,看你的学生做错了你却无法帮助他,还是自己滑比较轻松。
-是的,特别是斯洛伐克的自由滑,Andrei 没有做4周跳,尽管在训练中他能够完成。在保加利亚和斯洛伐克的练习中他也能很好的完成。但是我记得我的经历,一个失败的4周跳可能会毁了其他的跳跃,这就是我们没有把4周跳加到自由滑中的原因。我希望Andrei 在斯洛伐克的比赛中能做两个triple Axel,我打电话征求Tarasova的意见,她说分数还是取决于Anderi完成一套完整的节目,第2个triple Axel会打乱节目的编排。因此,Griazev在比赛中完成了2个3-3连跳,第一个是triple Axel的,另一个是triple Salchow的,还有其他的3周跳。
立羽 发表于 2003-9-24 11:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
Yvonne 发表于 2003-9-24 11:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
suzanne 发表于 2003-9-24 21:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
alexes 发表于 2003-9-25 09:19:00 | 显示全部楼层

[B]Yagudin Looks Down a Different Path[/B]

2002 Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin is one of the most successful skaters of all time, and he remains immensely popular despite an injury that has kept him out of eligible competition. He spoke to European-based reporter Sal Zanca last week while attending the JGP event in Bratislava.

Alexei Yagudin at the 2002 Campbell's Classic
Photo by Michelle Wojdyla
by Sal Zanca, Part 1 of 2
(9/24/03) — A lot has happened to Alexei Yagudin since he won the Olympics. Some good, some not so good.

“I can't describe [it] in five minutes,” Yagudin said. “I just realized that the figure skating world is so small, and there are so many other things that you are capable of doing besides skating.”

A career-threatening hip injury, which still causes him pain, has forced him to put his competitive career on hold while he looks at different opportunities.

One of these things is coaching, which brought him to Bratislava last week. He is helping one of the top young skaters in the world, Andrei Griazev, who took his second Junior Grand Prix title in two weeks at Skate Slovakia.

Since his hip surgery last May, Yagudin has been taking advantage of his time off the ice.

“I've been at the MTV awards. I've been at the U.S. Open. I never watched tennis live,” Yagudin said.

He almost had another chance. The United States-Slovakia Davis Cup playoff was also held in Bratislava the same time as Skate Slovakia. Yagudin was interested in trying to attend, but the men's skating schedule coincided with the matches and he couldn't go. Still Yagudin has enjoyed the opportunities for other things.

“There are just more connections. It is interesting,” Yagudin said. “Also I found myself interested in coaching. I don't really coach right now, but I am helping Tatiana (Tarasova) with her students.”

Being on the sidelines has given Yagudin a chance to experience what Tarasova feels on the other side of the boards.

“I almost passed out after the first competition, even Junior Grand Prix,” Yagudin said of the nervousness that comes with coaching. “I can't describe what she (Tarasova) felt being at all these Olympics and standing there. She has some Olympic golds, which is incredible. I will be seeing her again. I learned a lot [about] how she does this thing.”

"I found myself interested in coaching. I don't really coach right now, but I am helping Tatiana (Tarasova) with her students.”
He is helping Griazev, who won the short program and free skate in his two Junior Grand Prix events this year. Griazev has all the triple jumps, including a triple Axel that has some Yagudin-like height on it. However, Griazev is inconsistent with the quad for now.
“He just started landing it at the end of August,” Yagudin said.

Ironically Griazev was formerly with Alexei Mishin, who coached Yagudin before he went to Tarasova.

“It doesn't really matter from whom he has been taking before because now he is in Tatiana's group,” Yagudin said. “So that is what I care about. I just care about her students. And I didn't steal him from anyone. He made this decision himself. He asked Tatiana to take him in the group so I will do everything to help Tatiana first of all.”

In practice Griazev had some gestures that people would remember from Yagudin's routines. However, Yagudin said he wasn't trying to impose his way on Griazev.

“It is just the way he feels. I am not teaching him what I have been doing. We are all different. Everyone has a different way of doing things.” Yagudin said. “When you work in the same group, pretty much everyone skates the same way."

Yagudin said that he isn’t trying to replace Tarasova, just work with her.

“When we work as a team, it is just getting stronger," he said. “For him it is good to be with different people. It is not just the same person telling the same thing over and over again. Tatiana tells him one thing.
gtxys 发表于 2003-9-27 10:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用Yvonne在2003-9-24 11:37:39的发言:

风语者 发表于 2003-9-27 10:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
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