Tatiana Tarasova: All training Plushenko I stood - and cried
- I am astonished with the work of Evgeni Plushenko! I asked him to come on his practice. He told me that I can. And whole the training I stood - and cried. He surprised me. He shook me. They choose that kind of music, which he can reveal, which can raise him even higher. Zhenya is in terrific shape, exactly, physical shape. He spent a great job of examining every muscle of his body. And he has a great coach, who is engaged with him. I thank to Alexei Mishin for this titanic labor, which he continues. This is not an easy job. But Mishin made a good team. Invited wonderful choreographer. And not one. You know, it's like we are reading different books, becoming deeper and more interesting, so and Plushenko. In him is focused a lot of interesting knowledge. Plus, his grand talent. Although I think that in our figure skating has several singles that could reach him...
- 我对普鲁申科的工作感到惊奇!我问他是否可以观看他的训练。他告诉我可以。他训练的时候我一直站在那里,不停地流泪。他让我感到惊讶。他使我感到震撼。他们选择的音乐使他可以揭露更多情感,使他达到更高的境界。热尼亚的身体状态非常好。他花费了大量的精力来检验他身体的每一处肌肉。他有一位非常投入的伟大的教练。我要感谢米申对这个还在持续发展的项目所花费的精力。这不是件容易的工作。但是米申建立了一个非常好的团队。他们邀请了不止一位出色的编舞师。这就像我们在读不一样的书,读得越深,就越感到有兴趣,这就和普鲁申科一样。在他身上凝聚了很多有趣的知识。再加上他那出众的天赋。虽然我认为在我们的花滑届还有不少单人选手有可能达到他这样的高度。。。 |