well nothing is official really. she is injured for sure, so she did not swim there. But then we don't really know. At first, she said she would retire after Rome, but she is still running after this World title, so she may be back eventually for the next Worlds. But honestly, it's not official. She did not retire officially, but she did not say she did not retire officially either.
最近在youtube上看了安德鲁富恩斯特的两套动作。 技术自选给我留下了非常深刻的印象。 动作的编排,难度,音乐的选择,甚至出场都做到了新颖别致。是一套非常具有观赏性的动作。 估计这套动作是会留到本月的,到时候大家一定要重点关注。
双人自由自选西班牙沿用了罗马的那套动作,新搭档是骷髅中多次做花尖的那位。 表现中规中矩,如果本月继续沿用,蒋氏姐妹反超的可能很大!!
俄罗斯在继续进步,选材方便,俄罗斯的队员条件越来越好,新老衔接已经完成。动作编排的难度在继续加大。今年的几套新动作值得期待,特别是集体自由自选! |