[讨论] 羽生結弦 (はにゅう ゆづる Hanyuu Yuzuru)

trinityblood198 发表于 2011-2-20 13:41:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  姓名:羽生结弦 (はにゅう ゆづる Hanyuu Yuzuru)
  昵称:yuzu ,きのこ(kinoko 由他的发型和签名而来)
  身高:170 cm
  训练地点:Ice Rink仙台
  爱好:音乐 电视游戏(特别是棒球类)
  擅长的学科:数学 理科
  喜欢的选手:普鲁申科 Johnny Weir 荒川静香


  羽生结弦于4岁时开始滑冰,于2004-05年度的Japan Novice Championships出道,并取得B组第一名。次年2006-07年度的Japan Novice Championships取得A组第三名。这个名次为他赢得了2006年的全日本青少年花样滑冰锦标赛的参赛资格,排名第七。


  2008-2009年初次登上ISU Junior Grand Prix赛场,短节目第6自由滑第4,总排名第五.之后在2008的全日本青少年花样滑冰锦标赛中短节目57.52,自由滑124.92,总分182.17,排名第一,




2007-08 Season
日本青少年全国赛 3位  
2008-09  Season
JGPメラーノ杯 5位  
日本青少年全国赛 優勝  
全日本锦标赛 8位  
世青赛 12位  
2009-10  Season
JGPトルン杯 優勝  
JGPクロアチア杯 優勝  
日本青少年全国赛 優勝  
JGPF 優勝  
全日本锦标赛 6位  
世青赛  優勝  
2010-11 Season
GPSNHK杯 4位  
GPS俄国杯 7位  
全日本锦标赛 4位  
四大洲锦标赛 2位  
2011-12  Season
Nebelborn 杯 優勝  
GPS中国杯 4位  
GPS俄国杯 優勝  
Grand Prix 总决赛 4位  
全日本锦标赛 3位  
世锦赛 3位  


参与人数 1体力 +10 人气 +1 贡献 +2 收起 理由
Mozart + 10 + 1 + 2 辛苦开楼


piu22 发表于 2012-3-2 01:26:06 | 显示全部楼层

天才美少年羽生結弦 (Hanyu Yuzuru)


羽生 結弦.png


你好,复制粘贴的话还是附带说一下内容来源比较好吧,这是直接粘贴的百度百科的内容,编写这些内容的人还是花了很多时间和精力的,请尊重别人的劳动。  发表于 2012-3-6 23:09
飞天神猪 发表于 2012-3-2 13:13:39 | 显示全部楼层


遗传的原因吧,可能就不是能壮起来的那种。不过做运动员的体质也差不到哪去,二郎世锦赛一定要给力呀  详情 回复 发表于 2012-3-6 21:53
蘅芜 发表于 2012-3-2 14:54:20 | 显示全部楼层



piu22 发表于 2012-3-2 22:15:01 | 显示全部楼层
我要是david wilson, 就倾心为韩愈打造一套唯美节目。中心词就是“美少年” ,可以参考古希腊,日本本土关于美少年的传说。出名要趁早,表演要趁好。恰恰16-17岁,如此好的青春,是完美的选择。18,9岁以后也许都不好了呢。

记得09年在莫斯科电视转播评论Kim的西贡小姐时,一副无动于衷曾经沧海的T太,听到金的年龄,也禁不住喃喃自语 “呵,17岁。。甜蜜的17岁”

短节目是“Icarus”,  美少年追日,最终折翅坠海的传奇。开篇是(水仙)苏醒的少年,凭水照影,自我觉醒。中篇追逐所爱,纠缠,忘我,飞升。结束篇飞蛾投火一般的献祭之后,升华为群星中的一颗。



七酱 发表于 2012-3-5 11:14:12 | 显示全部楼层
{:soso__11338069844944878060_1:}   牛牛,好可爱  


牛牛是费德勒……汗……  发表于 2012-3-6 22:19
这娃真心不错呀~长得也满萌的~还有大长腿~动作也是又美又流畅~  详情 回复 发表于 2012-3-6 21:55
Mozart 发表于 2012-3-5 12:51:54 | 显示全部楼层


不记得了,好像是维尼。抛的娃娃太多了记不住鸟  发表于 2012-3-5 14:00
哪个娃娃啊?  发表于 2012-3-5 13:55
鱼类 发表于 2012-3-6 11:09:26 | 显示全部楼层


《Romeo, oh Romeo》


The character of Romeo from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous and instantly recognisable characters from the English literary canon. Indeed, the name Romeo has at this point become more or less synonymous with the word lover, whether star-crossed or in a more general sense. The fame of the character of Romeo is a reflection of the widespread popularity of Shakespeare's play, one of the most famous and frequently performed plays even in Shakespeare's own lifetime. As such, it is not surprising that the enduring popularity of Romeo and Juliet has also extended to other media, including music (Tchaikovsky, Berlioz, Rota, etc), ballet (Prokofiev, among others), film (Zeffirelli, Luhrmann and countless others), and finally, figure skating.

With such a famous plotline built-in and a vast array of music choices to choose from, it is easy to see why theRomeo and Juliet theme has become a popular choice within all disciplines of figure skating. Romance, passion and angst are fashionable subjects to portray in skating and a Romeo and Juliet-themed program offers plenty of opportunities to indulge in such emotions. Rather tellingly, all three of the top Japanese men this season have used an incarnation of Romeo and Juliet sometime in their careers, to very different results.

Daisuke Takahashi's Romeo and Juliet draws from Tchaikovsky's famous and well-loved symphonic poem of the same name. Mr. Takahashi performed what still stands as his highest scoring free skate at 2008 Four Continents with this particular program, setting a world record that not only allowed him to crush eventual 2008 world champion and second-place finisher Jeffrey Buttle by over thirty points (!!!) but also stood for three years until 2011 Worlds in Moscow. With 2 quadruple jumps and 2 triple axels, Romeo and Juliet was the program that saw Mr. Takahashi at the peak of his jumping abilities.

Unfortunately, the program itself is pure pablum. Not only are the music cuts typical and uninspired, but they are slapped together in an incredibly lazy way--notice how both step sequences use the exact same cuts of music? In terms of choreography, there's nothing particularly interesting going on between the elements (or really, anything much at all), nor does the posing use the music in a particularly effective way. The bone structure--or so to speak--underlying the program is more reflective of Nikolai Morozov's choreographic style than of the music or the story of Romeo and Juliet.

Moreover, despite Mr. Takahashi's staggering interpretative abilities, Romeo and Juliet never seemed quite a comfortable or natural fit for him, and he never really made the music his own. Even at 2008 Four Continents, Mr. Takahashi had much more command and conviction during his Cyber Swan short program than with Romeo and Juliet. Part of the reason may be because that while Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet is a very classical piece ideally suited for skaters with those perfect classical lines, Mr. Takahashi is not by any stretch of the imagination a classical sort of skater. For the lack of a better word, he's more....modern in his style and aesthetic, and when he tries to play the classical card as straight as he does in Romeo and Juliet with such mediocre choreography...the result is not very memorable outside of the impressive arsenal of jumps.

Also, what a terrible costume.

Takahiko Kozuka tried his hand as Romeo with Nino Rota's equally famous and well-loved music to Franco Zefferelli's film in what looks sort of like a tracksuit without a zipper and racing stripes. Mr. Kozuka used the music of Romeo and Juliet during the 2008-2009 season, a breakout season of sorts for him as he won his first Grand Prix and ISU championship medals that season.

Mr. Kozuka's version of Romeo and Juliet deserves credit for being more adventurous with its use of some less-used parts of Rota's score--i.e. practically every music cut except the overdone and very famous Love Theme, which Mr. Kozuka saves for his program's climax and end. Compared to Mr. Takahashi's version, Mr. Kozuka's is superior by virtue of actually having some choreography and transitions between the elements (e.g. that very beautiful long, held-out spread eagle) and the program has more of a discernible arc as a whole.

What hobbles Mr. Kozuka's Romeo and Juliet is unfortunately Mr. Kozuka himself. Simply put, Mr. Kozuka performs the program with the passion and emotion of Mitt Romney, with little attention paid to the program's phrasing or the meaning of the music's notes and color. Mr. Kozuka's Romeo and Juliet combines together many aspects of Rota's score, from turmoil (around 1:40) to the bright and sprightly bit used during the ball where Romeo and Juliet meet in Zefferelli's film (3:20) to the grand, sweeping love theme (4:20) but Mr. Kozuka's body language and carriage does not tangibly react to such changes in the mood or music. Moreover, Mr. Kozuka's movements seem almost perfunctory at times (e.g. when he raises his arms at 4:07) and there's quite a bit of time spent looking down at the ice. If Mr. Kozuka is trying to be Romeo, his portrayal most matches the time when Romeo thinks that Juliet has died and is walking around Mantua in a sort of dazed, grief-induced stu****ice edges, though.

Yuzuru Hanyu is currently using Craig Armstrong's music to Baz Luhrmann's film Romeo + Juliet in his long program this season, which is turning out to be a sort of breakout season for him as well as Mr. Hanyu has won his first GP event, made his first GPF and landed on the podium of Japanese Nationals for the first time so far.

To me, Mr. Hanyu has the best Romeo and Juliet-themed program among the Japanese men overall, taking into account specifically the criteria of program construction, interpretation and fidelity to not only the music but also the character of Romeo himself. Mr. Hanyu's program, above all, encapsulates best what Romeo should be: bold, impetuous, passionate, prone to intense bouts of emotion to the point of recklessness but also capable of tender and profound love. The beginning and end of Mr. Hanyu's Romeo and Juliet represent the former, while the softer, lyrical middle captures the emotion of the latter. The choreography for the most part is quite decent and the music cuts appropriate, but it's truly Mr. Hanyu's sheer dedication to his performance throughout (especially during the bold, passionate parts) that goes a long way towards drawing out the emotion of the music and giving a great portrayal of Romeo. Though his movements in the slower section are often a bit rushed and could benefit from more softness and refinement, Mr. Hanyu listens and moves to the music quite well and the choreography and program is overall a great vehicle for Mr. Hanyu's youthful and slightly out of control style. As Mr. Hanyu is young with all the fervor of youth, he is perhaps at the ideal age with the ideal style for a figure skating Romeo--now is the time for the violence, recklessness and ecstasy of adolescent emotions. The maturity and polish (as well as programs of utter seriousness and solemn probity) should and will come later.


What hobbles Mr. Kozuka's Romeo and Juliet is unfortunately Mr. Kozuka himself. Simply put, Mr. Kozuka performs the program with the passion and emotion of Mitt Romney, !!!!!!!。。。  发表于 2012-3-7 06:04
Cindy 发表于 2012-3-6 21:53:25 | 显示全部楼层
飞天神猪 发表于 2012-3-2 13:13

Cindy 发表于 2012-3-6 21:55:44 | 显示全部楼层
七酱 发表于 2012-3-5 11:14



重点是气质啊气质,场下就很萌,场上就有少年的英气  发表于 2012-3-7 22:37
Cindy 发表于 2012-3-6 21:59:52 | 显示全部楼层
世界舞台への誓い 1 羽生結弦 村上佳菜子


世青赛归国 直播间生出演

Cindy 发表于 2012-3-6 22:03:15 | 显示全部楼层
Stars On Ice 2012 羽生結弦 interveiw

花滑新星 羽生结弦 16岁 Hanyu Yuzuru
Cindy 发表于 2012-3-6 22:04:34 | 显示全部楼层

Cindy 发表于 2012-3-6 22:06:56 | 显示全部楼层
<Evgeni Plushenko 29歲>Interview:我想要剩下名在歷史上。目標sochi Olympic。2月在慕尼黑接受手術。不去世界冠軍 Q:「在日本的Rival是誰?」是Yuzuru。他非常極好的Skater、Artist、Jump好。看著他想起從前的自己。還是與17歲年輕。不過只要我看、就他NO1☆ 皇帝讚揚了Yuzu! ↓17歲的Plu&Yuzu

Cindy 发表于 2012-3-9 17:28:23 | 显示全部楼层




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