福娃晶晶 发表于 2012-3-31 05:10
还不是tc特有的体制造成的,拼命榨干老将来解决青黄不接,真的很悲哀!没有好的教练团队和训练机制,这个 ...
Don't act as if figure skating was a hugely popular sport in the world right now. Nowadays, its influence in North American (especially US) and Europe has waned so much that it's pretty much a second or third tier sport. Judging by the tv ratings, you will have a very clear idea. Only Japan and South Korea have this one at a booming stage.
Basically, figure skating is a little bit more popular than table tennis, but not by a big margin. For an example, can you say there's a big difference between 20th and 30th standings out of total 50 participants? I don't see that much difference. They are all mediocre!