关于spread eagle这个动作

gtxys 发表于 2004-1-1 00:01:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

What is a spread eagle? It's a dynamic move that Brian Boitano [along with numerous other professional and highly-ranked amateur figure skaters] has made into a show-stopping element that many long to duplicate. In brief, this is a move that has the skater forming a circle on the ice by using the edges of his or her blades. The skater's feet are pointing in opposite directions. This is one of the few moves in figure skating where both blades are on the ice at the same time. The amount of lean that the skater puts into the spread eagle determines how much of an edge is used. Sticking out the rear end makes the element easier to do but it's a bad habit to adopt. Arms can be extended to the side, above the head, on the hips, etc. to complete the move.
The simplest spread eagle is the one done on an inside edge. People without turn out, or those who don't have a lot of turn out can do the inside spread eagle. The easiest approach is to pretend as though you're stepping into an inside edge Mohawk, and then leave your right inside edge of the blade on the ice. Immediately follow this with your left inside edge so that both blades are on the ice. Your feet will be approximately hip distance apart. Depending on the amount of natural turn out, you'll achieve a half circle or a small circle. Work on this approach a few times, not doing anything special with your arms. Your legs must be straight, knees locked or in the near-locked position. After a couple of tries, it's time to increase the forward lean into the circle. You do this by controlling what you do with your arms and shoulders. The recommended positioning is at first just allowing your arms to extend to your side at slightly lower than shoulder height. Raising the arms in an arch above the head creates a very graceful posture, especially when you look up at your hands. Putting your hands on your hips makes the inside spread eagle into a jazzier pose. Looking up is recommended, although sometimes looking down does add an element to the spread eagle, providing it's not done because you're too afraid to look up!
Before trying the outside spread eagle, it's advisable to attempt it on a straight line. You can use a hockey line if there're room, but it's not necessary. Determining which way you go will be your first step. Again, the entrance is like a Mohawk, but this time using the more difficult outside entrance edge. If you're going to the right, your right outside edge will make contact with the ice followed immediately by the left outside edge. One of the secrets to doing an outside spread eagle is that the leading foot, in this case the right one, is generally a few inches forward of your opposite foot. Lining up your feet 100% like a ballet dancers' is unlikely due to the fact that you're traveling at some amount of speed. When setting up this move many skaters tend to bend their knees or stick out their rear end. This is a way of getting into a bad habit and should be avoided. Keep your arms out to the side and look in the direction in which you are skating. Try this move several times, eventually increasing the speed of the entrance and the length of the straight-line spread eagle.
The outside spread eagle can be learned by those of you with open hips; usually a genetic trait and/or that developed from years of ballet training. Only after mastering the inside spread eagle and the straight-line spread eagle should the outside spread eagle be attempted. You will be skating forward and will do your right outside edge, only this time you'll allow the left side of the body to wait for an instant before placing the left outside edge of your blade on the ice. You will be leaning backwards, relying on your blades and your hips will be thrust slightly forward to avoid the overly protruding rear end and maintain your balance. Look to the right the entire time, keeping your shoulders squared and your arms to the side or slightly extended. When you're more secure
冰帆 发表于 2004-1-1 00:23:00 | 显示全部楼层

Happy New Year!
tanith 发表于 2004-1-1 10:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
想见怀恋_100 发表于 2004-1-1 11:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
不过这个动作和燕式、还有头向下腿向上倒滑行的动作都成了美国女单的招牌动作,许多人都会做。以前的托马斯也会做spread eagle。
最爱关颖珊 发表于 2004-1-1 14:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
[QUOTE] 不过这个动作和燕式、还有头向下腿向上倒滑行的动作都成了美国女单的招牌动作,许多人都会做。   [QUOTE]
        你说的这个动作叫Charlotte,小关早在95年表演节目里就用过这个动作,后来在99年又再次使用,后来才被众多美国女选手采用,现在做得最好的应该说是Sasha,她的开度很大,而且持续时间也更长,Bebe Liang也会做的。
     spread eagle也是小关和Sasha的招牌动作,我很喜欢小关98年的EOE里面的那个spread eagle,非常漂亮!
figuresk8er 发表于 2004-1-1 15:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
我最喜欢的spread eagle是Brian Boitano和Katarina Witt的,尤其是Boitano 1988年奥运会上的自由滑中长达15秒的spread eagle,气势雄浑,是我所见过最好的spread eagle,建议大家有机会看一看。
如今有一些选手也做这个动作,但是质量实在不好,做的时候腿和腰是弯着的,从侧面一看非常不舒服,还不如不做,尤其是那些在spread eagle后紧接一个跳跃(如Timothy Geobel), 简直是把好动作给糟蹋了。
alexes 发表于 2004-1-1 20:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
这个动作一般被翻译为大一字滑行,杨老师的书里也是这样写, gtxys  贴的两张是外刃的大一字滑行,还有用内刃,比如今年Jeff Buttle在自由滑中做的。
 楼主| gtxys 发表于 2004-1-1 21:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
他是跳起来落冰之后接这个动作,然后由外韧直接变韧成内韧的spread eagle,腿部动作不变,和冰面的角度不大!很厉害的,我喜欢……
想见怀恋_100 发表于 2004-1-1 22:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
申雪和赵宏博在图兰朵里就做过,茉莉花那一段里。双人spread eagle接2AXEL ,spread eagle完成的就差很多了。
 楼主| gtxys 发表于 2004-1-1 23:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
申/赵的这个动作实在不怎么样,申雪是靠在赵宏博身上的,而且严格来讲不能算是spread eagle的!spread eagle通常是单人动作,双人即便做了,似乎也不是很美!
柏山艾莉 发表于 2004-1-2 00:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
就是Aranjuez比较长 当然也很漂亮 更显出FREEDOM的感觉了
SASHA 的也很不错
双人里觉得配合得比较好的是B/S  不过他们不是同时做(一般都是ANTON做的) 当然也就因为这个才觉得美观
 楼主| gtxys 发表于 2004-1-2 00:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
我是说外韧s e接内韧s e(不可以接屈膝的那种哦)!

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-2 0:10:04编辑过]

柏山艾莉 发表于 2004-1-2 00:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
想见怀恋_100 发表于 2004-1-2 00:24:00 | 显示全部楼层

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-2 0:27:10编辑过]

最爱关颖珊 发表于 2004-1-2 11:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用gtxys在2004-1-2 0:07:15的发言:
我是说外韧s e接内韧s e(不可以接屈膝的那种哦)!

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-2 0:10:04编辑过]

    关当然是会做变韧的spread eagle啦,看她98年的EOE!
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