Gardena glories: Moeller relays exploits from ItalyU.S. junior competitor files reports from first international competitionBy Jordan Moeller, special to
Tuesday, April 1 Practice Day
Team USA had a great morning of practice. After everyone finished, we all took a trip up the gondola. On our way to the gondola, we had a snowball fight. Vincent [Zhou] and Tom [Zakrajsek] were running around pelting each other with snowballs, while the rest of us were throwing snowballs here and there. When we got to the gondola, Jimmy, Polina [Edmunds], Vincent, Karen and I all went up in the same car. We could see the town of Gardena getting smaller and smaller as we ascended the line. The view was amazing.(小四和Tom Z 玩雪球 )
Team USA has arrived in Italy
When we left the rest stop, Doug and Lindsey suggested we play Catch Phrase! The teams were Lindsey, Doug and Adam versus Jimmy, Vincent and me. This kept us occupied for a majority of the trip, and you know what they say: Time flies when you're having fun. Vincent also kept us entertained with his plethora of random facts.
Vincent's random fact of the day: In a certain town in Oklahoma, you have to remove your hat whenever you see a cow.
Vincent, Jimmy and I are rooming together on this trip. Our room has three beds, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room table and a nice patio, also. When we got back to our room, we were finally allowed to sleep.