[音乐家] [哭泣的贝鲁特]~波娜丽1994奥运会短曲

鱼类 发表于 2004-6-23 15:10:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[mp=280,70]http://www.jcetrade.com/movie/criesofbeirut.wma[/mp] 波娜丽一直给人很难融入到音乐的感觉,她所有用过的音乐里我个人觉得这首是表达得最好的,送给大家分享~ Music:by Dana Dragomir The first ever female professional Pan flute player in the world. A true master of her instrument, Dana is known as the Queen of the Pan flute. Dana Dragomir is the best selling instrumental artist in Scandinavia. She has sold close to 300.000 albums - in Scandinavia alone. Her records are released in many more countries, in some of them under the name of PanDana. Naturally, as a respected international star now residing in Sweden, she has played before the King and Queen of Sweden on several occasions. Dana´s music is modern and innovative. New Adult Contemporary, a mixture of Pop, World and New Age music. Because the instrument is so complete and complex, she prefers to call it Pan Flute rather than Pan Pipes. Dana Dragomir is a unique artist. Good looking. Carismaticperformer on stage and TV. Last but not least: An excellent and genuine musician. Dana has 12 years of serious musical education to her credit, initially based on classical and folk music. (At the prestigeous George Enescu High School of Music in her home town of Bucharest. A school acting for the Government to nurture only the elite and most gifted music talents of Romania).
sunshine 发表于 2011-10-7 07:43:17 | 显示全部楼层

Dana Dragomir是当今世界首屈一指的女性排笛演奏家。在欧洲,她的是一颗耀眼的明星,单单在北欧地区,她的唱片已经累计发 行了大概30所万张。她受人瞩目,不只是因为她优雅的外型和极富天分的舞台表演,同时也是因为她曾在音乐精英云集的罗马尼亚国立 音乐学院刻苦学习了12年,致力于成为一名实力派的音乐家。正是因为她有这样扎实的功底,她才能在古典音乐和民族音乐的基础上, 把包括流行音乐、世界音乐和新世纪音乐等等的音乐元素,融合到自己的音乐里面,创造出全新的音乐风格,打响自己的名堂。

波娜丽在1994年冬奥会的短节目选用了Dana Dragomir演奏的一支曲子Cries of Beirut 《哭泣的贝鲁特》,这只旋律选自她早期的专辑Fluty Romances。这里提供在线试听。

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