关颖珊挑战新赛季   [转帖]

alexes 发表于 2004-9-24 21:27:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
关颖珊挑战新赛季 聘请名导重新演绎西班牙舞曲
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年09月24日19:10 新浪体育

  新浪体育讯 关颖珊,八次全美花样滑冰冠军,五次世界花样滑冰锦标赛冠军。她以优雅的姿态、行云流水的舞步、高超的技术成为当代冰坛的花样滑冰皇后。今次她将在贝氏国际花样滑冰赛上向观众奉献她新近编排的节目“包莱罗”。











cozybreeze 发表于 2004-9-24 21:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
此间的少年 发表于 2004-9-24 21:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
eric2000 发表于 2004-9-24 21:48:00 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| alexes 发表于 2004-9-24 22:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
不能不闹 发表于 2004-9-24 23:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
she can't let the audience down,moreover,she can't let the music down.
cause 'BOLERO'is such a classic piece of music.and i suppose,as for michelle,
this is definetely a brand new challenge.
WOW is all that i could say! WOW for her courageous decision and also for the
power that i could feel from the spirit out of her .
anyway,good for her!

最爱关颖珊 发表于 2004-9-25 08:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
     Kwan Grows Musically
The champion figure skater works with choreographer Dean to develop a program to 'Bolero.' She will unveil it at event next Friday.
   By Helene Elliott, Times Staff Writer
   Michelle Kwan had to win eight U.S. figure skating titles and five world championships before she felt ready to perform to "Bolero."

And when the Manhattan Beach resident decided to tackle Maurice Ravel's dramatic composition this season, she sought help from the ultimate source.
She turned to skater-turned-choreographer Christopher Dean, who teamed with Jayne Torvill in a gold medal-winning ice dance to "Bolero" at the 1984 Winter Olympics.

"I've always thought of skating to 'Bolero' but I didn't think I was mature enough or experienced enough," Kwan said. "You have to mature into certain types of music."

Dean agreed to work with Kwan's coach, Rafael Arutunian, and Kwan will reveal the product of their collaboration next Friday at the Campbell's International Figure Skating Classic at St. Paul, Minn.

Kwan, 24, said that although the foundation of the program was set, the details were evolving. For one thing, [B]she said, she wasn't ready to try a triple-triple combination jump at the season-opener, where the women's field is scheduled to include 2004 world champion Shizuka Arakawa of Japan, world bronze medalist Sasha Cohen of Laguna Niguel and 2004 U.S. bronze medalist Jennifer Kirk.[/B]

The men are led by 2004 world silver medalist Brian Joubert of France, U.S. champion Johnny Weir and Salt Lake City bronze medalist Timothy Goebel, who trains in El Segundo.

From the moment she first considered "Bolero," Kwan was intent on interpreting it and not merely copying Torvill and Dean.

"From [Dean's] masculine choreography, it has to grow on me," she said. "The music is amazing and eventually, after a couple of months and at nationals [in January], it will be more of a finished product."

The music has long been associated with the British duo, and Dean acknowledged his sentimental attachment to "Bolero" but said he and Torvill "don't have any entitlement" to it. He described it as "mathematical in form, almost hypnotic" as it builds with passionate intensity.

"Michelle was watching the movement and taking it on technically. Ultimately, she's going to find nuances in the music and make them her own," he said from Colorado Springs, Colo., where he lives with his wife, Jill Trenary, a former U.S. and world figure skating champion.

To get a woman's perspective, Dean consulted fellow choreographer Catarina Lindgren. Dean did the initial work with Kwan at her Lake Arrowhead training base and called the effort "from a structural and emotional level, pretty successful."

He added, " 'Bolero' is something that can transcend its time more than some of the other pieces of music skaters have used. With its passion and its depth of edges, it's geared very much for the ice."

Kwan will have two more chances to refine the program next month. She's entered in two Grand Prix events, Skate America and Skate Canada. She said she was taking a day-by-day approach in deciding whether to compete at the 2006 Turin Olympics, although her third try for gold appears all but certain.

"That puts less pressure on myself," she said.

Kwan finished a close second to Tara Lipinski at the 1998 Nagano Games and was third at Salt Lake City in 2002, behind Sarah Hughes of the U.S. and Irina Slutskaya of Russia.

"I'm not 16 anymore," she said. "My body's changing and my brain is changing. When the Olympics come around, or the end of the season, I want to know whether I've done the best I can. It's that much harder physically and easier mentally, which is the opposite of what it used to be. In a way, it's actually better to be older and wiser….

"Now, you put more heart into it. You do have that sense, that experience. I'm in a lucky position. I'm in this sport long enough
最爱关颖珊 发表于 2004-9-25 08:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
从我用粗体字显示的那段来看,实际上是指关不打算在赛季初的Campbell's International Figure Skating Classic上用triple triple!这个新浪记者曲解了关的意思啊!!气死我了…………
Penny 发表于 2004-9-25 10:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
cozybreeze 发表于 2004-9-25 16:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用最爱关颖珊在2004-9-25 8:53:21的发言:
从我用粗体字显示的那段来看,实际上是指关不打算在赛季初的Campbell's International Figure Skating Classic上用triple triple!这个新浪记者曲解了关的意思啊!!气死我了…………

柏山艾莉 发表于 2004-9-25 23:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
因为如果是简单的3-3 比如3toe-3toe这样的连跳 她以前都做过 而且成果率高 更何况也没什么好藏的
另外如果是简单的连跳在世锦赛上就跟本没有竞争实力 她必须冲更高难度的
cozybreeze 发表于 2004-9-26 11:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
yueguang 发表于 2004-9-26 13:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得如果有 2个3-3连跳的话,其中的一个必定是3TOE-3TOE

另外一个可能是3TOE-3LOOP !!!

最爱关颖珊 发表于 2004-9-26 13:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
我个人觉得关是不可能在GPF中做出triple tirple的,她总共才在GPF中做过一次triple triple,而且还是很久远的96年,她似乎对于GPF一点都不重视,在她心里面,也许GPF和Skate America,Skate Canada也没什么本质区别,看她每次都是心不在焉的样子……我觉得如果她要能在全美锦标赛跳出triple triple就已经挺不容易了,GPF就算了~~~
  至于triple triple的种类……我觉得不太可能是接3loop的连跳,关的跳跃高度太低,要不点冰接的话难度比较大
小公主 发表于 2004-9-26 15:50:00 | 显示全部楼层

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