La Bayadere 舞姬 舞姬是一部我偏爱的舞剧,去年我曾将签名档改为“让我看一场舞姬吧。”。这一年多里我时时渴望能看到这出伟大的悲剧,不仅仅因为剧情里的矛盾冲突和高潮,更因为它里面包含永远也不会被漠视的人性。每每复习Cina大姐和xiaowu大姐的演出评论,想像着一个个鲜活的人物,Nikiya,Solo,Gamzatti.....,我就按捺不住心底的冲动,仿佛那些舞台上的灵魂不断呼唤我前去一探究竟。
舞姬的故事并不复杂,以下是摘录自ABT节目单的概要: Set in Royal India of the past, La Bayadere is a story of eternal love, mystery, fate, vengeance and justice. The ballet relates the drama of a temple dancer(bayadere),Nikiya, who is loved by Solor,a noble warrior. She is also loved by the High Brahmin, but does not love him in return, as she does Solor.
Nikiya has been chosen to be consecrated head bayadere, and during the ceremony, she agrees to meet Solor secretly later that evening. They dance together and swear eternal love over the Sacred Fire, but their tryst is discovered by the jealous High Brahmin, who swears to kill Solor.
In the meantime, the Radjah has decided to reward Solor for his valor with marriage to his daughter, Gamzatti. Gamzatti falls in love with the portrait of Solor that is shown to her, and when they meet, he is overwhelmed by her beauty. Even though he sworn eternal love to Nikiya, he cannot defy the wishes of the Radjah, and therefore agrees to marry Gamzatti. At this moment, the High Brahmin rushes in and inform the Radjah of Nikiya and Solors love for each other in the hopes that the Radjah will do away with Solor. The Radjah decides to killl Nikiya instead.
This conversation is overheaded by Gamzatti, who summons Nikiya to her rooms and presses jewels and gifts upon her in an attempt to bribe her to give up Solor. Nikiya refuese and frantically attempts to kill Gamzatti, but is stopped by a servant. Nikiya flees and Gamzatti swears to destroy her.
A ceremony is held to celebrate the betrothal of Gamzatti and Solor. Nikiya has been asked to dance for them and is given a basket of flowers that she thinks is a gift from Solor, but which is actually from the Radjah and Gamzatti and Solor. A poisonous snake is hidden among the flowers , and as Nikiya dances, she is fatally bitten. The High Brahmin offers her an antidote from the poison, but Nikiya choose to die rather than see Solor wed to Gamzatti.
Once along in his room Solor gives in to his grief to Nikiya’s death and smokes opium to deaden the pain. His hallucinations lead him to the Kingdom of the Shades, where he is haunted by vision of Nikiya and memories of their love.
The vision of Nikiya remains with him as the wedding ceremony begins at the Sacred Temple. As Solor and Gamzatti say their vows and are blessed by the High Brahmin, the vengeance of the God is unleashed, and the temple and all the celebrants are destroyed. Nikiya and Solor, however, can be seen through the ruins, once again united in eternal love.
我是个过于偏激的人,大部分纯粹爱情故事我都没兴趣。我以为两个人的爱情太狭窄,容不下许多的主题。而生活本身是复杂的,人也是复杂的,我更愿意看没有整过形的人生百态。芭蕾舞的主题以爱情为主,譬如吉赛尔、舞姬、罗米欧与朱丽叶,我却能够接受这些似乎与我无关的故事。因为他们的爱情抛开细碎的纠葛,展现人美好高尚的情操,控诉丑陋薄情的劣性,让我反思应该用什么态度对待生活。其实说的主要是爱与恨,忠诚和背叛,信赖和遗弃,只不过推动剧情发展的因素是爱情,并不是将人物从真实的生活中抽离独独放大他们的爱情。 |