6分:(1)Skater uses two foot and one foot linking moves and steps consistently for 75% of the program – minimal use of cross cuts 使用双足或单足的连接技巧及步法完成75%节目部分的衔接,最小程度地使用压步处理衔接 (2)Program consistently includes known unspecified elements and two creative elements all well executed 大量使用已知步法作为连接,有两个独创的衔接,所有衔接完成情况良好 (3)Program includes a unique entry or exit phase on one or two elements along with known variations for 75% of program 一至两个动作的切入及结束非常具有独创性,使用已知的变化步法连接在75%
7分:(1)Skater includes interesting and varied linking steps and moves for most of the program to enhance presentation and add to difficulty of elements completed 多数时间使用吸人注目和变化的衔接步法使表演更加生动,难度也因此增加 (2)Program includes some know and some creative and interesting unspecified elements (eg Russian split jump, spin in reverse direction) – all well executed 使用了已知变化步法及部分独创步法(如俄罗斯分腿跳,反方向旋转等)-- 完成水平高 (3)Program includes interesting, varied, or very short basic entry phases or good exit phases on all of elements 起步和结束动作引人入胜,变化丰富,使用了快速起步的基本步法或完美的结束动作
提到编排分CH,JOUBERT比WEIR又有0.4分的差距,前者是7.15,后者是7.55。如果说是通过音乐讲述一段故事,刻画一个主题,这两方面J和W的编排都做到了。个人认为细微部分的区别应该是:WEIR的编排做到了使选手的表演浑然流畅,well demonstrate the unity of him,从整体的角度塑造了他的完美性、一致性。相比之下,JOUBERT的编排的个别地方稍显堆砌,有小疙瘩的感觉,好像是为了表演而表演,就像他的步法,是特别强调的,那段步法配合下的音乐与动作都非常突出,令人振奋,相比之下,其它细节的力度达不到步法那种高潮,自然就显得平淡,不能浑然一体。