呵呵,我也很忙.作为SANDHU的FANS,我只看了中间一小段朱对于桑的评价,恕我断章取义. I believe that if Sandhu skates a perfect clean program, then he is the next world champion. Why? Because he has very good spins, and the overall quality of his skating is just so high. I think his problem at some of the competitions has been that when the pressure is on, it can become really difficult for him. 小猪说埃曼纽尔的旋转非常棒,恩,我觉得小桑身材太高,柔韧性一般,做出非常棒的旋转似乎有些难,目前的旋转已经不错了,虽然某个姿势有些不恭. 说埃曼纽尔整体的滑行质量很好,恩,这个我非常同意. 最近无聊的时候就看看SANDHU今年全国锦标赛的自由滑,虽然两个四周全部跳空,但节目其他部分滑得还不错,3axel-3toe-2loop,gorgeous 3axel! 还有非常细腻的步法,和朱特意突出的步法编排不同,和音乐的配合很流畅,与节目最后的3loop和联合旋转衔接也很自然. 当然,小桑的软肋也是路人皆知的,一旦压力来了就天晓得他能摔几个,可是只要是比赛哪能没有压力呢,唉,不知道他什么时候还能再比较完整地滑一次...... |