"I am so happy that this evening happened, and I'm sad it's all over. I want to start it over again. I want to thank all of you, because I know I will not be able to skate here if all of you did not come tonight.I'm so happy I was able to show you my skating.But I also want you to know that I skated today not alone. I skated with Sergei. It's why I was so good.I wasn't me." ……
"I didn't have enough words, but I also want to wish to all of you : Try to find find happiness everyday.At least once, smile to each other every day. And say just one extra time that you love the person who lives with you. Just say "I love you." It's so great. Okay? Thanks, everyone. Goodbye."
什么都阻止不了心的飞翔,即使伤痕累累也要展开翅膀!过往岁月的风雨都已平淡!我们看到你的微笑,如沐春风!新的生活需要新的勇气,新的征程需要你更美的笑容!我们永远的Katia and Sergei,我们永远的冰上梦想!