[巅峰对决] 1994年奥运会双人滑比赛

figuresk8er 发表于 2003-3-18 20:41:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

A detailed analysis of "Moonlight Sonata" (as skated at the Lillehammer Olympics 1994). It gives an inside why G&G won that night.

by Tanja Peker

I broke the report on 2 categories: technical merit and presentation. I'll also talk about artistry, but it's a personal thought and has nothing to do with winning an Olympic Gold medal. It's just what I think about the programs. I promise that the report will not be biased towards G&G (I am a G&G fan if you didn't guess yet), so the paragraph about artistry will be at the end, which wasn't the deciding factor of the competition. I just wanted to say a few words about it, that's all.

Anyway, the technical merit includes the difficulty of the elements, the quantity of the elements and how well were those elements executed, or in other words- the quality. Presentation is all about utilisation of the ice surface, edge control, speed, flow, line, how well the elements are put together to make the program look complete and not just running from one move to the other, and most importantly for pairs- unison.

I. Technical Merit

a) Side by side jumps:
M&D had planned sbs 3 toe loops, sbs 2 axels-2 toe loops, 2 flips
B&E had planned sbs 2 axels, sbs 2 loops, sbs 2 flips-2 toe loops
G&G had planned sbs 2 axels, sbs 2 axels-2 flips, sbs axel-loop-half loop-2 salchows
Pairs skaters and judges put the least emphasise on sbs jumps (although nowadays it seems the opposite), but the jumps must be performed in unison, and by this I don't mean just the timing of the jumps but the same technique, which is extremely hard to achieve. Just like you and I walk differently, skaters jump, spin and do plain crossovers differently. You may say, "Pairs skaters are coached by the same coach, they ought to do things the same". But I bet they wish it was that easy. For example, both Tara Lipinski and Nicole Bobeck is/was the pupil of Richard Calaghan, but we both agree that their jumping technique is quite different. For pairs skaters one of the hardest things to do is to execute elements evenly. And that's what G&G did better than anyone else. Not only they executed moves at the same time, they did it with the same technique.

In jumps they had the same take-offs, arm positions, positions in the air, and the same landing positions. They didn't come to a complete stop before jumping. They were close to each other while jumping/rotating/landing, unlike other pairs. They didn't look scared. Most pairs have the look, "I wish I land this jumps" instead of "I wish I land it in unison with my partner". When G&G did their sbs 2 axels, it seemed like they didn't try to match each other, but rather did it like only one of them was on the ice. But the jumps were executed in the complete unison. The quality of their jumping was very high. They landed with great back position, unlike B&E who had bent backs. Artur Dmitriev wraps his free leg higher than Natalia Miskutenok, while Natalia has very tight revolution in the air and lands with her free leg close to the ice (a la Tonia Kwiatkowsky), which cost her in the past to two-foot jumps. And that was exactly what she did. Natalia two-footed a 2 axel in the 2 axel-2 toe loop combination. Although it was a slight two-foot, it counted and what it means is that it's like she never tried it. It means that M&D's long program didn't include Natalia's 2 axel. The long program doesn't have deductions, therefore M&D didn't receive any for this mistake, but the base mark for the performance drops down.

Sergei Grinkov had a slight bobble on the landing of the 2 flip in the 2 axel-2 flip combination, but he didn't put his free leg or his hand down, he didn't stepped out of the jump, so the jump received full credit. It wasn't a failure of the jump, it was a less perfect landing. Therefore it receives the full credit (without extra points if the jump was landed magnificently). Artur Dmitriev also had a little weak landing on a 3 toe loop, bu
唐卡洛 发表于 2003-3-18 20:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
lrf 发表于 2003-3-18 21:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用唐卡洛在2003-3-18 20:55:38的发言:

风铃 发表于 2003-3-19 08:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
alexes 发表于 2003-3-19 08:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得94年时候的G/G的Moonlight Sonata整体感觉确实完美,尤其是Katia的气质的变化,和88年那个天真的小女孩完全不同,有那种成熟女人的味道。我还特别喜欢Katia/Sergei的那段步法,一连串的平转(不知道这个词合适不?)步法,配合天衣无缝。M/D的节目我也特别喜欢,尤其是他们比赛中的那中激情,对裁判和观众来说确实难以取舍,不过就象有人常说的,同样是芭蕾舞演员,有的人还没有跳只是站在那里就赢得了观众的心,我想G/G就是这样的。
煌煌 发表于 2003-4-11 18:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
alexes 发表于 2003-4-11 19:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
98年奥运会双人滑冠军是Kazakova & Dmitriev,他们也是相当出色的双人滑选手,不过奥运会以后他们就退役了。Dmitriev和Natalia Mishkutenok合作,获得92年奥运会冠军和94年奥运会亚军,就是上面说的M/D。94年奥运会后,Mishkutenok去上大学了,Dmitriev就和Kazakova 合作,他们在97年的时候获得世锦赛第3,当时B/S才刚刚合作不久。
 楼主| figuresk8er 发表于 2003-4-11 20:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
Oksana Kazakova&Artur Dmitriev还获得过1996年欧洲锦标赛冠军.
1998年奥运会以后, 他们turn pro, 在美国演出. 去年还参加了COI.
Oksana刚开始和Artur合作时, 非常紧张, 不知道别人会怎样看她, 她不知道自己是不是一个好的搭档. 因为Artur是奥运会的金牌和银牌得主, 而在他们合作以前没人听说过她. 她和
Natalia Mishkutenok有一点很像, 柔韧性都非常好, 所以以前M/D做的许多动作他们依然能做. 最经典的一个动作是以前被誉为"the Natalia Spin", 我形容不太好, 但相信大家都能知道是什么旋转.
IMO, 他们98年的自由滑并不是很好, 非常front-end loaded, 就是高难动作都在前面做完, 我印象中他们最后一分钟什么高难动作都没做(指抛跳, SBS jumps等). 相比之下, B/S的节目Dark Eyes要更好一些, 可惜他们最最后的拖举失误了.

Kazakova&Dmitriev在99年2000年期间还练过throw quad toe, 是最先练习quad throws的选手之一. 在2000 World Pro他们差一点就成功了. Oksana落冰时双足落冰.
karen7432 发表于 2003-4-18 20:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
很想问大家谁有92——02冬奥会和世锦赛的花样滑冰影象资料?我很想购买收藏!请大家帮忙!请来信[email protected]谢了!
dada0020 发表于 2003-4-20 21:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用karen7432在2003-4-18 20:56:55的发言:
很想问大家谁有92——02冬奥会和世锦赛的花样滑冰影象资料?我很想购买收藏!请大家帮忙!请来信[email protected]谢了!

danniel 发表于 2003-5-11 21:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
alexes 发表于 2003-5-11 22:49:00 | 显示全部楼层


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-11 22:52:41编辑过]

Yvonne 发表于 2003-5-18 15:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
wolfwitz 发表于 2003-5-18 20:06:00 | 显示全部楼层

[此贴子已经被风铃于2003-5-23 9:15:15编辑过]

orange 发表于 2003-5-18 20:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
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