I want to make a special note for everyone who has decided to take it upon themselves to be original and write Johnny Weir a hate mail. I've heard "pussy," "disgrace," "narcissistic," "faggot," "princess," "mentally unstable," embarrassment," "queeny," "I hope we're not related," "out of control," "retarded," "stupid," "queer," "ugly," and many many other lovely things, so try to be more original at least. Oh and F*** You too!
我想告诉那些自以为自己是某些事情的"首创者"和那些发给Johnny Weir憎恨邮件的人们几句话:因为我听到了"丢脸","女人的","自恋的","同性恋","情绪不稳定","尴尬","我希望我们之间没任何关系","失控的","拖沓的","愚蠢的","古怪的","丑陋的"等等"可爱的"字眼,所以你们得学着更加"原创",我也f****** 你们!